Lona Steelrose is brought to another dimension and given an opportunity that could change everything. Will she join the DEATHLYFE tournament?!
It can be quite challenging to follow up a superb first issue, and yet Do A Powerbomb #2 does just that, simply shrugging off pressure of any sort. Read Full Review
While not quite as explosive as the debut, Do A Powerbomb #2 is still a fantastic comic with great wrestling action, heavy emotional weight, and an insane twist that will leave readers begging for explanation in chapters to come. Read Full Review
Do a Powerbomb #2 is an amazing second issue. I said "holy shit out loud when I got to the ending and immediately wanted to read more. If your a fan of wrestling, action, or good drama, this is a must. One of the best second issues of the year. Read Full Review
The overall arc is on the table, and Johnson is still gearing up for more. Read Full Review
Do a Powerbomb #2 keeps the momentum and excitement that made issue #1 great. The stakes are raised, and it has an ending that you have to see to believe. Read Full Review
The issue whips along at a brisk pace, with Lona trying to seek out a tag partner for herself ahead of the tournament, and ends with a jaw-dropper of a final page that I don't think anyone will have seen coming. Another gripping issue then, and with the stage well and truly set for the series to come, I can't wait to see what sort of teeth-clenching insanity awaits once the Tag Tournament itself begins. Pure unadulterated enthusiasm and creativity crammed into lycra and unleashed onto the printed page for your viewing pleasure. Read Full Review
Go stand in line at Ticketmaster RIGHT NOW!! You don't want to miss Daniel Warren Johnson's sophomore issue of this stellar series!!! Read Full Review
If Daniel Warren Johnson uses necromancy as flavor and keeps the focus on Lona, her family, and the in-ring action, Do A Powerbomb! could be something special. Read Full Review
Good LORD what a final page. Johnson's art continues to shine here, and it isn't even just the fantastic wrestling scenes. Not even fives pages into the book, and he draws an incredibly detailed face-shot of Willard. Talking more about the story itself, the emotional stakes are kicked up a bunch by what is a fantastic reveal on the final page, in which we learn that Lona's dad is Cobrasun. I wasn't sure if Johnson would be making wrestling pre-determined or fully-real in this book, which is why I wasn't sure how to feel about Cobrasun feeling guilt over Yua's death. This issue makes it all the more heartbreaking, and I'm already loving this miniseries.
Yeah this was it. I liked the action a lot better here. There was even more emotion than last issue. I had a feeling that the reveal here would be what it was when I read issue one and even with that, it still breaks your heart and hits you like a truck. It's a whacky story but it's already loaded with heart.
It hit every goddamn time
That last page reveal was nothing short of amazing. DWJ can tug at the heart strings like no other.
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