LeonReadsNRates's Profile

Location: Florida, The US of A Joined: Aug 16, 2023 About Me: Hey I sometimes have strong opinions, hope you're OK with that. Big time DC fan, dollar bin junkie and collector, appreciator of the female form bad/good girl comics, and other oddities.

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Action Comics (2016) #1061

Jan 11, 2024

I will admit I bought this comic with a lot of apprehension; as a comic reader who enjoys DC very strongly over Marvel, seeing more of Marvel's stable coming over doesn't sit well with me, as I feel the writers of Marvel don't always understand the characters in the DC Universe (see Tini Howard and Leah Williams). Bizarro! It's actually the first time I've seen him in a modern comic since I started reading Superman. The use of magic in Superman comics as his usual foil is common but for the story to basically turn Metropolis into a new Bizarro world after his own has seemingly disappeared. If you're a long time reader of Superman comics, this story may be covering familiar ground but I enjoyed it nonetheless. John Timms is a terrific choice to put onto a Superman book, his work for Jon Kent during DC's Infinite Frontier was a beautiful comic--even if it failed to launch into a good comic down the road. Recommended.

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #1

Oct 24, 2023

I can't with good conscious recommend this comic. If we looked at it on the merit of a "comic book" it's not the most interesting comic. Opens with the usual relationship bit, you know two bros just hanging out half naked under bed sheets, afterall, we have to really hammer home that Mr. Scott is gay now (or has been for a better part of a decade if you remember Earth-2 but let's be honest, who does?). Light on action, heavy on the melodrama. I can see why Tim Sheridan didn't go over any basic plot points in his video fan baiting about the comic--if he did, he would give the whole comic away. However, where there were action pages, they were well illustrated. Coloring work looks competent also, paneling too, but those are strengths from the art team. The cliffhanger was almost expected, I didn't hate it but the fact that I had hunch it would happen makes me feel the author should have made a different choice for the next major plot point. Here's the thing, let's put aside the queer bending of an 80 year old character (of which the creator was a devout Catholic, hmm), would you really hand this comic over to a gay friend? Like really? I appreciate Sheridan's effort to bring gay voices to the forefront and he seems like genuinely nice guy, but he's not the only one who has been doing so for the past 5 years at Marvel and DC. Here's my advice; start with writing a comic about a hero who happens to be gay, normal people aren't defined by their preference. Unfortunately, DC and Marvel's creatives who write these LGBTQ stories aren't strong enough to draft up a book on gay heroes without making it feel close to parody. Comics are already a niche genre as it is, leading with "he's a gay hero, buy this book to own the chuds or ELSE--!" screams of desperation. I'll be back for the next issue to see how this rolls into the Red Lantern.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #18

Aug 16, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #22

Dec 20, 2023

This comic is proof that regardless of the temperament of the writer, he has the knowledge and mythos of the DC universe well understood. My enjoyment of this comic could only be better if I had any passing memories of the "Kingdom Come" event of the 90s. Sadly, I don't! Still a great comic and set up for a potential, huge multiverse conflict (that's not a crisis event).

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #26

Apr 19, 2024

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) Annual: 2024

Jan 31, 2024

Enjoyable for the most part but I'm not going to bother with Challengers of the Unknown or The Bumble Bee story as those didn't look interesting enough to bother reading. Metamorpho and Bat-Mite story stole the show though, and I appreciate the addition of more silver age elements. Can Metamorpho make a return to World's Finest? I hope so! Recommended.

Batman and Robin (2023) #4

Dec 20, 2023

Williamson's writing style appeals to a man's inner child. I guess if you were looking for this comic to enter a more serious tone, you would be disappointed by this but I'm glad this comic isn't high stakes. Between Gotham getting highjacked by high intelligence robots, fear toxins, mega corporations, etc, it's nice to see Robin and Batman take on low level villains. Still I thought Damian was older but if this means we get to see him and Flatline again, I'm all for it.

Batman and Robin (2023) #5

Jan 11, 2024

Most people don't like slower issues like this, but compared to the high stakes of the mainline Batman book (which I don't care to read since issue #130), it's good to read a comic about the best father-son duo in comics, Batman and Robin. Slower paced, but Damien is getting closer, he feels, to the truth about the principal of his high school. He swears up and down it's his old trainer from the League of Assassins, Mistress Harsh. Shenanigans ensue and Damien deals with high school life, gets bullies, and bullies the bullies. However one of his bullies is a big admirer of an old Batman small time rogue! Nikola Cizmesija does his best work with what is usually considered a "slow" issue. After the end of an arc, the story will level off after a big climax. I don't care for how he draws Bruce with such large expressive 'anime' eyes, but that's a minor gripe. BUT if he draws more Talia and Mistress Harsh... hmm, I'm on board! Also his action panels and art are great, if you've ever seen him drawing Red Hood. Let's hope we get more action in the next issue. Recommended.

