Mutants have staked their claim as the dominant species. That just means it's time for KRAVEN to prove once more he's the apex predator. Benjamin Percy's saga continues with a Kraven tale unlike any other, sure to reverberate for decades to come.
This is a well-paced, character-driven story, laden with existential dread and buoyed by a touch of humor and a bracing of fabulous art. I cannot recommend it strongly enough. Read Full Review
X-Force #31 balances the immoral core of the team with the wild cards that are Omega Red, Deadpool, and Kraven. This team is not all right, far from it, and Percy continues to poke and prod at the various members until heroes rise triumphantly, or the entire thing folds like a house of cards. That's exciting and entertaining complexity worth reading about. Read Full Review
X-Force #31 is technically a Judgment Day tie-in, but Percy doesnt let that stop him from telling his story. He sets things up well and does some smart character work. Gill, GURU-eFX, and Caramagna do an excellent job with the visuals and letters. This is a solid comic. Read Full Review
It's Robert Gill's artwork that elicits the biggest laughs of the issue with an appropriately gnarly style capable of playing up all of the horrors facing and within the team. Read Full Review
This book continues to be fantastic. There are so many theories I have about the possible outcomes of the exciting and complex storylines that have been developed in this volume of x-force especially of late. This issue was beautifully written Benjamin Percy is a phenomenal writer his storytelling ability in both his comics and novels is amazing! The artwork looked great as well! I love Deadpool as a support character like he has been in wolverine lately and these last few issues of x-force. This book continues to shine telling a multilayered complex story with plenty of wildcards and now Deadpool adds a bonus layer of hilarious comedy. There isn't much I didn't love about this one
Even though Domino is absent in this latest issue, it is hard to miss her with all the interesting character developments with the rest of the cast. Beast continues to be evil, and I can't wait until he gets what's been coming to him for a while. Sage and Omega Red are sharing an interesting dynamic -- she's spiraling out of control with her drinking while Red is falling back into his own murderous tendencies -- and at the moment they seem to be enabling each other's problems. Not sure if Sage at the very least will be able to overcome her faults, but I am interested in seeing where this is going. And it looks like Kraven is finally ready to make his move against the mutants after half the comic is spent on his preparation for the hunt. Poomore
Sage and Beast are COMPLETELY insane and the whole X-Force situation is not going to end well.
Ben Percy keeps it character focused and ridiculous.
Just show us KRAVEN's C#*K you cowards.
The pace is the only really thing I have an issue with, while not impossible to discern what's happening when and where, I wish it was smoother. The character choices also continue to be surprising. Can't say X-FORCE isn't having fun with their experiments.
A lot like the last issue, this felt largely disconnected from Judgment Day. At least, this time, they actually mentioned the event and I believe there was one scene involving it. Either way, I still liked this as a whole and found it enjoyable. Just make it have more to do with Judgment Day if you're going to advertise it as a tie-in.
It looks terrific and it sounds very good. Very creepy, but very good. The overall plot moves a little slowly, but I'm happy to take my time with such profoundly broken characters.
Everybody in this book is unpleasant in the most fascinating way, but my top awfulness honors have to go to Beast. Krakoa's too busy for many people to notice he's become a straight-up villain. Losing an eye isn't punishment enough; I hope to see Kraven do terrible things to him soon.