While the mission is a success, the Outsiders do not feel like winners. Measures are taken to deprogram Sofia and understand the extent of her abilities, while Ra's al Ghul's power and influence grows enough for him to establish a new league in Khadym, unsullied by distractions and temptations of the earthly plane.
Dexter Soy has some fantastic art in this issue. The fight between Duke, Cassandra and Ishmael is epic and the action throughout is amazing. Read Full Review
After six issues, I think Batman and the Outsiders has found its footing in earnest. It's made it clear that it's a story that's happening because of Batman, but very much a story about the Outsiders, about a very different kind of heroism and struggle. This first arc has stumbles, but as a whole opens up the mythology in very interesting ways that I'm excited to see unfold in the future. Read Full Review
Ra's Al Ghul has truly shown his hand and raised the stakes in his game of chess. The trouble is, while he may respect the prowess of the older players, he has vastly underrated the younger members of the Outsiders. The rage on Cassandra's face at the end of this issue speaks volumes and, if I were Ra's, I'd actually start feeling a little worried right now. Read Full Review
It's taken until Batman and the Outsiders #6, but Bryan Hill's spin-off Bat-title seems to have found its groove with this excellent issue focused on Duke Thomas and Cassandra Cain " two of the Bat-kids who have been struggling to find their place in DC's lineup. Read Full Review
It appears that Ra's al Ghul is presenting a challenge to Batman and the Outsiders that could tear the team apart. It will be interesting to see how they will overcome this threat and if the team will come through the conflict intact. Read Full Review
Not much else to say here cept if you already dropped this book or were waiting to pick it up #6 is where you wanna start or pick it back up. This was the much needed shot in the arm this run was hurting for up til now. Read Full Review
The Outsiders thought they had victory in hand after rescuing Sofia, but this all seems to be a part of Ra's Al Ghul's plan. The youth on the Outsiders are the real target of the Demon's Head and unfortunately they are currently isolated from the rest of the team. Will the young team members be able to fight off the influence of Ra's Al Ghul, or will they have the same fate of Sofia? Read Full Review
Not being completely up-to-date on Signal's backstory, it's hard for me to judge the impact of the surprise that Ra's has for the young man. That said, the comic has already demonstrated the Demon's Head has a knack for breaking wills and bending them to his own. Is that what's in store for Signal? And just how far with Cassandra go to prevent this (and take a measure of revenge on her mother's part in Ra's plans)? And will Batman ever suit up in this comic? Worth a look. Read Full Review
Hill has a solid story on his hands with Batman & the Outsiders, but the book is far from perfect. While there's endless potential here, Hill hasn't quite found the balance between plot, characterization, and balancing the characters well. In retrospect, Soy's art, while good, feels as though it's lacking something here. It looks good, but it simply isn't packing the punch I've come to expect from his work. Read Full Review
It's a solid read and a good lead in to the next arc in the series. Read Full Review
Having said all that, even with the stellar art and visual storytelling, the issue is light on progression and will probably read a lot better as a trade once the arc is done. Because of this, it’s hard to recommend this single issue to anyone who hasn’t been following the series from the beginning. Read Full Review
This book seems to be going through the motions as our team recycles their inner conflicts each issue waiting for something big and exciting to do. I love Dexter Soy's art, but there is a serious lack of focus and forward momentum going on that kills my enthusiasm for the overall package. For me, Batman and the Outsiders is not bad enough to hate, but not good enough to care about either. Read Full Review
Duke and Cassandra get the worst of this 'Year Of The Villain' crossover, an issue that seeks the definitive answer for "Why would there be Outsiders?" and doesn't quite succeed OR fail. Read Full Review