Catwoman (2018) #58

Jan 22, 2024

I could barely make it through this issue. Is anyone interested in this "war" event? How many times has Gotham been held hostage, invaded, or threatened in the last 4 years? Way too many times to count. Please for the love of God, do not let Tini Howard write Batman. I don't want to see DC's titular hero being reduced to whining and moping, basically on his knees for Mommy Selina. Same goes for Chip Zdarsky, What an absolute shame, Nico Leon's art is the a big highlight and I think he's putting his best pencil work into this series it's just a shame that his work is tied up in a mediocre story. Not recommended.

Catwoman (2018) #59

Jan 22, 2024

Considerably more interesting and a breath of fresh air compared to the slog that was the Gotham War event. Catwoman is cursed with 9 lives, but isn't sure if the markings on her back are actually related to lost lives. This sort of reads like an inventory issue but it's light enough to keep me interested. Selina goes to meet Valmont's old lover, Paola Molina, to confront her and tell her to news that her old flame is dead. Nico Leon is off the art but his replacement, Stefano Raffaele, is no slouch and the action is sharp as a cat's scratch. Recommended.

Catwoman (2018) #60

Jan 21, 2024

An entirely OK issue that really makes you wonder if the writer actually knows much about deadly injections. Even if a deadly injection misses a major artery it can still be fatal but WHATEVER this is comics and small details like that should be brushed to the side (probably). Eduardo Flamingo is a gross villain from the best days of Morrison's writing for DC, and it's good to see him back. Although why Selina would want to work with him is questionable, in the end, all she really wants is to steal an Idol of Bacchus. The idol being in the hands of someone disgustingly wealth makes sense and he hosts bloody stageplays to make sacrifices to the idol. The story is quick and to the point. Unfortunately, Flamingo is something of a footnote in this issue and isn't that important other than being thorn in Selina cat suit. She also has a curious gift (curse) where she has additional lives to burn, so she's being extra careless while barely sneaking into the stageplay. Once again, very strong art Stefano Raffaele, if his art wasn't here I would probably rate this lower but thankfully there's still solid pencilers working for DC. Recommended.

Catwoman (2018) #61

Jan 21, 2024

I've yet to read much of Tini Howard's Catwoman, but I'm trying to keep an open mind about the comics I read (although her Harley Quinn comics are about the worst books I've read in a while). Selina starts the issue off feeling stronger than ever and revitalized, ready to take on challenges since she is getting cocky about having ever lives, literally. She can die and come back to life a limited number of times. So what does she do? She wants to steal one of the most danagerous elements ever created by mankind, Corium! The comic is beautifully penciled, narration seems on point. I can even forgive the usual feminist slant that Howard has in her writing as the ending of the issue was heartwarming, and I even had a sense of dread waiting to see what fate may happen to Selina after she literally begins to fall apart from stealing the corium. Recommended.

Ghost Machine One-Shot (2024) #1

Jan 28, 2024

For a launching pad of a new comic universe, I'd have to say this is more of a sampler than a launch for the Ghost Machine imprint. That being said, the main three stories; Geiger, Redcoat and Rook were all extremely short but on point reads with absolutely solid art. Redcoat is great if you're into history themed stories, Geiger if you're into a revenge superhero book and Rook appears to be a near futuristic theme story set on a distant earth-like planet. Lots of different stories to choose from. The only story that was a bit on the eh side was ironically one of Geoff Johns smaller books with the book starting reading a comic book. Can't win them all, Geoff. I think I can say that with confidence that most people are looking forward to Jason Fabok doing interior art again, so Rook Exodus is a must read when it drops in April of this year. DC is gonna be struggling after so many of their best talent just went independent. Recommended.

Green Lantern (2023) #6

Dec 20, 2023

Adams and Xermanico produced a huge, action-packed comic stuffed to the gills! I have to say you can see the energy and excitement from the creative team just from reading this. Issue 6 ends off on a more somber note and adds some more emotional tension to what's really been bothering Hal Jordan for these last handful of issues. Don't miss out on this series, pick it up! Recommended!

