The Midnight Mission is open to all travelers by night who need aid...even if they're host to the super-symbiote VENOM! When Dylan Brock asks Moon Knight for help, the two must stalk the nighttime streets together in search of justice!
Rated T+
Moon Knight #23 is an example of the perfect crossover story, delivering an organic reason for the guest character to appear, and using it to progress the story while delivering a new spectacle. MacKays voice for this version of Venom feels in line with the character and tone of Moon Knight, and his narrative direction ensures the issue feels like a natural progression of the series. Not only does Venoms appearance progress the larger story, but it also allows Cappuccio to illustrate a strong, extended fight sequence and create a contrasting figure to Moon Knight. These depictions are bolstered thanks to Rosenbergs colors, which mold and adapt to the new addition and make it feel like a fun experiment. Fans of Venom will want to check out this issue, the story serving as a good gateway into the run as it heads to its landmark issue and upcoming spinoff series. Read Full Review
I didn't have a Moon Knight and Venom team-up on my bingo card this year, but after what writer Jed MacKay, artist Alessandro Cappuccio, colorist Rachelle Rosenberg, and letterer Cory Petit accomplished here, I'd sign up for more in a heartbeat. Read Full Review
Cappuccio delivers stunning imagery throughout the issue. The visual style is perfect for these characters and both the action and character moments are visually striking and engaging. Read Full Review
I wouldn't mind seeing Venom stick around for a little while longer, but a strong single-issue story is something I'll always be happy to receive. Read Full Review
Moon Knight and Venom take down a group of thugs connected to the villain Sarnak in this fun one-night-only team-up. Read Full Review
Moon Knight #2 teams up the titular hero with Venom to stop a gang of mercenaries and to hunt down the audio-hypnotist causing havoc. The pacing and action are fun, and the art is stellar, but the story's lack of urgency and motivation makes this issue forgettable. Read Full Review
It's literally crazy how amazing this series is.
Loved the way MacKay tied this to the ongoing main plot.
Jed Mackay is straight up killing this run. Not a fan of Modern Marvel, but Moon Knight is one of the few diamonds in the rough
Dylan Brock puts in an enjoyable and productive turn as Moon Knight's guest star. What a pity that his own piece of his own title is kinda stalled out!
This issue features evenly-balanced servings of smart ideas, cool insights, exciting action, dynamic visuals, and an ample amount of plot development. While I'm rating it just shy of greatness, it's a testament to the volume's high standards that this extremely good issue is par for the course.
I wasn't sure what to think when I saw that Venom would be in an issue of Moon Knight, considering I've never been the biggest fan of the character (not to say I dislike Venom, he's just never been my favorite), but this was a fun time. MacKay writes a fun adventure for the two and is able to give both Marc and Dylan time to shine here. Plus, Cappuccio delivers fantastic art once again here. It's so good that his art alone might be enough to get me to jump on a current Venom series. However, that could probably be said for over half of the Marvel books I don't currently read. I also enjoyed the ending of this book, as Dylan's ominous words on this issue's final page set up a lot of intrigue going forward, depending on whether or not they'll have a lasting influence on Marc. more
It's great how even the less story heavy issues are such a fun time to read.
It's decent. It's pretty straight forward. Nothing really stuck out for me. It's a pretty basic little team up.
The first issue of this series that didn't dazzle me. There are moments of spark and charm, but this felt a little slight by comparison to what MacKay & Cappuccio usually deliver