"PAYBACK TIME" part three! Silencer throws down with Talia al Ghul in a diner, and they'll use everything - including the kitchen sink - to kill each other! So sit back and order one murder with a side of bullets - and don't forget the disco fries.
I love this issue and this character because the dilemmas feel earned and interesting. The Silencer's inner monologue describes her biggest fear, that her son is safe. This drives her actions, and, it makes sense for parents. The art is beautiful: it captures the characters' facial expressions and true emotions. The action is intentional and there are no wasted steps in this dramatic issue. I highly recommend that fans of DC pick up this book. Read Full Review
SILENCER #6 is an awesome comic. The story is jammed pack with action, suspense, and bloody violence. The artwork adds a layer of gore to the violence featured in this issue. Every panel looks like it was ripped straight from an action movie. Definitely a must read! Read Full Review
The Silencer continues to be a great book filled with great action and storytelling that adds layers to a new character that makes her fresh and interesting. Read Full Review
If you have been following the story from the beginning, this is another strong chapter. And a great place to climb aboard the wild ride. Read Full Review
The Silencer is action-packed and character-focused, two great traits for a comic book. Read Full Review
This series has really cemented its place as the best New Age title for me. I'm invested in the characters and the simple premise goes a long way to keep me invested. The art is simply sublime and save for a few missteps, is thoroughly entertaining. Read Full Review
I love how the series brings the most dangerous assassin woman ever known and make her into a typical mother living in the suburbs. Read Full Review
Easily the most enjoyable of Dan Abnett's three ongoing series for DC at the moment, Silencer continues to try to balance a mix of high-octane spy action with a grounded, human story of a mother trying to protect her family. Read Full Review
The Silencer #6 is easily the weakest installment of the series because this issue is nothing more than an action romp. That's not to say that the series is in a downward spiral, or that the issue itself is bad, there's just nothing to sink your teeth into. Where plot and characterization are lacking here though, there is enough set-up towards the end of the issue to maintain your interest. Read Full Review
A change in artist leads to a different feel, but it's still hard to figure out who our hero truly is. Read Full Review
If you want to watch a "retired" assassin murder dozens of people in front of their kid, The Silencer is the comic for you. Read Full Review
That's probably the most action oriented issue of Silencer so far. It's brutal, to say at least, because I doubt there's many words that could summarize Talia stabbing someone's throat with a spoon. A spoon.
It's an overall very strong issue - if you were following Silencer up to this point, you're going to love it. If not, it's time to give her a chance.
I’m enjoying this new series. The artwork was excellent for this mainly action sequence. Sometimes I like just a good action comic. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Talia get get stabbed in the heart. I know she’s not really dead or won’t be for long, but she’s not a favorite character of mine. All in all, I like this new series. I hope it sticks around.
Go away please.