Green Lantern (2023) #7

Jan 10, 2024

After the amazing and off the wall issue that was #6, this was a good slower pace that set up the conflict with Sinestro and leads into questions why he may be around Earth in the present. Let's get the fan service out of the way; it's very cool to see all of Earth's Green Lanterns in a line up, even if most of them didn't get anything to say (but Guy got the best page, that's what counts). Not to go into spoilers but a very integral plot point is revealed regarding Kilowag's apparent d**** and a negotiation talk goes south after a group of Yellow(?) Lanterns crash the meeting in what can only be called an assassination attempt on the new leader of Oa. It's evident that Jeremy Adams has extensive understanding of the characters that are under his pen and I encourage any passing DC/comic fan to pick up this series. It's also illustrated exceptionally well. Amancay Nahuelpan's talents as a young, up and coming artist is better served here than on the last book he was on (Hawkgirl) and if he's the replacement for Xermanico, I'd be fine with that (though I like Xermanico a little more). Like a lot of artists who's style of penciling action pages, he has a more manga-esque appearance to them, though the narration pages are illustrated well, they are clinically uninteresting. As with most of DC's current books; there's a back up story related to an upcoming title, Sinister Sons. I usually skip the back ups, so I'm not letting that effect the score for this book, although I am likely to pick up that book as well (since it's written by Peter Tomasi). Recommended!

Hack / Slash: Back To School (2023) #1

Oct 23, 2023

I know nothing of this character or the universe she belongs to. I picked this up purely on artistic merit and not only does this comic look nice, it's a fun, simple read. Basically, if you smash Rockstar Game's Bully with Lollipop Chainsaw, you may end up getting this sort of book, if that is a good enough of a description.

Hack / Slash: Back To School (2023) #2

Dec 30, 2023

A genuinely fun and chaotic comic. Cassie Hack and her class mates embark on their next Slasher hunt to take on a indie video game inspired horror. The girls are pretty, art and colors are lush and interesting, vibrant. The monster of this issue being the indie game "Frogboy" a sort of Undertale inspired work with nothing but bad endings for the players. The girls make their way into this video game universe to confront the slasher only for to literally blow his own head off, as he assumed he was going to get killed away. If you like video games, cute girls, pantie shots (what!?), and heavy dose of gore perhaps this comic is for you. It's scratches that 'popcorn' comic itch, and over-the-top gore itch too. Recommended.

Hack / Slash: Back To School (2023) #4

Apr 19, 2024

What a terrible ending issue. After how strong issue 3 ended I was hoping this series would end a good note but I wasn't expecting a complete destruction of narrative and characters together. The writer took the good moment the story had and lit it on fire. Well so much for that. Won't be following any other series by Zoe unless she's strictly the artist. Spoiler; everyone dies, the end. Not recommended.

Hawkgirl (2023) #4

Oct 22, 2023

If you ever wanted an example of everything wrong with DC Comics, or just comics in general, please see this comic as prime example. This book should be used in courses in comic creation on how NOT to make a comic and how to NOT move a story along. Please stop using legacy characters to prop up your awful OC's. Even the art was subpar and kept jumping between OK to what looks like a traced photos. This comic was so bad, I almost needed to medicate to finish. The last time Hawkgirl had a solo series was way back in 2006 and it'll probably be 2039 before she gets another one after this trash fire ends.

Jackpot (2024) #1

Jan 18, 2024

Being a complete normie to Marvel, I didn't know what to expect. Why is MJ a superhero? Who the hell is Paul?? There's a gang war going on in New York and they need Mary Jane Watson to help Spider-Man fight the thugs?? Why? I thought NYC was filled to the gills with superheroes, so what's so important about this story? I will admit the art is solid and MJ looks good as a superhero but ultimately, why? If this artist sticks around, I'll probably pick up another comic. A completely inoffensive story, this really didn't need to be apart of an event, as it barely seem to have much relevance to it. Not recommended.

Jay Garrick: The Flash (2023) #1

Oct 23, 2023

I love that this character from Stargirl's mini series is getting some more highlight. Judy Garrick, aka The Boom, is finally reunited with her family, but as she adjusts to her time in the modern time (which is big range depending upon what DC Comics define as modern), and trying to find her place while she displaced from her friends and family for decades at a time. What I like about this book in particular is the author, Jeremy Adams, he understands how to build a great dynamic of emotional character beats and his comics are generally a positive and hopeful read. Too many comics released today are just too cynical so it's nice to read a book that returns to comics as a form as fun escapism and heroics. Recommended.

Jay Garrick: The Flash (2023) #3

Dec 20, 2023

Jeremy Adams and his team of artists continue to reward fans for following his love of comics. I was wondering if The Flash was a flash in the pan (no pun intended, I promise), but it appears that this and Green Lantern get the Adams boost. Usually it's difficult to get over a new, younger hero when they are attached to a legacy hero, but Judy is an enjoyable protagonist to have, I hope she sticks around after this miniseries is over. Also any excuse to make use of the JSA team outside of Geoff Johns is welcome, as Johns is terribly slow and keep to a schedule! Recommended!

