In their first no-holds-barred arc of DAREDEVIL, Saladin Ahmed and Aaron Kuder tore Matt Murdock's world asunder! With those closest to him ensnared by some dangerous and malevolent force, Matt's been left with nothing but questions. IN THIS ISSUE, he finally starts to get some answers from the STRANGEst source of all...
Rated T+
Over the entire run of this series. I've really enjoyed the clever use of the seven deadly sins and how their demons have been portrayed when they have possessed Murdock's friends. I can't wait to see what happens next. Read Full Review
Saladin Ahmed and Aaron Kuder showcase their abilities excellently in this issue with how they showcase Daredevil's world. Ahmed plays with DD's faith and provides him with pathways that allow him to accept the good that comes with choices while also keeping the responsibility challenged by having DD clean up some consequences of his choices. Kuder cuts loose as he puts DD on a wicked journey that allows us to see two contrasting sides of DD. Introductory Rites continues with quite the second wind for story and character. Read Full Review
Kuder offers some beautiful art in this issue. The character designs are beautiful and the action is visually thrilling. The hellscape version of Hells Kitchen is beautifully designed and scary in its scope. Read Full Review
Daredevil #6 continues Father Matthew's fight against the Seven Deadly Sins by forcing him to accept why they're attacking in the first place. The answer just might whelm you. That said, Kuder's surreal art is strong, Daredevil's white armor makes a return appearance, and the next victim of possession arrives for a solid cliffhanger. Read Full Review
We get the return of the White Daredevil suit and a fun surprise at the end (though how they'll explain what *he's* doing in New York given everything happening in his current comic and the rest of the X-Men is quite beyond me), but this run as a whole still feels like it hasn't quite made it out of first gear and is becoming a little too reliant on cameo appearances. Read Full Review
It’s good to have Kuder back and it’s even better to have a decent cover from JRJR.
The revelations in this issue may have been predictable, but Ahmed is executing his story very well. Matt’s “wilderness” was a really neat concept, and I was very surprised to see the return of a certain suit!
I still have questions that I’m hoping will be answered, such as why some people recognize Matt and other don’t, but I am patient and have faith in Ahmed.
This series continues to be intriguing. I'm glad to see Kuder back on the art duties and it looks like he'll be back for the next two issues as well. As for Ahmed, I think he's putting together something interesting here and I'm glad we finally got a little more on Matt's return from death, even if it was just that the sins followed him from Hell. Speaking of the sins following Matt from Hell, I'm looking forward to seeing how things go down between him and Wolverine in the next issue.
The white suit just works
It's alright. It's a decent enough story, but I feel like they could give us more with explanation on Matt coming back.
Doctor Strange explains to Father Matthew that these demons that have possessed his friends came to our world after Matt when he returned from the dead, until now he has only faced the demons of envy, laziness and gluttony. So Doctor Strange shows him a door to hell to confront this being that keeps sending him demons.
In this astral plane he faces that demon that shows him a dark version of Daredevil, when fighting with him he awakens with his new White uniform (epic) and begins the search for the other demons that are strengthened by the deadly sins, in this search discovers that Wolverine beat him to it.
Interesting chapter but somewhat confusing and leaves open many doubts.
It is magni more
Good art, but this feels unfocused and theology-heavy internal monologues really kill the pace. Big, visually exciting things are happening on the page that just aren't as interesting as they should be. What would we say the plot here is? Matt fights demon-possessed allies one by one until... he doesn't have to anymore? Where are we going? Fighting possessed A and B listers is a passable way to spend a comic, but this is not riveting stuff.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6.5/10
The main person that Matt sacrificed his soul for last run (Foggy Nelson) has yet to be mentioned. The very first issue of this run establishes Matt as Daredevil again and he gets his memories back. We’re in issue #6 and Matt hasn’t gone to see how Foggy is? It’s make zero sense for Matt as a character. On top of that, I just don’t think Kuder’s art fits DD. The thing that’s keeping me in this right now are the appearances of other big characters, that’s about it.
Art 9 Story 0
Wow, do I HATE this Catholic religious gobbledygook, issue after issue.
And it's Hell's Kitchen. Not that big an area. Where's Elektra? Where's FOGGY??