Suicide Squad #50

Writer: Rob Williams Artist: German Peralta, Brent Schoonover, Will Conrad Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 16, 2019 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 7
6.7Critic Rating
5.3User Rating

The infection in Temho Me4ta prison spreads, and cannot be allowed to reach the surface. The Suicide Squad is all that stands in the way of a global pandemic. It's line-in-the-sand time: Will the Squad be forced to live up to its name? Don't miss this extra-sized anniversary issue!

  • 10
    AIPT - Chris Showalter Jan 16, 2019

    Suicide Squad #50 is not only an excellent conclusion to the "Rocket to Russia" story-line but also a perfect bookend to the current volume of the series. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Philip Clark Jan 20, 2019

    The run as a whole has been genuinely brilliant. Irregardless of what I've said about the inconsistent artwork, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this comic. Now that it's come to end, I hope it's not for long and someone else jumps on board. If DC are looking for writers, I know a few that would be excellent choices within the ranks of our humble website! Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Christian Ruiz Jan 20, 2019

    An incredible run for an incredible comic. While it's had its ups and downs, it's been an honor to review the final issues of the series, and while I didn't have many to review, I was pleased with those i did and enjoyed them. As Waller said, once in the Squad, no one leaves. I hope to see this series pop up again, and when it does it will have a great base to kick off from. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jan 16, 2019

    With this week's fiftieth issue of Suicide Squad, once again we reach the end of this book. At this point I'm almost convinced that there must always be a Suicide Squad for DC. So while this is the finale, you do have it in the back of your head that there is always a chance for more. Just with a different creative team. With that said, Suicide Squad #50 was an exciting end to this last mission. There was action, there was heart, and there was all the madness that these pages could contain for a day in the life of Task Force X. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Watch - Nicholas Osborn Jan 25, 2019

    Suicide Squad #50 revels in the chaotic nature of the team, putting together action and humor in a way only this group can. The final issue in the series proves to be one of the most entertaining yet with beautiful visuals and an ending that will leave fans wondering what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Feb 13, 2019

    Where will the team go from here? I admit, I am worried. This book seems to be a difficult one to write. Williams has set the bar pretty high. It wouldnt surprise me a bit if, a year down the road, I am looking back to these issues as the good old days. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jan 16, 2019

    I wasnt sure about Williams take on Suicide Squad when he started, but he took this misfit crew and established one of the more entertaining team books of the Rebirth era. Hopefully whoever picks up the book next will be able to match this level of quality. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Jan 21, 2019

    So that is it for this title! It was a crazy, bizarre run that was fun for the most part, but never reached the heights of previous Suicide Squad series. Maybe the next iteration will be better. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Jan 18, 2019

    I don't recommend this issue. I want to be able to recommend it because I like these characters, but they are being handled rather poorly here. There is no strong character development, and even the final victory doesn't really feel like a victory because the book just ends abruptly. Character motivations are also rather obvious and only serve to highlight how these characters have not learned any new lessons. And with a number of three artists working on the same book, the aesthetic is also not very consistent, which is highly distracting. All in all, this book doesn't manage to live up to its full potential and it's just a reminder that its glory days are in the past. It's a shame. These characters and this series deserves better, but it just kind of peters out. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Nicole Drum Jan 16, 2019

    Suicide Squad #50 is a pretty entertaining issue. There's a lot of action, a lot of emotional moments for various characters -- especially Flagg. There's even some great team work between all of the Squad members that is truly a delight to see. Unfortunately, as is a common theme with Suicide Squad titles, everything feels superficial. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jan 16, 2019

    Now, for this final issue, Suicide Squad #50, the Squad is up against a threat dating back to the early issues of the series " The Tuskanga virus, a sentient alien intelligence that possesses humans and turns them into giant lava monsters. And it's gotten ahold of Amanda Waller and turned her into a hulking monster with a fang-filled mouth on her stomach. It makes about as much sense in context as you'd expect, and the team seems to be having fun making jokes at their former handler's expense. But that's really the only amusing thing here. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Jan 16, 2019

    The ending brings us back to events from the beginning, reinforcing just how disappointing were those initial story arcs in the series. A tale devoid of stakes or likable characters with whom we can connect. I can't see getting this comic unless you're a completionist. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    The Batman Universe - Paul Shanly Jan 18, 2019

    Its inevitable that the Suicide Squad will be back. What I would like to see is a writer take the reins that isnt afraid to take some risks with this title. Take the team out of the prison. Put the team on the run from Waller. Tell smaller and more personal stories of a group of broken people bonded by the suicide missions they are forced on. Id happily read any of these books. Just not this one. Read Full Review

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