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Joined: Aug 12, 2021

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nastyD rated Superman: Son of Kal-El #17 Nov 10, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El #17

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Nov 9, 2022

KAL-EL RETURNS PART 4! Superman and son are why doesn't it feel so good? Could it be because of the Lexcorp automatons threatening the safety of Metropolis? I've got a bad feeling about this...

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nastyD rated Superman: Son of Kal-El #12 Jun 20, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El #12

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Jun 15, 2022

Lex Luthor and President Bendix have joined forces to unleash the Gamorra Corps on Superman...and put a stop to the first son of the Last Son of Krypton once and for all. But a new hero has joined the fight...and he's going to use that tin-can suit like a chew toy if Luthor isn't careful. Welcome back, Krypto. Who's a good boy?

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nastyD reviewed Human Target #4 Jan 25, 2022

this story is … amazing

Human Target #4

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Jan 26, 2022

With eight days left to solve his own murder, Christopher Chance tracks down his next suspect. His murderer couldn’t be Blue Beetle…could it?

nastyD rated Human Target #2 Nov 30, 2021

Human Target #2

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Dec 1, 2021

Christopher Chance now has 11 days to solve his own murder. With almost no leads, it would seem the case of his own death has gone cold…but it’s about to get a whole lot colder. Enter Ice, former member of Justice League International, arriving at Chance’s office with some unexpected information…and mysterious intentions.

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Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #5

By: Tom King, Bilquis Evely
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Supergirl steps into an ancient trap, stranding her and Ruthye on a planet of nearly perpetual night. Now, the woman of steel must call on every remaining ounce of strength to combat the monsters left on this world to kill any super unlucky enough to end up on its surface.

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nastyD rated Superman: Son of Kal-El #5 Nov 17, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Faster than fate. As powerful as hope. Able to lift us all. For all his great power, Jon Kent can’t save everyone, but that won’t stop him from trying. How much can Earth’s new Superman do before this Man of Steel buckles? And when he does, who swoops in to save Superman?

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Merlyn reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #5 Nov 16, 2021

So we all knew this was coming and we all knew Tom Taylor is as stupid as they come but we didn't know it was going to be this stupid. I mean, I expected some explanation as to why a character who has NEVER shown any attraction to boys and has been attracted to several girls his age would all of a sudden swing that way. Nope, he just kisses the pink-haired guy and that's it, we're supposed to buy more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #5

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Nov 17, 2021

Faster than fate. As powerful as hope. Able to lift us all. For all his great power, Jon Kent can’t save everyone, but that won’t stop him from trying. How much can Earth’s new Superman do before this Man of Steel buckles? And when he does, who swoops in to save Superman?

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Merlyn - Nov 25, 2021

Dude, a copy means you've replicated something. Conner ISN'T a copy, he's a COMBINATION of Clark and Lex. Search the dictionary for what "copy" means. Match is a copy, yes, he's Conner's copy. Conner is no one's copy. Ergo, he is the first half-human, half-kryptonian, not Jon. I am not wrong so yeah, I'm not going to admit I'm wrong when I'm not. You know when I was wrong on Black Manta I admitted as much. Seems like you're not man enough to do the same. No surprise there, honestly.

Sup3rsa1yan1990 - Feb 14, 2022

Fuck this propoganda and fuck DC

nastyD dropped Human Target (2021) from their pull list Nov 3, 2021

Human Target (2021)

Christopher Chance has made a living out of being a human target-a man hired to disguise himself as his client to invite would-be assassins to attempt his murder. He’s had a remarkable career until his latest case protecting Lex Luthor when things go sideways. An assassination attempt Chance didn’t see coming leaves him vulnerable and left tryi...

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Batman / Superman: Authority Special #1

By: Phillip K. Johnson, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Nov 3, 2021

Following Mongul’s brazen attack on Earth, Superman’s world has been turned upside down: conflict between Atlantis and the surface world, the discovery of an immensely powerful new element, dead refugees with mysterious ties to Krypton, and expulsion from the Justice League! When Superman re-forms the experimental, antiestablishment Authority t...

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nastyD rated Human Target #1 Nov 3, 2021

Human Target #1

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Nov 3, 2021

Christopher Chance has made a living out of being a human target-a man hired to disguise himself as his client to invite would-be assassins to attempt his murder. He’s had a remarkable career until his latest case protecting Lex Luthor when things go sideways. An assassination attempt Chance didn’t see coming leaves him vulnerable and left tryi...

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nastyD added Human Target (2021) to their pull list Nov 3, 2021

Human Target (2021)

Christopher Chance has made a living out of being a human target-a man hired to disguise himself as his client to invite would-be assassins to attempt his murder. He’s had a remarkable career until his latest case protecting Lex Luthor when things go sideways. An assassination attempt Chance didn’t see coming leaves him vulnerable and left tryi...

