On his quest to find a cure to his radioactive existence, Geiger, Barney, and Nate the Nuclear Knight come across a hidden community in the wastelands-one that offers an echo of what once was suburban America... and a hope for what it could be again. But the dark forces in pursuit of The Glowing Man threaten to destroy it all, and only the unleashed rage of Geiger can stop them. But will Tariq go too far? The answer: yes.
Geoff Johns continues this post-apocalyptic tale and once again weaves in the unexpected. What makes Gieger work is the amount of side missions that the group goes on. These side missions arent just filler, we learn more about Geiger and the entire team through them. The main story and mission are always front and center, but its these fun side events that sell the book for me. Read Full Review
Geiger #7 is a solid jumping on point for new readers eager to learn what the fuss is all about for one of the Ghost Machine pillars. Read Full Review
GEIGER #7 is a perfectly fine albeit sedate issue. Geoff Johns delivers a solid mix of action and art, but the plot pacing leaves much to be desired. Plus, the art team presents excellent art, but it's a noticeable step down from series regular Gary Frank's style. Read Full Review
This series has been kind of hit or miss overtime. Some of the issues look really, really good. Johns work on the issue of the current series doesn't quite live up to the best in the serial flower. However, there are more than a few beautifully haunting moments that occasionally strike pose on the page. And things continue to look pretty good in various places from various angles. Given a long enough timeline, the series could really turn it into something remarkable. And certainly it seems popular enough that I could manage just that. Read Full Review
Geiger and Nate confront a group of Knights that Nate belonged to in Vegas, Barney also helps out, while Nate's new pet Zig Zag hides.
Goldfield, one of the Knights and Nate's former partner, mortally wounds Nate and Geiger intervenes violently, this explosion of anger makes Nate doubt if Geiger really helps the helpless or wants revenge on the world in any way.
Goldfield was the son of the Queen, a lieutenant of Las Vegas, who now sends her New King to find Geiger, the Queen answers to the mysterious President Griffin.
On the way to Ash Arden, where the cure for Geiger's condition is supposedly, Geiger, Nate, Barney and Zig Zag meet three children named Beverly, Carol and Ronald, who are attacked more
Great action and violence with some heart mixed in. Always well written and well illustrated.
Paul Pelletier is a good artist, but he has the hard job of filling in for the excellent Gary Frank, which unfortunately makes the difference between a good and a great comic.
Good set up issue. Looking forward to this arc.
Bit of a drop of yet again on the writing front that I blame on the worst support character in Nate. Sorry if I harp on but this character just grates on me and stops the flow of a great story. Oh but the art and colours are a thing of beauty. Every panel is story and God do the colours pop. So story is a 6 and art is a 10.......JM
It's pretty basic. It is entertaining. It does have some cool action moments, but not much happens except a little tease of discension between Nate and Geiger.