Bat-Sharkrepellent?'s Profile

Joined: Mar 14, 2019

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Action Comics (2016) #1050

Jul 24, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1051

Jul 24, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1052

Jul 24, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1053

Jul 24, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1054

Jul 24, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1055

Jul 24, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1056

Jul 24, 2023

Action Comics (2016) #1057

Dec 9, 2023

Can't ask for much more from an issue of Action Comics, just exceptionally well done. Even the two backup stories were both really well written. I'll be very sad when Phillip Kennedy Johnson is off the title in a few months as he is easily the best Superman writer of the last decade.

Action Comics (2016) #1061

Mar 5, 2024

A very strong start to the storyline. I'm excited to see how Aaron uses Bizarro in the next issues

Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2023

Mar 5, 2024

I loved PKJ's run on Action Comics, but sadly the final storyline has been pretty mediocre at best. This ending, as a result, leaves much to be desired. It's just not all that interesting, especially when compared to his Superman/Authority Special, which was truly excellent. Just a poor ending to a run which, up until issue 1056, could be considered one of the all time great Superman runs.

Batman (2016) #66

Mar 31, 2019

I quite liked this issue. It was very good, but this story as a whole has been very hit and miss. Most of the time misses, such as issue 67.

Batman (2016) #67

Mar 31, 2019

This issue was a huge waste of money, most of the pages had NO words on them, just artwork. This issue caused me to drop the series because lately Batman has had too many bad issues. How the mighty have fallen.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #15

Jul 24, 2023

Stellar stuff, I love the obscure characters he uses. Metamorpho, the Challengers of the Unknown, Metal Men, Amazo, to name a few.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #23

Mar 5, 2024

Basically a perfect issue. This might be the best storyline of the series so far, and that's saying a lot, especially considering how phenomenal the previous 22 issues were.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #24

Apr 3, 2024

Absolute banger as always. Mark Waid somehow writes a sequel to Kingdom Come 25 years later, and he absolutely knocks it out of the park. Truly brilliant work and I recommend this series to everybody, especially fans of Kingdom Come

Batman: Dark Age (2024) #4

Sep 22, 2024

Funny, wonderful artwork, and immensely clever. I highly recommend, especially to those who liked the brilliant Superman: Space Age.

Batman: Reptilian #1

Sep 29, 2021

This new series is absolutely amazing. Garth Ennis and Liam Sharp truly kick Batman up to 11. It's so cool seeing Batman with a really expressive personality, makes the comic so much fun. Not to mention that the art is stellar. I couldn't recommend this more.

Batman: Reptilian #2

Sep 29, 2021

He keeps the party rolling at a great pace. The second issue is just as fantastic as the first and the best part is Batman's attitude. I highly recommend.

Detective Comics (2016) #1074

Dec 9, 2023

Detective Comics (2016) #1080

Mar 5, 2024

Fables #158

Jun 27, 2023

I absolutely love the return of Fables. Both Willingham and Buckingham have been killing it! I highly recommend the series.

Flash (2016) #62

Mar 14, 2019

This issue was good, but not great. I don't really like the other forces all that much (except for speed and slow) because they don't really feel at home with Flash. I hope they end this storyline soon so we can get back to some better Flash stories.

Gamma Flight #1

Sep 29, 2021

A very good start to the series, its cool seeing the Immortal Hulk cast being used in a different ways. This also gives Al Ewing the chance to wrap up some storylines he didn't have the chance to in Immortal Hulk

Gamma Flight #2

Sep 29, 2021

I'm very excited to see Scarr in the mix, especially with the Abomination hand thing he has going on. Al Ewing keeps up the pace and I love how he is treating Rick Jones/Del Frye in this series, makes them more interesting as a whole.

Green Lantern (2018) #3

Mar 14, 2019

I love this comic and the series. Very interesting auction scene. The creatures Morrison introduces are great. Overall, a fun issue and I look forward to reading the next one.

Green Lantern (2018) #4

Apr 4, 2019

Great comic, Morrison is on a roll. It was fun and very different, in a good way. I would recommend picking this up to anyone who likes Green Lantern or Morrison. My favorite part was the volcano green lantern.

Heroes In Crisis #5

Mar 14, 2019

This series as a whole does not have much story to it. In this issue, nothing much happens until the reveal at the end. This series really should have been 4-5 issues instead of 9. Really just killing time for most of the issue.

