Siege #2

Event\Storyline: Siege Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Olivier Coipel Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 3, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 8
6.6Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

Lines have been drawn, and an unlikely hero will save one Avenger, but they can’t save them all. Siege has begun and it claims its first victim as an Avenger will die!!

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chris Smits Feb 4, 2010

    With that complaint out of the way, it needs to be said that Siege #2 delivers on the promise that was had from reading Siege #1, and Siege #3 is just begging to be read at this point and can't get on the shelves soon enough. I'm giving this an A grade and can't recommend it enough for fans of the Marvel books and fans of superhero action in general. Siege is still picking up steam and should really explode after the events of this issue. Makes a reader wish that more "Events" in comic books could be handled this quickly and with all of the add-ons out of the way. It's working perfectly in this case and it's a nice change of pace from year long arcs. I hope there's more like this in our near future! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Feb 4, 2010

    This issue is so ridiculously close to being a Must Read that it really comes down to problematic details that keep it from making the jump. The biggest problems are those few fundamental issues with Coipel's art, though the reliance on a few clichs here and there from Bendis doesn't do the issue any favors either. However, as a whole, this is still an awesome comic and a HUGE improvement over last issue. I lost all interest in Siege after that issue, but I'm sucked in now in a big, big way. If the same strides can be made in the next issue, this one is going to be epic. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comix 411 - David Torres Feb 4, 2010

    Olivier Coipel's artwork in this issue is outstanding. That's what really helps this series so far because in my opinion, the story is good, but it's nothing we haven't seen before. Maybe I'm short changing writer Brian Michael Bendis on this one, because most of his work is top notch and I may be taking his work for granted. I don't think there will be any ground breaking, shattering events that will have an effect on the Marvel Universe for years to come. I think we'll have a big battle and Norman Osborn will be defeated. I don't foresee anything more than just that happening. Still, I'm enjoying this series and do yourself a favor and check out Coipel's artwork. Unreal! Great stuff. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Feb 27, 2010

    Coipel is in a class of his own artistically and although his work is not conventional, it is original and powerful. He tends to make all men with large frames and small chins and this does take away overall from his work. Yet besides this weakness, he is a great storyteller and someone who knows how to draw action on a page. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 4, 2010

    I'm not going to condemn the whole book for one distasteful bit, but it's definitely a stain on an otherwise entertaining comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Aziz Bawany Feb 4, 2010

    I cannot deny that this issue is a major improvement over the last and it gives me hope that the best is still yet to to come. Even though I’m half expecting the “to be continued in this book’s new issue number one,” I’m hoping Bendis can work up a great transition from the Siege of Asgard to the Heroic age. If he does, it’ll be one of the better Marvel events to come. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Feb 6, 2010

    I definitely enjoyed the prior issue WAY more then this one. However, I think that was kind of the intention of this comic. The first issue set the stage and gave us the opening salvo of the Siege storyline, while this issue began moving the major players into position for the final two issues of this mini. The next two issues should give us Thor vs Sentry, along with Steve Rogers leading his Avengers forces against Osborn's forces, with Loki still lying in the weeds. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Tim Lenaghan Feb 3, 2010

    While it's far too early to pass judgment on Siege as a whole, this issue was somewhat of a disappointment. A huge part of me is reveling in the fact that this series is only four issues, but unfortunately it doesn't appear that four issues is going to be adequate space to touch upon all the character moments necessary to make this a story worth caring about. As it stands, Siege feels more like a means for ending Dark Reign and bringing forth the Heroic Age than it does anything else. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Feb 2, 2010

    It seems that, after years of a single extended narrative that began with the launch of "New Avengers," ran through "Civil War," "Secret Invasion," and "Dark Reign," we're finally getting the denouement. And it looks to be nasty, brutish, and short. Which is just fine with me, as long as it looks this good. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Feb 7, 2010

    Siege #2 did a solid job setting up the last two issues of this event to be one big brawlfest. I will admit that this issue does read a bit like a filler issue with how it is still setting up various things for the event. Because of that I cant recommend this issue to everyone as the story is a thin which many wont like. But if you have been enjoying Bendis work so far and big action filled issued you may like this issue. After this issue I am looking forward to Siege #3 as long as it delivers the big action scenes that this issue promises us. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Feb 3, 2010

    Overall, I can say that I enjoyed this issue, but there were a lot of flaws. It goes from the break neck pace at the start to a nearstop as it dragged its way to a conclusion at the end. Many of the major events are telegraphed and happen simply to move the story along. It's a pretty book, thanks to Coipel, and an improvement over the first that should appeal to most, but the pacing really hurt my enjoyment of the issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy/Dave Wallace Feb 2, 2010

    I really struggle to assign a bullet-rating to issues like this one, because for some audiences this will be exactly what an "event" book like this should be: a straightforward superhero slugfest with a rousing moment in which Captain America rallies the troops, a climactic scene in which an Avenger dies (yes, another one), and a conclusion that promises even more action and spectacle in the next issue. And at just four issues, Siege is shaping up to be that rare thing: a taut, lean, straightforward crossover that doesn't require much in the way of outside reading to understand, and so isn't going to break the bank. However, anyone looking for any real depth, complexity or originality is probably going to be disappointed--and personally, I'm already finding myself looking forward to the end of the event, and the coming of the new "Heroic Age" that Marvel is promising will follow it. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Feb 3, 2010

    Siege may have been years in the making, but its execution was rushed and emotionally flat. If the $3.99 cover price doesn't scare you off, go ahead and buy it for the art and the *massive* superhero beat-downs, but you might find that in some parts, you don't engage with the story. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Feb 4, 2010

    Siege #2 was a dull and ordinary read. Bendis simply is not a big event writer and I do not think that he ever will be. I would like to see Marvel turn to some of their other writers in their stable for all of their big events in the future. Siege #2 is a creatively bankrupt read that offers little in the way of substance or entertainment to the reader. I would only recommend Siege #2 to die-hard Bendis fans. Action fans might get some limited enjoyment out of the mindless fighting and the Sentry/Ares squash scene. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Feb 5, 2010

    Olivier Coipel is a big reason for my decision to peruse the pages of this second issue. I really enjoy his style. He brings a dynamic, larger-than-life look to super-hero characters that brings both intensity and fun energy to them. As such, as that disgusting eruption of blood and guts in this issue detracts from the appeal of his style. Mind you, he renders that... rendering incredibly well. Too well, truth be told. There's too much detail in the gore. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Feb 3, 2010

    I will say that this issue has some moments that got to me (like the multi-panel "push" on Iron Patriot's armor as Cap's shield grows larger and larger, the electrocution of Daken, and even Maria Hill playing cavalry) but events really moved at a breakneck pace throughout. Ares was suspicious in panel one, and dead by page 18, Thor was down and out at the beginning but frying mutants by page 20, and all in all a TON of things happened in quick succession. That's not at all a bad thing, though, since last issue felt like all-too-much prelude, and there really haven't been a lot of 'Hell, YEAH!' moments during the tense buildup that was Dark Reign. The end of Norm-O is quite obviously on it's way, and it's occasionally fun to watch a car roll downhill and burst into flame, metaphorically speaking. Olivier Coipel has come a long way since his early days on 'Legion Lost,' and his art here works quite well, especially in the detailed vision of one man ripping another man in half. Spider-Man Read Full Review

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