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong (2023) #1

Oct 23, 2023

A perfectly serviceable first issue. Even if you don't care for kaiju/monster comics it's great to see some kind of the Justice League return to comic form, even if it is in a non-canon way. However, if you want to see King Kong and Godzilla start smashing buildings and lay the absolute smackdown on the Legion of Doom and the Justice League, you're gonna have to wait for another issue! This #1 issue was a bit a slow starter but that's fine, I want to see this action take place over the course of all 6 issues. Recommended.

Justice Society of America (2022) #8

Dec 26, 2023

I thought it was OK, but DC is banking on the reader wanting to pick up and read the new Green Lantern Alan Scott book. Sorry DC, but I only got space on my pull list for one GL book and that's by Adams and Xermanico! I don't know why it took Johns this long to get to introducing Ruby aka The Red Lantern but I'm glad it happened. Was a bit too much talk-no-jutsu in this issue for my taste but I'm happy to see the plot move on from Helena and focus on the new villain along with the mystery box ending we got at the ending. Unfortunately, I don't know who these characters are so the call backs falls flat upon my reading.

Justice Society of America (2022) #11

Sep 5, 2024

The Justice Society of America by Geoff Johns, at least the most recent series, is strong if not marred by it's constant delays. The comic has a great mix up of dozens of heroes from both the JSA and Legion of Super-Heroes. This issue is DENSE with previous layers of storytelling and if you stepped into this randomly you wouldn't find this a worthwhile read. Eclipso is a good reveal but it's ultimately weak because the Legionnaire who was introduced 2 issues ago is being shoved off into another super team. Like Kneel Before Zod, this series needed room to continue the story and with a new writer taking over after issue 12 (plus all the delays), this issue will read a lot better in trade format.

Kneel Before Zod (2024) #1

Jan 2, 2024

A solid start for the long-time adversary to the Man of Steel, Zod takes center stage as the lead of his own maxiseries. While the 1st issue pertains to the literal world building desires of Zod, he runs into predicaments with two of his biggest thorns; the heir apparent to his throne, Lor, and the constant meddling of the United Planets. Lor being a young Kryptonian full of his father's boundless rage strikes out against Zod, only to be banished, in what can only be described as a "prove yourself worthy" character. I'm sure we'll see a return of Lor in the near future. I do love a good familial spat, makes for good reading. Ursa, Queen of New Kandor and wife to Zod, is due to have their second baby, who's implied to be a son, but she worries about her husband mental state as he appears to literally be hallucinating past foes (i.e. Jor-El). To add to Zod's full plate of dilemmas, he's dealing with a small scale invasion of his newly found home. The art by McDaid was good enough for the script but you can tell he's an artist better suited to a script that pushes more action versus characters having long bouts of exposition. Serviceable but not exactly memorable. I hope we take to see this artist flex his pencils on the following issue. My major point of contention is this; there's not a big "you gotta read this" energy to this 1st issue and that's a big negative in my book. Comics need a hook for the first issue, how else are you going to keep readers engaged?? I'm sticking around cause I like a good story for villains, I hope I get that here from Casey and McDaid. Recommended.

Knight Terrors: Punchline (2023) #2

Aug 16, 2023

"It doesn't matter, none of this matters." - Carl Brutananadilewski My score on this comic is heavily influenced by my love of this character. Sometimes you just want a good villain to do villain things, but that's not what happens here. With DC turning Harley and Ivy in poster board queer super-anti-heroes, that leaves more space in the universe for other bad guys to grow. Overall, if you aren't familiar with the character of Punchline, aka Alexis Kaye, you may be asking yourself why the hell you would read this, and you may be right! A super techno zombie Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), who isn't really the antagonist of this issue but rather the meta commentary on internet culture and trolls from online and perhaps social anxiety. Yes that's it. By the end of the comic, Alexis is right were she started--being a bad guy waking up from a mildly weak nightmare. There is the event villain, whom I can't remember for the life of me because this a two month event that I barely have passing interest in. The real winner is the art and colors by Lucas Meyer and Alex Guimarães respectively, you may recognize his work from the Titans United miniseries that was penned by Cavan Scott. The use of a desktop computer and UI as a background for the fights was cleverly done and if you flipped through the comic, you could probably think up a more interesting conflict than a robo zombie batgirl yourself. If you're buying this comic to complete your collection to the event, you're better off bagging and boarding it, unless you happen to be a fan of college women who are part time clown criminals.