Immortal Hulk #15

Apr 9, 2019

A very good comic indeed. The Hulk Sampson interactions are very interesting and well-worded. I love how the "Hulk family" are now immortal. I can't wait until it is revealed why (or was it already revealed? I missed the first 10 issues). One of the best series out there right now (only beaten by Justice League Dark).

Immortal Hulk #49

Sep 29, 2021

Fantastic issue as always, I'm really sad to see this series go but I'm excited to see the finale.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #4

Dec 9, 2023

Average at best is a good way to describe this issue. The problem is that very little happens this issue, other than a ton of rather mindless action. So far, PKJ's run on Hulk has been surprisingly sub par, especially considering how phenomenal he is on Action Comics and The Last God.

Justice League Dark (2018) #7

Mar 14, 2019

This series has been my favourite comic series of the year. It never ceases to amaze me, and is extraordinary. I highly suggest picking up this series. Also, this comic was a nice nudge to Tales from the Crypt.

Justice League Dark (2018) #8

Apr 4, 2019

Another excellent comic in the series. I love all the different magical characters he uses. I am always impressed by how much story he can pack into one issue. If anyone is wondering how good the series is, well, it is the best series right now. Pick it up, and read the previous issues if you can.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong (2023) #4  
Justice Society of America (2022) #4

Jul 29, 2023

Wow, this issue was incredible. Artwork was amazing, but Johns' writing really knocked it out of the park. It's such an interesting plot, especially for those who have read Doomsday Clock and Flashpoint: Beyond, but those series are far from required. There are few series on the market right now that can truly match this level of quality, World's Finest and Action Comics come to mind. I honestly couldn't ask for a better read, Geoff Johns is really trying hard to make this the best series of his career. And so far, he's achieving that goal.

Justice Society of America (2022) #8

Mar 12, 2024

Truly stellar work. I love the new Red Lantern lore, and the twist at the end was amazing. I couldn't ask for much more.

Night of the Ghoul #1

Oct 28, 2021

Just an awesome issue, especially for the horror Halloween season. I highly reccomend

Red Sonja (2019) #2

Apr 9, 2019

Another great issue from Mark Russell. If you are wondering whether or not to pick up this series, do it because it is that good! It is funny, interesting, and has a great plot. I am in love with this series.

Red Sonja (2019) #3

Apr 4, 2019

From Flintstones to Snagglepuss to the Porky Pig one shot this, Mark Russel is so good. He is one of the best writers around, and this series does not disappoint. It was great fun. Along with this series I would also suggest his other current titles: Wonder Twins (DC) and the Lone Ranger (Dynamite). All of these series are great, but Red Sonja is the best of the three. Don't be afraid to pick this series up.

Superman (2018) #7

Mar 14, 2019

Another great issue of Superman. Bendis is on a roll. I love this series and would suggest others to try it out too.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Top Shelf): The Tempest #2

Mar 14, 2019

This series is very bad and mindless. The plot does not seem to have a direction, and Alan Moore gives me no reason to care about the characters. Overall, very bad.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Top Shelf): The Tempest #4

Mar 14, 2019

Another very bad issue. I was hanging on to the series because I thought Alan Moore would not dissapoint. Its so bad that I have to drop it now. How the mighty have fallen. I only rated it 1.5 instead of 1 because of the 3-D glasses (even if they hurt your eyes to look at the pictures).

The Savage Sword of Conan (2024) #1

Apr 4, 2024

The main story by Arcudi is a fantastic Conan story with many twists and very good artwork. Conan as a military general is a very interesting idea, especially because Conan clashes with the man who hired him. Between the giant lizards, elephants, Conan as a thief, and a lot of treachery, you can't go wrong. The Solomon Kane backstory is also awesome, and continues into the next issue. There is even a Solomon Kane essay included that talks about Solomon Kane and how influential the character has been, it's actually incredibly interesting. Of course, I have to mention the forward by the legendary Roy Thomas himself, as he does a fantastic job introducing the series. Overall, a fantastic package, I highly recommend to old and new fans of Conan alike.

Uber: Invasion #15

Apr 9, 2019

Uber: Invasion #16

Apr 9, 2019

Uber: Invasion #17

Apr 9, 2019

Great comic, I love this series. I hope this isn't the final issue because it has been so good. Make sure to read the initial collections of Uber.

We Have Demons #1

Oct 28, 2021

I really can't ask for much more with this horror comic. I highly reccomend.

World's Finite Cerebus #1

Mar 21, 2019

The Cerebrus titles are fun, but a little annoying because each one is a one shot. This makes it difficult to follow. But, I like the new issues as a whole

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