The doctor will see you now, Jimmy...and you, Jimmy, and you, and you, annnd you, too, Jimmy! How can there be five different Jimmy's, and how will our Jimmy handle keep the other four Jimmy's together without bursting into smithereens? Well, to answer that, Jimmy will first have to us about your mother. And what about your brother Jamie and sister Janey? Ah, yes, but how does that make you feel, Jimmy?
This issue is an odyssey into Jimmy Olsen. It’s also one of those special issues that not only does a lot but manages not to have a single dull panel. While it explores the main character it also has subtle ways of exploring earlier plot lines, moving forward the story and revealing things to further make it interesting. As the cover shows, the art also goes plenty of unique places while exploring the psyche of Jimmy Olsen. This may be the defining issue for this series, and it’s definitely the defining issue for this character. Read Full Review
It's a dazzling display of humor, intrigue, and an abiding love for the superhero genre, but one would expect nothing less after six stunning issues of the same. Bravo. Read Full Review
I hope we get back to the current plots next issue but seeing that therapy scene, the hiring scene, and that childhood scene really filled in a lot about Jimmy for me, both his internal insight and how he is viewed by others. More people should be buying this book. Read Full Review
As easy as it is to whiz through reading the issue, it invites returning for a re-read in order to home in on the finer details like the preceding six have. Not knowing where the story will zig and zag to on the page turn is exciting. That versatility and potential to be different is such a strong fit for a character like Jimmy, to take a look at the DC Universe from a different angle. Read Full Review
Supermans Pal Jimmy Olsen remains DCs funniest title, which can make it easy to forget theres some depth to it. But there is, as we learn from Jimmys therapist, and Fraction et al make it easy to identify with and feel for Jimmy and the people in his orbit. Read Full Review
For the last few issues, this oddball title has taken a turn for the inscrutable. In Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #7, it rerails itself and the brilliant art and comedy is matched again by a compelling story. Read Full Review
By the issue's end, we end up in Opal City. Fraction has set up a nice little cliffhanger. He does a great job writing this. Steve Lieber also does a great job on the art. It is great to see him on this title. All and all, this is another fine issue in an enjoyable series. Read Full Review
Prankster, photojournalist, Superman's pal " join Jimmy Olsen on the run! Read Full Review
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #7 is laugh out loud funny and doesn't take itself seriously. Any fans of DC Comics should be reading this series. The series acts as a satirical look at comics and their history while also being a love letter to them. Read Full Review
Fraction's Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen has been utterly amazing so far. This issue looks like it will keep up with that Silver Age vibe and I can't wait.
The Good:
Lorelei makes a good point about all the different Jimmy's we see.
The Lil Olsens scene was amazing.
Speaking of Steve Lieber's art is utterly superb this issue. How he changes style but still pulls it off between sections and even panels is amazing.
Why is every scene so good?
Ok, that last page was amazingly funny.
The Bad:
Why is this series so great? Fraction and Lieber knock it out of the park again and I'm not even surprised now.
This is a hoot !
Still loving it.
Another runner for DC's best title.
This most fun I have had with any comic all year, and I hate fun!