A shocking epilogue! In the wake of their devastating encounter with the Electrician, Tariq Geiger must come to grips with the lethal consequences-especially with what happened with his two-headed wolf, Barney. You won't want to miss this extraordinary spotlight on Geiger's best friend.
Geiger is a fantastic read and is firmly in the mix with the three Energon Universe titles, the other two Ghost Machine books and the Millarworld titles as the best comics has to offer. Read Full Review
The biggest success here is probably Barney himself. The two-headed dog has always been one of the more charming aspects of Geiger. Hes a really expressive mascot who never comes across as being all that anthropomorphized...but still manages to be the emotional center of the series. The identical twin heads amplify the emotionality of the comic book the an intense degree. Its really, really cool to see him more in the center of the panel...even if its only for a single issue before Zdarsky and company get back to more of the same next month. Read Full Review
Geiger #6 is a unique story. Geoff Johns takes us on a side mission with Barney and it pays off. The fact that most of this story is without dialogue, and still draws you in, shows how good of a tale it is. Read Full Review
It's a quiet, but emotional read. Read Full Review
Geiger #6 is a beautifully rendered and surprisingly thought character piece about Geiger's dog. The tale of inspiration will make you feel warm and fuzzy, but the inspiration comes at the expense of a plot that has moved in ages. This series is treading water, but you feel good doing it. Read Full Review
This comic is so well written and drawn, I even care about the dog.
Excellent side quest for Barney. I love how they're giving Barney some real characterization moments. He's not just a dog or a pet, he's a full member of the group and here he got an opportunity to have an adventure of his own. The four armed gorilla was really cool too, and I like how they finished the book with the zoo becoming mythologized with the gorilla as the protector. Great story all around.
Wonderful story about Barney that hit all the highs and the art was an absolute joy. Near perfect.
Geiger tries to cheer Barney up by making him a feast of food, but his faithful pet has no appetite, Nate is worried.
At night when everyone is asleep Barney goes for a walk and arrives at the High Plains Zoo, where a group of hunters eliminate all the animals that have mutated and only take the normal specimens alive to Las Vegas, to a wedding.
Barney meets the gorilla Manco, who has four arms, they communicate between them, Manco explains the situation..
Barney witnesses how these hunters killed a three-eyed mother zebra and planned to do the same to her son, at that moment Barney kills one of the hunters. The other hunter electrocutes Barney as Electrician did and he remembers that pain, but Man more
I love when hunters become the hunted.
Not much Geiger, but a beautifully drawn story about Barney.