Powerfully written and beautifully illustrated, Detective Comics #1030 is a perfect union of Tomasi, Evely, Lopes, and Leigh's work. Read Full Review
Tomasi leans hard into character with Detective Comics #1030 letting it drive not only Bruce and the family, but also Detective Nakano and the most likely, soon to be prodigal son, Damian. Throw in the exceptional work of Bilquis Evely and it's a no-brainer! If the character work doesn't get you, the mysteries will- this is the Batman title you should be reading! Read Full Review
This is pretty damn great overall and this new creative team clicks great on this issue. Read Full Review
This title has been on the upswing for months now, and the arrival of Bilquis Evely takes the quality to another level. Read Full Review
Since Peter J. Tomasi took this title over there hasn't been a single issue I haven't liked, or absolutely loved. This new storyline has started strong, so I'm keen to read more. Read Full Review
Bilquis Evely brings some beautiful imagery to the art in this issue. There are some beautiful details throughout and the flow of the panels helps to emphasize the intimacy of the story. Read Full Review
I think this is another strong issue. The writing and art both contribute to the good character work. There is less focus on plot development, but that allows for this issue to breathe, and for the characters to come to life. The artwork is outstanding and the writing is solid. Tomasi, Evely and Lopes have some real synergy going here. I'd definitely like to see more from this creative team. Recommended! Read Full Review
It's a shame that we couldn't get this bold new art direction at the beginning of the current arc, but I'm suddenly much more excited about the mystery surrounding the Black Casebook. Read Full Review
Detective Comics has been a remarkably consistent title and it's likely this is just a random misstep. That still makes for a disappointing installment this week. Read Full Review
You get to see what is going on inside two character's heads with everything going on. We see Nakano's drive and fear, and what happened with Damian through his own father's eyes. I like the idea of Nakano wanting to unmask vigilantes, but the extension of that with The Mirror really feels played out. And it's taking away from what should be the focus right now: Damian. The art is pretty damn cool with its sketchy style in some frames, and also pretty bad in others (especially during the Batfamily meeting). Read Full Review
Even with some pretty unforgivable missteps, I am still interested in seeing where things go with Tomasi's story, particularly as it pertains to Damian Wayne. For me, the art has to get better. It's workflow just does not work for me at this time. This Tec fan prefers either Brad Walker or Doug Mahnke (Walker returns for issue #1032). Read Full Review