Batman finds himself drawn further into a world of Celtic myth and supernatural mysteries as Wonder Woman calls on the Dark Knight Detective to investigate the murder of a once-powerful Irish god. In a world where the normal rules of investigation don't apply and any clue can be obscured by charms and magic, the two Justice Leaguers must rely on each other to unlock a murder someone is trying to hide.
Pairing Batman and Wonder Woman together isn't original; neither is the ancient folklore Sharp is using to tell his story. What is new is his approach. There's no learning curve for Diana and Bruceorthe reader as they figure out this new world and how it relates to their favorite heroes. This could end up being one of the most difficult cases Diana and Bruce have ever had to work on. Readers can only hope that Sharp has more and more such stories up his sleeve. Read Full Review
This is a must buy, as the story is about to see our Justice Leaguers go on a journey we have not seen them before. Read Full Review
Overall, Liam Sharp has done it again. Enough said. Get it and read it. Read Full Review
It's a detailed and multilayered tale (both in art and story) and well worth checking out. Read Full Review
THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD: BATMAN AND WONDER WOMAN #2 will make you want to go to the Celtic faerie land immediately, even if there is some bad stuff going down at the moment. The characters and the setting are vivid, and the plot is just ramping up. The book looks incredible, and it's great change of scenery for the classic DC characters. Read Full Review
Brave and the Bold #2 is a gorgeous book, and the story it tells is enthralling, but it's somewhat held back by feeling like it's just a small slice of a singular, larger story and doesn't quite satisfy as a storytelling unit on its own. Read Full Review
One thing that's already polished is Sharp's artwork. It looks astonishing yet again. This setting makes for a nice bridge from his work on Wonder Woman as he eases in to Batman and Gotham City. With Batman and Wonder Woman actually working together going forward, the potential for this series is starting to look very promising. Read Full Review
Whether you're looking for a spin on the classics or art that won't let you turn to the next page for fear of missing anything, "The Brave and the Bold" will fulfill all of these needs and more. Read Full Review
Unique storytelling and detailed art make for a wonderful continuation of this mini series. Read Full Review
Issue 2 of The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman was a fun read by writer/artist Liam Sharp who successfully merges the world of Fables with that of the DCU. I also like how he creates a purer incarnation of Wonder Woman as she fights for peace even in a world that isn't her own and how Batman for now is like a fish out of water. Sure, it is a little wordy at times but Liam's art really brings this story to life, particularly with extraordinary attention to detail. Read Full Review
While it might not be as strong as the opening chapter, it's clear a lot of care and thought has been put into it. Read Full Review
This six-issue series has started off right and been a lot of fun so far. I really want to continue to follow this story. It is an inventive looks at both of these characters who tend not to be paired as partners with one another as much as with other superheroes (ahem, Superman). It will be cool to see them getting used to working together. Read Full Review
It's generally not a good sign when it's a third into the miniseries and the two title characters have barely met, but the combination of Liam Sharp's fantastic art and a compelling mystery that combines the worlds of Batman and Wonder Woman sells me on The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #2. Read Full Review
This issue features Wonder Woman and Batman in different habitats that cross over, with both heroes used to great effect and a lot of super-attractive art. Read Full Review
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #2 is one of the most beautiful comic books you can buy right now. It's a slow-burn fantasy that has a lot of fun with both characters in this unusual setting. This series doesn't mix folklore and superhero mythos quite as effortlessly as Sandman, none can, but it's a lot of fun. Read Full Review
I will keep reading it just for the art, but if you don't really care, then I'd say to skip the book because it doesn't have much to offer. Read Full Review
The Brave and the Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman #2 deepens the underlying mystery and more clearly defines what is at stake, but still suffers from really slow pacing and poor use of Wonder Woman. Read Full Review
Overall, issue two is still a solid read and it progresses the story forward, but I just get this weird feeling of "I've read this all before." . . . Side note...why isn't Wonder Woman asking The Flash for help? He's a forensic officer for God's sake. I guess Batman's name is in the title but best man my butt! Read Full Review
So far the series is stuck in defining lore, not exploring it, and hopefully, that changes in issue #3. Read Full Review
Another awesome entry in the series. The art just keeps getting better and better if thats even possible. The story also gets more intriguing. The level of detail in this book both in terms of story and art is mind blowing.
Sharp's Batman reminds me a little of Van Sciver's Batman but this has been an interesting, fun, and weird surprise. It seems Diana is always caught in these type of sidequests be it from Celtic, Norse, or Greek mythology.
The story is a little difficult to follow. It's maybe too talkative. Bruce give one more a proof that he's more capable than simple human, with a little help form Alfred. I don't dig all the story about the homeless guy. For now I don't see how that will fit in the story.
But Diana is right in the place she has to stand, and I love seen her as peacekeeper in this awkward situation.
Cocer - Nice ... And related for batman. But not for Diana. 1.5/2
Writing - It's a little hard with all the difference of english language used. That slow my reading. 2/3
Arts - Man that awesome. Diana is so beautiful. 3/3
Feeling - A little less enthusiastic than after the first issue. But I will finish this short story. 1.5/2