Grayson #4

Event\Storyline: 2.99 Writer: Tom King, Tim Seeley Artist: Mikel Janin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 5, 2014 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 23
7.9Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Grayson travels deeper into the organized chaos that is SPYRAL! Can he keep track of all the lies? Or will he fall apart once he can no longer tell fact from fiction?

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 5, 2014

    Grayson #4 takes a break from the all the seriousness and heavy morality it had in the last issue and decides instead to have a lot of fun — to wonderful effect. The story, the characters, and the writing all come together wonderfully to make a lively and enjoyable experience, while the artwork seals the deal fantastic visuals and expressive characters. Grayson continues to be one of the shining stars of DC Comics and if you have not read the book yet, what are you waiting for? Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - AJ Nov 8, 2014

    Mikel Janin is the artist here with Jeromy Cox on colours and Carlos M. Mangual on the letters. The art this time around is very lively on point, in keeping with the story of the issue. I liked the energetic pace of the visuals, as well as some of the neat stuff that Mikel and Jeromy did with facial expressions and body language, not to mention the cool things like Helena slapping a candy out of Dick's hands early on, etc. The art here is definitely one of the biggest sells of this series and the only negative here is Midnighter's Stormwatch teammate, who looks a bit too generic to really stand out in a crowd. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 8, 2014

    Dick Grayson himself is the heart and soul of Grasyon, and Seeley is absolutely killing it with his characterization. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 6, 2014

    This issue is pure filler, but that's not exactly a bad thing.  Tim Seeley and Tom King give Dick Grayson fans a fun-filled issue that shows how fun it is to be him.  Without moving the story forward, they give us the most "Grayson" issue of Grayson yet and I really enjoyed it.  Mikel Janin helps out with some awesome art that accentuates the charm of the story and the fun characters within.  It may not convert the unbelievers, but Seeley, King and Janin are preaching to the choir when it comes to this reviewer. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    The Daily Crate - Keri Honea Nov 10, 2014

    Every month never ceases to amaze me how much better Dick Grayson's solo stories are when he's not chasing his past with his parents and Haley's Circus. Sure, he returned a bit to his Flying Grayson days, but at least it was all in fun and not some emo trip down memory lane. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Nov 7, 2014

    This issue also begins to draw in more of the DCU as a whole " we see Midnighter again, but we also get Apollo, and the first mention of Stormwatch. There's also a discussion of Checkmate, and even a reference to the events of "Batman Eternal." This is a pretty great example of DC's recent run of creating singular books that still manage to make sense in the grand scheme of their line. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Nov 11, 2014

    If and when Grayson goes back to being Nightwing, I don't think this arcwill take being swept under the rug gently. Readers will look back on these stories fondly and for good reason. With each new issue, Grayson proves he's more than Batman's former sidekick, and as a new reader myself who never jumped onto the Nightwing bandwagon, I've found myself waiting for the next issue to see him fly again. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Nov 6, 2014

    With co-conspirators Tim Seeley and Tom King running the show, aided by Mikel Janin's slick artwork, Grayson covertly operates just outside of the Bat-books' periphery, never forgetting who Dick Grayson was, who he is, and who he may soon become. Dick Grayson's future hasn't been this uncertain (or exciting) since the former Boy Wonder left the BatCave. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Batman-News - Jesse Kennedy Nov 6, 2014

    While on the surface it's a slight departure from previous issues in form, this issue retainsthat high level of quality we're coming to expect from this series. Overall, it's a smart series that does not skimp on the action. The whole creative team are firing on all cylinders for what has become one of my favorite books to read. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Yamini C Nov 6, 2014

    Overall, Grayson #4 is an enjoyable break from the darker, more intense previous installments (which have been great), but one which also furthers the reader's understanding of the Spyral world which Dick Grayson has infiltrated. Readers who appreciate character-driven, world-building stories"and who want to see Mr.Grayson have more fun than he's had in the New 52 so far, let's be honest"will want to pick this one up. Meanwhile, I hope DC keeps this creative team together for the forseeable future, f they keep knocking it out of the park on Grayson, as they've done so far, Dick's 75th anniversary next year will be a good one where this title is concerned. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Nov 5, 2014

    GRAYSON #4 takes a bit of a break from the bigger picture to simply have some fun. It gives Grayson a chance to be happy again and that joyous feeling is definitely shared by the reader. Overall, this is mostly filler, but it's lighthearted and enjoyable filler! Sometimes a little break from the more compelling and meaty material can be a good thing. Well, that's exactly what GRAYSON #4 is. If you want to see a bunch of jokes made about Grayson's looks and watch him flip around, you'll more than likely have a good time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Jason Motes Nov 9, 2014

    This was a slower issue, allowing the characters (and readers) to take a breath. But it still builds on the overall story and helps flesh out the characters. And the art is certainly not filler material. It's some of the best you will see in a monthly comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Nov 7, 2014

    Fun, fun, fun. This has long been my barometer in judging a comics quality. This issue was better than the last and it certainly bodes well for what comes next. The throwback storytelling- single issues that fit into a larger story make this title an easy one to jump into. Along with the character work its still a good time to give Grayson a try if you havent already. As long as Dick can remain true to himself and not get lost in his environment, this will be a winner month in and out. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comix I Read - Boris Roberto Aguilar Nov 5, 2014

    Tim Seeley has taken Dick Grayson to a new chapter in his life. This chapter has so far been exciting. While this issue escapes from it's usual seriousness and spy games, it excels the overall story of Dick Grayson. Tim Seeley has made Grayson a must read book in the New 52's line. While this is a very different book in terms of what to expect from such a classic character, it has added a new and exciting element to the overall New 52 line. I would recommend this issue for anyone who wants to read new stories in Dick Grayson's life.  Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Nov 5, 2014

    Still, by and large, Grayson remains one of DC's better offerings, if not one that feels like a must-read. Seeley's savvy use of Dick as eye candy pits him as a kind of boy next door/everyman type among vicious career spies whose sensibilities are as mysterious to him as they are to readers. Despite its strong lead, however, Grayson is still plagued with issues that drag down its overall readability. Not nearly enough tension has mounted in the preceding issues to feel like Grayson #4's trip back to St. Hadrian's is essential, and yet Seeley seems to have more fun, and find more compelling conflict on the grounds of his school than he does in any of Grayson's more exotic locales. If Seeley can harness his mastery of theme, and his keen eye for the zeitgeist of modern comics to build a more compelling narrative, Grayson could rise to the top of the stack. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    The Latest Pull - Mark Carpenter Nov 7, 2014

    I like this series, I really do. Not all issues are going to be slam-dunks, so I would encourage readers to stick it out for a few more issues. I expect that Grayson and company will be hunting down organs and getting into some real action again next month. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 6, 2014

    All in all, if you're not a regular Grayson reader, this probably isn't going to be an issue that appeals to you as a first entry into his world. With it's almost silly tone and lack of plot, it's got a lovely father/son conversation for Dick and Bruce Wayne, but not a whole lot else to play with. Moreover, if Mr. Minos is so smart, why doesn't he just have a mic on his agents at all times? That aside, though, Grayson #4 is a cute issue, with attractive art in spite of it's slightly sophomoric sex references, and no real reason why The Midnighter is featured. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - Ryan Blair Nov 6, 2014

    Overall this issue was okay but unfortunately didnt advance any of the main plots…except for figuring out the Minos has tiny little nanites eating his DNA. The artwork was probably one of the really good things in this issue, and had a couple good/interesting panels in regards to Dick and Helena jumping out of the hovercraft as well as the full map of the chase between Dick and the girls. Read Full Review

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