MARVEL'S MOST EXTREME MUTANT RETURNS! He's been a soldier. An X-Man. A protector of the timestream. But even from his earliest days, the mutant known as Cable has been living on borrowed time, waging a lonely war against the ravages of the Techno-Organic Virus. Yet when a high-stakes mission in the future goes catastrophically awry, Cable is left stranded in the dystopian city of Salvation Bay - and will find himself caught in the midst of a civil war that will change his life forever. Get ready for big action, bigger threats and the biggest guns in the Marvel Universe, in this epic new series from Ringo Award-winning writer David Pepose (PUNmore
Cable: Love and Chrome #1 sets up kindred spirits. Cables experience has primarily been a lonely life, even when he has been part of a team or with various partners. Read Full Review
While I have not selected a Marvel Comic in my top comics of the year in a long time, we already have a strong contender with Cable: Love and Chromeand we are on the first day of 2025. Read Full Review
To the Powers-That-Be at Marvel, please give us more of this. Cable: Love & Chrome is a big win. Read Full Review
Cable: Love & Chrome #1 does everything it needs to do to invest you in the story, from perfect character voice and emotive style to hardcore action sequences that show off the experience and talents of the entire creative team. Cable is back doing what he does best! Read Full Review
Anderson creates some great art in the issue. The action is visually thrilling throughout and the imagery creates great emotional atmosphere. Read Full Review
Cable: Love and Chrome sets the stage for an epic saga, and its clear this creative team is poised to deliver something truly remarkable. If youre a fan of Cableor just love a good sci-fi brawldont miss this issue. The Summers family legacy continues, and its one heck of a ride. Read Full Review
The X-Mens time-travelling titan crashes into comic shops with a thrilling debut. Pepose balances the fast paced fighting with the building drama with a phenomenal set-up. Henderson, Prianto, and Sabino bring the pain with extreme action while teasing the danger yet to come. This is one you wont want to timeslip and miss! Read Full Review
Cable: Love and Chrome #1 gives Nathan Summers a new mission, a new love interest - and most importantly, it'll give readers a new outlook on his character. Read Full Review
I can't speak as to how serious fans of X-Men will react to Cable: Love and Chrome #1. As someone who never cared much for Cable, however, it made me care about him. That is an impressive accomplishment, and I think this series is a great introduction to who Nathan Summers is. More importantly, it is a glimpse of whom he might become. Read Full Review
Cable: Love and Chrome #1 has a feel like some of the Cable series I grew up with when the character got solo series with chromium embossed lenticular covers regularly. But, it's far more getting at an aspect of the character that often takes a backseat and presenting it in a way so many can relate to. It's a fresh take on the character, something Pepose excels at and a prime reason to check out this debut. Read Full Review
I thought this was a solid start, but not as gripping as it could have been, in my opinion. I really like the idea of Cable in this dystopian future fighting for a group of enslaved people, but it just doesn't come together as nicely as the premise sounds, unfortunately. Some of the dialogue and narration just doesn't do it for me. Plus, Henderson's art is pretty rough. I don't think it's bad, but I do think it could definitely be improved upon.
This is devicive book as there is a huge split between the fans on this. I picked it up because Pepose is going such a good job on Space Ghost, but I'm on the side of this being an average book. We have Cable going into battle against a corporation who has basically ensalved a group of people that have the same affliction that he does. It's not enough for me to want to pick up the next issue, especially with the mediocre art.
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Considering that the writing and art in superhero comics are at an all-time low, this book is probably somewhat entertaining if you’re Gen Z and not used to comics being better. Personally, I would recommend reading the Ladronn run from ages ago instead of this.