Jeff Andrew's Profile

Joined: Dec 31, 2015

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Overall Rating
Action Comics (2011) #52

May 12, 2016

A little underwhelming with the meeting of the two supermen! With that said the storytelling is what got this crossover back on track, it's going to be Interesting about the interaction got g forward!

Action Comics (2016) #957

Jun 8, 2016

Loved it

Action Comics (2016) #960

Jul 27, 2016

My issue with the latest addition to action comics is the art! It felt rushed in some panels while in others it looks good! With that said the storytelling is what makes this issue worth while!

Action Comics (2016) #961

Aug 10, 2016

The story is still good and the art is better then the previous 2 issues

Action Comics (2016) #975

Mar 8, 2017

Creepy Clark Kent all of a sudden makes sense. Well played mr.mxylptlk

Action Comics (2016) #976

Mar 22, 2017

The antithesis of one more day in many ways. Also Jon Kent saving the day was awesome. Great ending to a modern classic.

Aquaman (2016) #5  
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

Jul 20, 2016

I will admit the writing was actually really good ! But good lord that art was atrocious!

Batman (2016) #1

Jun 16, 2016

I've always been a fan of tom kings work and batman is no different! I expected kind of a slow burn style of writing King has been known for!

Batman (2016) #8

Oct 5, 2016

This issue was okay to me!

Civil War II #2

Jun 15, 2016

I DON'T LIKE THIS! This book is beyond lazy in its writing, the characterization is beyond dumb worst of all its BORING!

Civil War II #4

Jul 28, 2016

Civil War 2 is 2016s convergence! Except it bei go confusing it's just boring!

Death of X #1

Oct 5, 2016

To be honest I just found this to be so boring!

Detective Comics (2016) #938

Aug 10, 2016

Another great issue by James Tynion IV, detective comics is in there with Wonder Woman, superman, and green arrow as the best books from rebirth!

Detective Comics (2016) #941

Sep 28, 2016

Earth 2: Society #12

May 12, 2016

Despite the cartoonish look of earth 2 society, the story is what makes this issue really good! The ending wow I'm glad humanite is back on earth two and actually looks like the classic humanite! DC PLEASE KEEP THIS BOOK GOING PAST 14 , there's so much potential in the right hands !

Earth 2: Society #13

Jun 8, 2016

Best issue since earth 2 society launched last year! I'm glad I stuck with with it because Dan abnett has seriously turned this book around when he took over from Daniel h.wilson!

Earth 2: Society #14

Jul 13, 2016

This issue was well done! Fury has turned out to be such a well written character,

Earth 2: Society #15

Aug 10, 2016

Yet another well written issue from Dan abnett! Despite the art being a bit jarring from the first half to the second half!

Earth 2: Society #16

Sep 14, 2016

Wow what an issue with a great ending

Earth 2: Society #17

Oct 12, 2016

Very interesting

Earth 2: Society #18

Nov 9, 2016

Gorgeous art, great writing, and fantastic characterization of Val Zod

Earth 2: Society #19

Dec 15, 2016

Earth 2: Society #21

Feb 9, 2017

Kind of predictable but I still liked it !

Earth 2: Society #22

Mar 8, 2017

As bittersweet as it is, I'm glad earth two was able to get some much needed closure as well as the happy ending it needed. I hope earth 2 get a rebirth it deserves.

Earth 2: Society Annual #1

Aug 31, 2016

This is actually really good!

Flash (2016) #9

Oct 26, 2016

Loved the interaction between the two Wallys ! Also the last page made it worth it! Cmon Justice Society the DC universe needs you more then ever

Future Quest #1

May 18, 2016

Simply amazing , the art was fantastic ,and the storytelling matched it! I'm picking this one up on my monthly gets

IvX #6

Mar 9, 2017

The biggest problem with the ending of the story was that it felt kinda rushed abd didn't tell both sides of the story. Overall inhumans can xmen could have been a whole lot better. I just wish they did an epilogue.

Justice League (2011) #50

May 25, 2016

All I gotta say is FREAKIN BABY DARKSEID !

Justice League (2016) #1

Jul 20, 2016

Asides from some clunky dialogue this issue was good not great but what puts the over is the beautiful artwork from tony Daniel!

