THE WAR FOR THE FATE OF THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS STARTS HERE! Lord Premier Thaaros sends a surprising foe to retrieve the Dark Star Ring from John Stewart, which leads to a desperate plan to expose the United Planets as a force of evil. Allies and enemies will join this special issue to launch the Green Lanterns in a direction that will change the DC cosmos forever!
The entire gang is back together, and it looks like the main book is going to continue to be excellent as Johnson returns to it to tell John Stewart backups going forward. Read Full Review
Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1is a solid lead in to the next chapter of the Green Lantern saga and All In era. Those who have been following Philip Kennedy Johnson and Jeremy Adams' recent work on the characters should have little problem catching up, but the issue may not be a new reader friendly introduction, but wouldn't require too much catching up to be up to speed. Read Full Review
Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1 is rewarding. The United Planets storyline has been progressing for a long time, and this issue directly addresses and dismantles the lengthy saga. The Green Lanterns shine together, feeling big and expansive. Read Full Review
This All-In special served as a strong primer on what's played out with the Lantern Corps members as the next level in this arc plays out. Read Full Review
The final attempt to handle the United Planets starts the GL Corps off in the All In movement. Kennedy-Johnson and Adams balance out the bright spots and desperate hope for a thrilling start. Larroca and Guerrero take readers on a wild ride as the reloaded army marches forward. This chapter sets the stage for a huge conflict brewing behind the emerald light. Read Full Review
At long last, all of our favorite Green Lanterns are together again on the page. The operative word in the title is special; at a whopping 48 pages, this book is chock-full of cameos, team-ups, and long-awaited payoffs. Read Full Review
There are a lot of good payoffs that move the franchise to its next phase and the DC All In direction. Read Full Review
The problems facing John Stewart and the GLC unite to bring about a huge challenge for the heroes. Will they have enough Light to stop Evil's Might? Prepare for the problems with the United Planets to finally get their moment as the Lanterns prepare the pieces for war against the Universe. If you go in with a better background on both series, this Special might seem tighter and hype you up; otherwise, you could be a little lost. Read Full Review
Green Lantern: Civil Corps Special #1 is an odd, double-sized issue that integrates the main plot point from the main Green Lantern ongoing and the recently canceled War Journal series to clear the board of dangling plot threads and reset the status quo. The art is fine, and Green Lantern fans will have plenty of stories to chew on that aren't interrupted by Absolute Power or any other external events. That said, this issue relies heavily on War Journal, which may leave some readers confused and feeling left behind.6.5/10 Read Full Review
This ties in both series nicely. If you did not read the John Stewart War Journal, go read it now, its great! Also adds a lot of back story. Adams does a great job trying everything together.
This was an epic opener to the next act of GL. There is so much to like in this issue. Although it is a bit chaotic, it feels like all the plots are moving forward, the action is great, and there is just so much to enjoy. Adams and Phillips do a good job trying together loose ends to make this make sense.
I look forward to the next arc!
Very cinematic kickoff to a thrilling new chapter of an epic storyline! The best this franchise has been in over a decade!
As a catch up issue it kind of had its problems and at times some of the dialogue was a bit over written but all in I would say I mostly enjoyed it. The plus points were the wonderful art and colours that really did move the story along nicely........JM
I haven't been reading GL books in quite a while so I was a bit lost but it really says something about good writing when even new readers can enjoy something with this much backstory involved. Fun and action packed ring slinging is what this book is all about and that last page was epic! The cover is cool but misleading, purposefully so I guess. Fun issue.
A mess and a miss, since Adams's style and Johnson's don't mesh even a little. Never mind that it's silly to assume everyone read the John Stewart series.