The fallout from the shocking conclusion of DAREDEVIL #600 continues as Matt Murdock and Daredevil both rally allies in the face of an overwhelming enemy. And how exactly does Wilson Fisk fit into things? Not the way you expect...
Rated T+
There is some great story in this issue both from the interactions between Matt and Foggy and the increasing tension of the action outside. The final page does a great job of making me interested in what comes next. Read Full Review
This book continues to kick a blinding amount of ass, and I recommend it to any and all Daredevil fans. Read Full Review
Daredevil #702 doesnt go much farther in this Hand story, but the issue is a lot of fun regardless. Matt gets to be a cocky mayor, Foggy gets to be beleaguered, and Hand ninjas get punched. This book earns a recommendation. Check it out. Read Full Review
The plot thickens as the Mayor firms his hold on the city and begins to surround himself with those he trusts. The plots begin to intersect and even playback to Daredevil 597. A good story will do this and draw you into the character's and plot development so it all feels like one cohesive tale. Charles Soule has done a beautiful job of the balancing act that is a Daredevil comic. From Courtroom to Comic Book he has the heart of the Man without Fear! Read Full Review
Charles Soule finds a way to balance city politics with superheroics as Murdock struggles with finding the best course of action to protect his city. Read Full Review
Could you skip this issue and still be right in the thick of the overall story? In my opinion, yes. And that's the only reason why my score is a bit lower than normal. But that said, it's still in my pull. No doubt! But, it has slid down my stack a bit. I'd say right above half way. Read Full Review