Following a painful self-inflicted disaster on the Moon, Doctor Doom suddenly finds himself back on Earth...but an Earth he recognizes only from dreams and visions, where a very different Victor Von Doom is the benevolent savior and leader of humanity. As our embittered and embattled Doom finally comes face to face with his peaceful alter ego, he'll be forced to decide: Should he take the lessons of this better world in order to save his own?
Rated T+
Doctor Doom's tenth issue manages to be both unpredictable and inevitable at the same time. Read Full Review
Doctor Doom comes to a close with another perfect encapsulation of Doom as a character and Doctor Doom as a mini-series. Read Full Review
Doctor Doom #10, for me, was a delightful end to this series. Christopher Cantwell catches the “voice” of Doctor Doom perfectly; I am not sure if anybody else does it as well as him. While the art isn't quite what I like or want, it is not terrible and does visually bring the story to life. But it does not really stand out, either. If you have been following along with this series then I think you will be pleasantly surprised and happy with this ending. If not, you could probably still read this as a pretty solid “one-shot” type story that is easily enjoyable as well. Read Full Review
Awe yeah, the Doom we all know and fear is back and more monstrous than ever! BOW BEFORE DOOM!
What a great book, did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did.
I really liked this issue a lot. Really brought Doom back to being a Villain and was really cool seeing him interact with his other self.
Basically this whole series, specifically this issue, served to undo Infamous Iron Man. There were some insanely cool and insane moments this issue but ultimately Cantwell just doesn’t get Doom. Rarely is there a writer that understands Doom. Lee, Byrne, Waid, McDuffie, Hickman. Just off the top of my head.
Dr. Doom
Issue: 10
“Bedford Falls”
Publisher: @marvel
Writer: @ifyoucantwell
Artist: @salvadorlarroca
Colorist: GURU-eFX
Cover: Salvador Larroca & GURU-eFX
Letterer: Cory Petit
Latverian missiles struck the Antilon facility resulting in the death of thousands as well as creating an expanding black hole. Doom was the prime suspect. However, the nation of Symkaria in fact framed him in an attempt to assume leadership of Latveria. After acquiring the Ultimate Nullifier, Doom reclaimed leadership and now sets out seal the black hole. In an attempt to seal the black hole, he learns that it is not a black hole, but a worm hole to an alternate reality where he confronts his peaceful more
Alright, Doom destroying a universe for the sake of his own pride is the ultimate Doom move, don't even try arguing with me about it.
His entire mode of being IS ludicrous and tbh I love that for him.
Doom gets to vacation in his "shiny happy Doom" AU. His doppelganger makes the full pitch for peace, love and understanding. And once the pitch is made, Doom burns it all down, the whole shiny happy universe. A pretty definitive ending. The language had to get awfully exposition-y to cram in all the points the author wanted to make. There's a last burst of artistic excellence, spent well in illustrating the splendor of the AU.
Flirting with redemption is the eternal theme of Doom-centric stories, and the great thing is, different authors can take him to opposite ends of the moral spectrum. Doom is flexible in his inflexibility; this is certainly not the last time he'll be tempted by the light.
I doubt this particular more
Cantwell just doesn't get Doom, he never did, and Larroca can only do so much to save him.
Meh. I liked "shades of gray" Doom we saw in Infamous Iron Man and at some points in this series, and I find the "saturday morning cartoon villain" Doom we see in most Fantastic Four comics boring (admittedly with plenty of entertaining grandiosity). This ending just cemented him as the later. A shame.