Sabretooth uses Quentin's head to control Wolverine by creating a hallucination that helps him go to the Forge laboratory and get a weapon that takes away the powers of the Mutants and applies it to Wilverine so that she does not have her mutant generation factor and thus assassinate him in a hand-to-hand battle.
On the other hand, The Exiles arrive to catch Sabretooth and are devoured.
Laura is getting closer to escaping the Sabretooths clan.
Exciting delivery that once again accelerates the narrative rhythm full of violence.
It is very organic and full of textures which gives it a gloomy and very detailed tone.
Wolverine is used by Sabretooth to dig his own grave. Exciting new chapter that raises the level of tension and emotion more
We're now in the last stretch of the Sabretooth War, and things definitely start to pick up in this issue. Logan is mind-controlled into working alongside Sabretooth in this issue, but it's done in a rather organic and interesting way, making him believe he's back in his past and back to being old Team X pals with Creed. The art does a very good job to convey this plot point, as we get to see both reality and what Logan sees.
Kid Omega is also a surprisingly pleasant part of the issue. He brings snarky comments that serve to rile Sabretooth up a bit and he does find a way to help Logan a bit, even though it does seem too little too late given how the issue ends.
The Exiles also get a chance to appear, and like the earliest issues, there is no holding back on the violence. No character is safe as we see members of that team die at the hands of Sabretooth. Laura also gets a short time to shine as there is a small cut to her experience as Sabretooth's captive.
The only thing that drags the issue down is Sabretooth's plan to depower Wolverine. Not only is this plot point ruined by the fact that we know this has to be undone for the Fall of X events that occur after this series (the release schedule for these books took the stakes out of a lot of stories by revealing the fates of certain characters before their stories end) but also, this exact scheme was done by Sabretooth years ago, so as a long-time reader of Wolverine comics, it's disappointing to see a retread of an old beat like this. more
Definitely a silly “event”, but there were good parts, like the ending.
A step up from the previous issue, which is a good sign. Hopefully the upwards trajectory continues. That said, this issue could still be better. I appreciated seeing the perspectives of both Logan and Victor here, but I just wish the issue as a whole was a little more interesting. I don't know.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6.5/10