The War of The Realms has brought monsters to the streets of New York City, but New York has a monster all its own...Frank Castle, A.K.A. THE PUNISHER! And he'll be damned to Hel if he's going to let a bunch of Ten Realms tin-pot tyrants terrorize his town. But given he's one man against an army of monsters, Hel might soon have him! The War of Realms is about to meet Marvel's One Man Army. Expect Punishment!
Rated Parental Advisory
As always, it's a thrill seeing Duggan write Frank, and even more so when he's completely thrown out of his element like this. When compared with violent but impactful visuals, this issue is a slam dunk. Read Full Review
Aside from a harsh pacing change midway through, this is everything a Punisher fan could want out of Frank Castle fighting in a war came to Manhattan. We're used to Punisher taking out dumb human goons, but how about giant Ice Giants? You won't regret reading this if that at all piques your interest. Read Full Review
When it comes down to this comic, and its place in the greater arc, I assume it fits in, but seeing as how this can be read independently to the main series, there's no real excuse for fan of the Punisher to pick this book up and enjoy the book you're reading. Read Full Review
Not too shabby for an event tie-in. If you like your Frank Castle a little more broad and pulpy, then War of the Realms: Punisher #1 is a battle worth fighting this week. Read Full Review
I am always skeptical when it comes to the writer of the voice of Frank Castle, but Gerry Duggan did not disappoint at all. Read Full Review
War of the Realms: Punisher #1 (of 3) is a delightful little mini-series/tie-in to the huge War of the Realms event. It succeeds in its simple storytelling methods. It is a fun romp with the Punisher fighting off hordes of monsters and trying to help some people, with a nice little twist to keep you coming back for the next two issues. The art is great as well and just fun to look at. I mean like I said earlier, the book ain't going to win any awards or anything, but man it was a fun read! Read Full Review
Overall, while the story doesn't seem overly integral to the main events of the War of Realms (yet), what we do have is a fun, and very gruesome Punisher story that I look forward seeing continue. Frank's status in this title seems to contradict where he is in the main series at this point, but between the action, and surprising amount of heart in the issue, a place among the crowded War of Realms tie-in market can be found. (Psst little secret … I had a bit more fun here than the main WoR series this week.) Read Full Review
This is going to be an insane entry in Frank's war journal. Read Full Review
Rachelle Rosenbergs colors help elevate Ferreira and Poggis art with a bright palette that reminds you that this book is Thor-adjacent, even with its comparably low stakes. Read Full Review
The War of the Realms: The Punisher looks to be an entertaining action Punisher action story but that's about it. Read Full Review
Gerry Dugan writes a fantastic Punisher tie in to War of the Realms. It’s nice to look at, brutal tone, fast pacing, violent, and it keeps you on your toes like all Punishers series should. Not necessary for War of the Realms but if you’re enjoying it you may as well read this tie in too
Actually really enjoyed this! Hopefully, this will get even more gruesome to justify that Parental Advisory rating, but so far so good.
Some very fun moments!
A quick, yet entertaining read.
Not too bad. It’s a quick read. It’s an easy read. Plus, it’s a reasonably interesting story about what Punisher would be doing during a war with mythical creatures. It made sense, logical, and something I could get behind. I’d like it better knowing if Frank stays true to himself at the end and wastes everyone who helped him. Then, this score may go up. It’s worth the read. Art wasn’t spectacular but it wasn’t bad either. It felt cartoonish, which is fine but I want my Punisher art to be more real, rugged, and intense.
If you want to get me interested in the Punisher, giving him a double-dip of righteousness by letting him defend saintly innocents and blow away literal monsters is not the way to go about it. But though it ain't my cup of tea, I recognize it's a pretty well-brewed one.
Frank acts out of character at times. He'd never arm and collaborate with someone on his hit list, even in a war zone.