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Joined: Nov 28, 2021

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DoorMan reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #5 Nov 17, 2021

I honestly went into this hoping that I would enjoy it. It has become evident that Taylor's virtue signaling and his desire to be politically correct have taken priority over all else, sadly. Five issues in and it has been absolute politically motivated trash so far.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Faster than fate. As powerful as hope. Able to lift us all. For all his great power, Jon Kent can’t save everyone, but that won’t stop him from trying. How much can Earth’s new Superman do before this Man of Steel buckles? And when he does, who swoops in to save Superman?

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Merlyn reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #5 Nov 16, 2021

So we all knew this was coming and we all knew Tom Taylor is as stupid as they come but we didn't know it was going to be this stupid. I mean, I expected some explanation as to why a character who has NEVER shown any attraction to boys and has been attracted to several girls his age would all of a sudden swing that way. Nope, he just kisses the pink-haired guy and that's it, we're supposed to buy more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Faster than fate. As powerful as hope. Able to lift us all. For all his great power, Jon Kent can’t save everyone, but that won’t stop him from trying. How much can Earth’s new Superman do before this Man of Steel buckles? And when he does, who swoops in to save Superman?

+ LikeComments (60)
Merlyn - Nov 25, 2021

Dude, a copy means you've replicated something. Conner ISN'T a copy, he's a COMBINATION of Clark and Lex. Search the dictionary for what "copy" means. Match is a copy, yes, he's Conner's copy. Conner is no one's copy. Ergo, he is the first half-human, half-kryptonian, not Jon. I am not wrong so yeah, I'm not going to admit I'm wrong when I'm not. You know when I was wrong on Black Manta I admitted as much. Seems like you're not man enough to do the same. No surprise there, honestly.

Sup3rsa1yan1990 - Feb 14, 2022

Fuck this propoganda and fuck DC

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