Justice League of America (2017): Killer Frost Rebirth #1

Jan 26, 2017

I think a story of killer frost reforming would be interesting. I loved her in justice league vs suicide squad ecspecially with her interaction with Superman.

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

Jan 11, 2017

Antother solid issue

Justice League: Rebirth #1

Jul 6, 2016

This one was okay! The pacing of this issue felt rushed! I didn't hate the issue

Superman (2011) #52

May 27, 2016

The art was beautiful, the characterization was fantastic, why am I giving this a lower score? The storytelling! There was so much promise in the beginning about this story arc but point it felt flat. A missed opportunity was when both supermen came saw each other for the first time I wasn't feeling it! In the end the loss of the new 52 superman isn't really tragic! Hell if anything it did the DC universe a favor because it paved the way for a more interesting character the married superman.

Superman (2016) #1

Jun 16, 2016

I have a feeling this Superman book is going to be better than the Batman book! Everything in this book is so good even the bizarre art style!

Superman (2016) #2

Jul 6, 2016

One of DC's best books at the moment! When superman is good DC is good !

Superman (2016) #4

Aug 3, 2016

theres something strange in metropolis, who you gonna call SUPERMAN!

Superman (2016) #6

Sep 8, 2016

I've said it before and I'll say it again welcome back Superman

Superman (2016) #7

Sep 21, 2016

Can issues 8,9, 10 get here soon enough! 😊😊😊 ! With that said my god do I love this Is the best written superman has been in years!

Superman (2016) #8

Oct 5, 2016

So I guess the new frontier is canon apparently

Superman (2016) #9

Oct 20, 2016

Superman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

Even though I've grown to like Damian Wayne, him getting put in his place buy Jon put a smile on my face!!!

Superman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

Put Ivan Reis on this book permanently

Superman (2016) #18

Mar 5, 2017

I don't k ow what to say but wow this was really really good

Superman (2016) #19

Mar 15, 2017

This is turning out to be a modern Classic.

Superman (2016) #21

Apr 19, 2017

great issue and great work by tomasi as always.

Superman (2016) Annual #1

Dec 1, 2016

Swamp Thing and Supes? Love it !

Superman: Lois and Clark #7

May 14, 2016

Words cant describe how much I love this book! When I see Lois and Clark talk I constantly think of the voices of Tim Daly and Dana Delany! My favorite scene is where Lois and Clark finally come clean about who they are , yet they do it in a way so Jon Understands!

Superman: Lois and Clark #8

May 25, 2016

To be fair this issue feel a bit rushed and then buildup to the big bad was a let down ! Yet the saving grace was Lois and Clark with jon so I'll give a pas

Superman: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

I love this issue! I love the relationship between the real Clark and Lana. In that superman feels more like a father figure to Lana then anything else which makes sense!

The Flintstones #1

Jul 6, 2016

One of the things that sold me on the book was how lighthearted yet complex the flintstones were written! Mark Russell deserves a lot of credit for a wellpaced and well written story this one is a keeper!

Titans Hunt #7

May 13, 2016

In fairness the pacing is what's hurting Titans Hunt , with that said is an under rated issue with great characterization of all the Titans!

Titans Hunt #8

May 18, 2016

Great ending to a good story! I loved the comraderie at the end from the reunited Titans! I'm so looking forward to TITANS every month!

Titans: Rebirth #1

Jun 15, 2016

This is what has been missing in the DC universe and my god I'm glad the Titans are reunited! Again Wally I day thank you for giving me the loss of the true DC universe again!

Trinity (2016) #2

Oct 19, 2016

Rebirth has another winner in TRINITY! I love the dynamic of all three, and it works best when all three friends

Trinity (2016) #8

Apr 19, 2017

This was not a well written issue. I found myself confused by what was going on the entire time. On the plus side the art was amazing

Wonder Woman (2016) #4

Aug 10, 2016

Wonder Woman (2016) #7

Sep 28, 2016

I've read some wonder woman comics some great and some not so great. I've got to say making Cheeta more of a tragic villain is a great call, it makes her more relatable! keep up the good work mr.rucka.

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