Something undercutting this whole mini is the fact that in ASM, Mary Jane is aware they are dating, and is seemingly fine with it.
Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy are trapped in Limbo by BELASCO - and if they wanna escape, they'll have to heist their way out! A shaky alliance with an unexpected ally may be their only hope to survive the SCREAMING TOWER. But MJ's holding back?What is the true price of her new supe-powers? And why can't Black Cat come clean about the new (old) man in her life? These truths may damn their friendship-and their souls-to Limbo forever!
Rated T
MacKay and company continue to deliver a fun adventure with a couple of characters who continue to make quite an impression outside the margins of the Spider-Man titles that they debuted in so many decades ago. MacKays treatment of Black Cat continues to make her adventures significantly more intriguing than much of what Spider-Man has been doing of late. Read Full Review
Things start to get a bit more explosive as the title characters of ‘Mary Jane And Black Cat' #3 continue their Limbo heist journey, finding that the true enemy might not be the demons but the secrets they carry. A rapid-fire character-rich gorgeous adventure that really is a delight to read from cover to cover. Read Full Review
This latest chapter in the Dark Web series is a real winner. Characters learn about themselves and each other as they navigate labyrinths and brave nightmarish monsters. If youre not smiling as you read every page of Mary Jane & Black Cat #3, call 9-1-1 immediately. There's something wrong with you! Read Full Review
A little underwhelming. But a decent low-key story with an exciting dynamic rarely explored. Read Full Review
Mary Jane & Black Cat #3 continues to strike notes that made the miniseries' first two issues so charming, but it adds few new ingredients in a continuation that ultimately asks, "Why wasn't this a 4-issue miniseries?" Read Full Review
The art is solid, though it doesn't evoke the full potential of fighting Limbo-demons. The plot grows thin and strained.
And these things are okay, because the *real* point is showcasing the most ridiculously great character interactions imaginable. Felicia, MJ, and S'ym are pure vaudeville in the best possible way.
Still, at this point I'll admit there's not much here outside the comedic triple act, and that's not everyone's cup of tea. So I'm pulling my rating down from "great"--but only down to "almost great". It's still a damn good comic however you slice it.
This is great, but there is room to criticize how the focus is the men in their lives instead of themselves
It's still enjoyable, but this "drama" is what keeps it from being great.
McKay writing MJ & Felicia is always charming enough to be worth the price of admission, but underneath it all is the nagging suspicion that "Felicia is scared to tell MJ she's dating her ex" is just not a full miniseries's worth of drama. I'm glad to have this, but I wish there was a little more meat on these bones
Something undercutting this whole mini is the fact that in ASM, Mary Jane is aware they are dating, and is seemingly fine with it.
Yeah, them working it out is inevitable so the asynchronous chronology isn't really much of a spoiler, but it definitely blunts the impact to go so far in treating it as inevitable when that plot thread is meant to be the main source of drama here
This shouldn't be a 5 issue mini series. It needs more. MacKay has done it before and can do it again. Carratu's art is still raw but good.
This felt more like a filler issue, which is weird considering it's a mini-series. The interaction between the characters is good, but the whole basis for this issue is the secret of Peter's and Felicia's relationship getting out. This seems very superfluous since they are literally in Hell with no way out. I do like the open talk of betrayal throughout, but it doesn't seem like anything happens. We're just waiting for something to happen. Again, I don't like Mary Jane's random power. I think they could have done something a bit more grounded for her. The next one should be better.
I don't know if it's the time away from the series or what but I'm really not invested in the story being told here. I don't blame MacKay. MJ and Felicia are written well and their characters feel uniquely them but the overarching story of getting out of Limbo and the awkward drama of their relationship to Peter is just a little grating. It might just be the Limbo aspect and the fact that it's tied to Dark Web that leaves a sour impression. The art also slips here and there but I don't hate any of it.