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nastyD rated Superman: Son of Kal-El #4 Oct 19, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El #4

By: Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Released: Oct 20, 2021

Kal-El has left, and the weight of the world now rests on his son's shoulders. Powerful forces have been threatened by Jon Kent's first leaps in his father's boots. It's hard to hurt a man of steel, but his loved ones make a much easier target.Jon's world is about to come crashing down.

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egonnn244 reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #3 Sep 29, 2021

"Superman is gone"

I could end the review right here because that sentence above sums everything up perfectly.

The Man of Steel has left the Earth. The Man of Tomorrow is gone. In his place, we are left with an entitled brat who thinks he knows best and constantly looks for new ways to show he's the virtuous one.

Great. Awesome.

This time, instead of bei more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #3

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Jonathan Kent hasn’t been Superman for long, but he’s upset some powerful people with his heroism. And the underground news source known as the Truth is helping Jon open his eyes to evils in the world that could be more powerful than the new Man of Steel. Continuing the brand-new saga of Superman from Tom Taylor, the writer of Nightwing, and ...

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egonnn244 - Oct 6, 2021

The black box on instagram it's just pretentious, nothing more.

Psycamorean - Oct 6, 2021

It still gets the message out

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Merlyn reviewed Action Comics #1035 Sep 28, 2021

For the last 4 issues I have rated AC pretty high because despite seeing where it was leading to, I enjoyed it. This time, I didn't. Sure, Sampere's art continues to be great. But Superman thrown out of the League after last issue? Yeah, sure, I don't buy that, not for one second. You can tell that editorial just wanted Clark out of the way for Taylor's stupid Jon Superman miniseries and PKJ came more

Action Comics #1035

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Sami Basri
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Superman keeps the abandoned Warworld weapon out of the hands of anyone who might misuse it. But now the Justice League questions his judgment. It’s time for Clark Kent to put up or shut up. In “Tales of Metropolis,” the Guardian comes to the city. Is this another step toward Future State?

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Mingthemerciless - Oct 1, 2021

I agree Merlyn I dont like forcing Bruce out of Gotham for nothing more than to place Usurper Batman there.

Mingthemerciless - Oct 1, 2021

What's your take DC fan?

nastyD rated Superman: Son of Kal-El #3 Sep 28, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El #3

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Jonathan Kent hasn’t been Superman for long, but he’s upset some powerful people with his heroism. And the underground news source known as the Truth is helping Jon open his eyes to evils in the world that could be more powerful than the new Man of Steel. Continuing the brand-new saga of Superman from Tom Taylor, the writer of Nightwing, and ...

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Merlyn reviewed Superman: Son of Kal-El #2 Aug 24, 2021

Really, bullets with "thoughts and prayers"? I mean, I know it's Tom Taylor, stupidity is par for the course but come on, can it get more cringey? Nothing here seems all right, the way Jon scolds Clark, the way Clark accepts said scolding, the way Jon drops the refugees and he decides he's above all of it. The sanctimony of it, the complaining about "sTuPiD bOrDeRs", all of it it's just Tom Taylor more

Superman: Son of Kal-El #2

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Aug 25, 2021

Jonathan Kent now dons his father’s cape, but can he be Superman and still have a normal life? It’s tough in this modern world. Danger is everywhere. The new Superman learns this the hard way on his first day of college, and a deadly attack forces Jon to step from the shadows and into the spotlight-where his identity is exposed to the Truth, an...

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PeteRick - Sep 13, 2021

All I'm asking is a fun and entertaining fucking book, I get tired from work, with my two kids, and people know how 7 years older are like, I just like to lay down and blow off some steam by reading my comics, without this political garbage, ain't enough that every channel I tune up there's this shit happening, it was supposed to be a break from reality, if DC keeps up with this agenda, I don't know if I'll stick around

Merlyn - Sep 14, 2021

That's my problem, too. These people don't understand that we want escapism. They're just so narcissistic that they think we actually want to hear their political opinions. We don't.

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RKS reviewed Superman #32 Jun 26, 2021

You know what would be better than ending a series that was just finding it's legs after 32 issues? NOT CANCELLING the book in the 1st place. No one wants to read about Jon, NO ONE. So I hope DC enjoys the sales pop of issue #1 only to be followed by a quick drop by issue #3. Now, we all know they will bring back the original Superman however by that time the series run has already been broken more

Superman #32

By: Phillip K. Johnson, Sami Basri
Released: Jun 23, 2021

The end of “The One Who Fell”! Superman and Superboy were duped by the old divide-and-conquer routine, which is especially dangerous on a faraway planet where you can’t tell who your enemy is. As the Shadowbreed makes their big move, Superman discovers what happened to the friend who originally sent the distress beacon that lured him and his ...

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