The brutal, Eisner-nominated series continues as time is running out for Christopher Chance to find his murderer. His investigation into the Justice League International takes a violent turn when Rocket Red comes knocking, looking for his friend Guy Gardner!
Despite the pitch-black noir tone of the book, this does in many ways feel true to the odd family vibe of the JLI, and it's part of why this is going to go down as another classic in King's library. Read Full Review
Smallwood delivers some beautiful art on every page. The unique style of the art brilliantly emphasizes the characters while also giving the reader a great sense of the world of the story and the emotions of the characters within it. Read Full Review
Christopher Chance versus Rocket Red, what a fight! You will see what the Russian will do to someone who hurts his friend via Tom King and Greg Smallwood's imaginations, and trust me it'll hurt! It all leads to the big question: what does time mean when it is running out? Read Full Review
More brutal than the previous issues, The Human Target #8 is a little hard to read as it's mostly Chance being tortured, losing conciousness, waking up later and having events repeat. Read Full Review
The Human Target #8 tells an exciting story about a visit from another JLI member, but the series appears to be going nowhere. Come for Smallwood's stellar art, but the story, much like Christopher Chance, is simply waiting for the end. Read Full Review
Human Target hasnt improved since its return and remains as frustrating and flawed a series as it was before its hiatus. Read Full Review
Ultimately, this issue felt like wasted time... which may have been the point. Falling back into old habits sucked all the energy out of this comic. Read Full Review
I'm struggling to understand the lower rating here. I thought this was brilliant. Filler, perhaps. But brilliant filler. The best kind of filler. Greg Smallwood's art just keeps getting better and better.
The worst issue so far, and its still fantastic in every way, Christopher loses a day of his life, nothing happens, for a normal person, what is an unproductive day? For a man with only 12 days to live its worth everything... Tom King and Greg Smallwood are creating the best miniseries on the shelves right now
It can feel like filler. Like this issue was wasted on this part, as nothing moves forward.
And King wanted it to feel like that. It makes this feel more believable, as not every day something special happens.
Grodd I love this series.
While it felt like a departure from the main story now that the mystery is over, it still was enjoyable in showcasing the helplessness of Christopher Chance. King is going through the JLI members and had to add his military college Bonaparte/Russian war philosophy of how much acceptable loss are you willing to take in order to win in the end especially when you only have a couple of days left to live. Underestimate a Russian at your own peril. Smallwood action scenes were fantastic and his coloring of impacts reflects the anger from both sides.
A bit meandering compared to the rest of the series so far.
It's got the charm and fantastic artwork expected and King gets to mess about with another JLI character, crazy.
It had no plot development, but I highly enjoyed the issue for what it was.
King's formalism worked against him a little bit here, as it felt a bit like checking a box to make sure we got our Rocket Red focused issue. The idea behind it, that a man who has little time remaining is loathe to waste it, felt a bit like filler in the end. Gorgeously drawn filler, but filler none the less.