Although the finale feels a bit anticlimactic, I enjoyed this issue quite a bit. For once I’m not completely mystified by Simone’s script, and the guest art looks pretty good - almost too pretty for all that dark stuff going on. In the end, this crossover served as setup for a bigger story, which makes complete sense from a dramaturgical point of view.
I don't know what happened here. I still enjoyed this for what it was, but it was also, kind of, a disappointing ending to this crossover. Garrón's art felt more like David Marquez's here, which I think has something to do with the colorist, but there are certain points where things look a little off. For example, the scene where the two X-Men teams are standing against Corina. Wolverine is just sized so strangely, particularly his arms. As for the story, it was good. It didn't feel as though we made an incredible amount of progress, but I still liked it enough overall.
Well that crossover was pointless.
this finale was pretty underwhelming due to the character writing. But at least the art looks good
This crossover was such a bad idea. Put the nail in the coffin for me with Uncanny. Also, this inconsistency with art has become really annoying. I feel like Marvel's greedy tactics are starting to really show so it's time for me to move on to something where I feel people don't make decisions based on just wanting to sell more comics. There really is no point in having 18 issues a year and having a crossover every few months...I prefer quality over quantity and spectacle...
This is one of the worst finales to a so-called "event" I have ever read. In the end, nothing happens or changes, the main character of Rogue acts weirdly out of character, and aside from a small number of decent character moments among the supporting cast, there was nothing of substance or note. I can't even make a longer review because there's just nothing to talk about.
So.. that was a pointless arc. The art was especially rough - Rogue's face was all over the place.
This issue was so incredibly disappointing. The end of the Raid story arc was a terrible travesty that didn't have to be, but yet this entire issue sacrifices character for the sake of plot. The two teams have to be put at odds, and so that happens regardless of the events going on around them, and barely anyone besides Scott and Rogue say anything despite their own stakes in the events that are taking place here. The X-men flounder terribly here, not acting like the heroes they should be and leaving this event with less than they came with, leaving humiliated and divided even though what they saw inside of that prison should have caused them to put their differences aside to save the poor prisoners trapped inside. This was a very disappointing issue. more
Forget anything Uncanny or X-Men at least for me...
I really was hoping this would be a long series that would last for me but no I think this issue turned me off for good. My biggest beef is the art changing so much, the artist in the beginning was superb I thought but now they keep changing too where it has no consistency at all.
Modern comics really are garbage and to the ones that aren't as bad they are still a chore to read when you want to stick with them. For example, I started reading the 1998 Iron Man run written by Kurt Busiek and drawn by Chen. Now I won't claim it too be the best comic EVAH! However it is in a masterclass in itself. In two days I read 25 issues and an annual without getting tired of it. Getting ready eventually to read 64 more issues of it.
Iron Man 1998 unlike this crap called Uncanny X-Men is consistent throughout those 25 issues I've read, even the worst issues were still entertaining. The romance and flings Tony has feel real and gives you a glimpse into him as a man. Whereas in Gail Simone's romance between Rogue and Gambit it feels like a cheap attempt at fanfiction or at best cliche fans service (is there a difference Idk?).I am not learning anything new about Rogue or Gambit through there love in this series, nothing significant that effects the story dramatically at all.
This whole issue especially was so drab and stupid and you know what I'm sick of every woman character having a beef with some male lead for reasons that is not explained. I get it everyone hates Scott now but honestly I think its stupid. I like Scott Summers, I think he's a good character that deserves respect but no he is getting the Captain America treatment in current comics. Cap is also being treated like used toilet paper in comics that should "know his place" when "DA STRONG WAHMEN COMEZ IN DA PANEL DUH!!"
I gave this garbage another chance even after that horrendous abomination called issue #6 but that's it! more