Hisako and Mei's classmate, Nico Minoru, has figured out that these two girls possess unusual abilities... But they're not the only ones! Hisako's world gets a whole lot bigger in ULTIMATE X-MEN #4!
Rated T+
Ultimate X-Men #4 is a fluid issue filled with evershifting tones and paces, creating an effect that makes the book compelling to read as it becomes more difficult to pin down. Momokos writing and art are sharp and character-driven, moving between light school dynamics, intense existential horror, and kinetic action with deft hands. Every moment works in tandem to ensure the story offers a bit of something for everyone while marrying aesthetic and narrative qualities from both superhero comics and manga. Layering the water-coloring on top of the story adds another process that differentiates this book from the larger Ultimate Universe (which operates in a multitude of excellence). Ultimate X-Men continues to be a must-read series and makes the case for allowing creators with a clear vision to push Marvel forward. Read Full Review
Ultimate X-Men #4 might not go down as a pivotal issue in this series, but so far, it's proven to be the best constructed one. Also, Momoko's art feels made for depicting rainy days, which it does beautifully here. Read Full Review
Not only is Ultimate X-Men the most ambitiously inventive and stylishly distinctive of Marvel's impressive new Ultimates line, but it also seems to be the best paced superhero comic arriving on a monthly basis. Read Full Review
Ultimate X-Men #4 ups the ante with an intense action scene and promises a major shift in the characters' lives. With thoroughly youthful teens just learning about their powers, they're about to be tested in a way that's thoroughly X-Men. Read Full Review
Ultimate X-Men #4 does a phenomenal job continuing the Shadow King storyline and having big developments for Hisako Ichiki. The way this issue concludes creates a lot of intriguing possibilities the direction this series will take from here. It all once again highlights why the unique comic book reading experience Peach Momoko has created is must-read. Read Full Review
Ultimate X-Men is such a unique way to experience the mutants and the fourth issue continues that. Every new character or new part of the plot is added just at the exact right pace. Peach Momoko and the creative team hit another home run with Ultimate X-Men #4 Read Full Review
This issue finally provides us with our first superhero fight. While the outcome of said fight is a tad nebulous and we still have ZERO idea what or who this villain is, it does move the story forward. New characters have entered the fray and the ending promises to open new territory in a very unexpected way. This book is past its growing phase and is firing on most cylinders now. If only it wasnt so damn short. Read Full Review
Ultimate X-Men #4 is a tighter, more action-packed script compared to the previous issues, but Peach Momoko's plot continues to meander in casual directions and is tonally and structurally inconsistent with the rest of the Ultimate universe. If the goal is the build up the Ultimate version of the X-Men in time to join the fight against the Maker in 18 months, Momoko's corner of Earth-6160 is severely at risk of getting left behind. Read Full Review
If you’re reading this Peach Momoko series expecting a “traditional” X-Men comic, you’re in it for the wrong reasons. Ultimate X-Men is a wonderfully constructed coming-of-age story using teenage angst & adorable drawings to deal w/ some very adult topics.
I’ve been so impressed w/ how Peach keeps this slow-burn build up going w/o things feeling weighed down, & this issue was no exception. She’s resisted the likely urge to give Hisako a “training montage” to quickly get the young mutant comfortable w/ her powers. Instead, we’re going amazing character development & what I’d think is one of the more realistic examples of someone coming to terms w/ being mutant. On top of it, Hisako’s interactions w/ the ant more
I am loving this series more than any of the other ultimate books.
There i said it.
This is the one that actually does skintight completely new and unexpected with the general premise. Its like if the new mutants was a Shonen manga. The character designs and art are top notch. The mystery is intriguing enough to keep you engaged. It just works. Sometimes I can't explain it acutely.
While this still isn't an X-Men book beyond one character's name and another's similarity to an X-Man, it still IS an exceptional book. The X-Men purist in me wants to be annoyed that it has the word in the title, but I just can't. It's so beautiful to look at and interesting to read. A bit more action in this issue was nice too. The scene where Sto...I mean Mei fries the phones was great. Can't wait for the next issue.
Another intriguing issue. I don't know what, specifically, it is about this, but I'm having a pretty good time. Momoko continues to do a fantastic job with her art, particularly depicting facial expressions and such. The writing could still use a little more substance, but I still like what we're getting.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6.5/10
So woke or more?