Local Man (2023) #1

Mar 28, 2024

I don't know how this comic is getting such raving reviews; people must be either starved of anything not superhero related OR it's a slow burn of murder mystery it's trying to build up to. The main character is a washed up loser ex-hero who committed some major wrong and has to slum it up back in his home town until the death of a former arch nemesis puts the story in motion. The jumps between main story (Fleccs) and the flash backs (Seeley) is a common storytelling technique in comics. On the basis of art; Fleecs art isn't anything to write home about, it's serviceable that's the most positive thing I can say about it. Seeley's art is more appealing and he's better suited to the action bits of the past. It was a fairly dry read and the art wasn't very strong. I did read issue two and two issues isn't enough to get me hooked then I'm out. Not recommended.

Power Girl (2023) #2

Oct 25, 2023

An improvement from issue 1 but still has way too much fluff for what is basically Karen's first comic in a very long time (I refuse to call her Paige). Amalak being taken hostage by an alien or virus was a turn of events I wasn't expecting but now that he's out of the way, and Karen has finally put on her pants it time she goes virus busting, right? RIGHT? I still can't adjust to this "omg we r besties!" thing with Omen, which I'm trying my best to ignore, but the art and coloring are definitely a highlight in a comic. If the comic continues to improve from hear, I may even give Leah Williams a passing grade.

Power Girl (2023) #4

Dec 26, 2023

A very underwhelming issue. What was the point of spending half of this issue on the mystery box story villain only to have said villain get promptly beaten by the supporting character and not the hero of the story??? Williams, please, why are you writing a comic named POWER GIRL and making Omen such an major part of her story? Omen is a supporting character who shouldn't take up the spot of the hero from the title character. The good art can't save this comic and unfortunately I don't think Pansica is going to be on this comic much longer and the boring art of Sauvage will be back in the near future. Blah. This whole reboot of Karen Starr has been a bad experiment and it should just end on issue 6. Renumber it to #1 with a new writer and direction. Say the entire "paige" arc was some weird fever dream that Omen was playing on Karen.

Power Girl (2023) #5

Jan 23, 2024

Reader be advised; this comic has 2 pages of actual written dialogue. There's not much to say here; Streaky (not Stinky, who's PG's original cat) goes on a mission to rescue cats and dogs from an underground animal trafficking situation. It's well drawn, but I feel like it's something of a waste of a properly decent artist on what is essentially an inventory issue. The last two pages sets up the next story arc, Supergirl needs PG's phony new powers of punch through dimensions. Leah Williams isn't the strongest writer that was brought over from Marvel, the least she could have done was bring Carlos Gomez with her, I would have LOVED to see him pencil Powergirl.

Power Girl (2023) #6

Feb 29, 2024

Leah Williams continues to make a not so great Power Girl comic that's devoid of both action and interesting plots. Why is Supergirl and Power Girl investigating a psychedelic drug that teleports people? Who knows!?

Power Girl (2023) #12

Sep 2, 2024

The romance between Peeg and Axel is paper thin and is just an OK paced issue on her date in Valhalla (though a few of the warriors look they're from India, hmm). Travis Moore returns to pencil work, the art is good but I feel like the story is kind of just going through the motions. Power Girl learns that Axel is essentially a custodian of the gods; documenting and protecting rare artifacts, cool. When she asks a scrying mirror what is happening with her BFF Omen, it shows her that Omen is in some state of duress. If you're still reading Power Girl at issue 12, congrats, looks like we both made some poor comic by decisions.

Power Girl (2023): Uncovered #1

Jan 31, 2024

I normally don't pick up gimmick comics but I am weak to blonde Kryptonian women. DC has been releasing these "uncovered" books which are just cover galleries for $6. If the books featured more classic covers like this I'd more inclined to buy in again. Ultimately the book sets out to be a fairly balanced gallery of popular comic cover art. I wish there was more cover at from older series but still, it's a nice cover and nice collection. Great for PG fans.

Purr Evil (2023) #1

Oct 23, 2023

Mirka Andolfo is the epitome of an OK writer inside of strong artist. I honestly don't know why she doesn't just team up with a writer who could take her plots and make them more cohesive and interesting. That's not to say an artist shouldn't or couldn't be writer but some times you gotta know where you're deficiencies are and play to your strengths. I think the plot of a mother/daughter duo that functions as a monster slaying team with dark magic involved could definitely be a good read but the underlying subplot of romance thrown in PLUS the mother and daughter's obsessive neighbor who's something of a creep is three too many ideas squeezed into a small 24 page format. Andolfo writes for the trade. If you're familiar with her work, she will of course introduce plot threads and occasionally add details only for it get solved quickly towards the end. At least Braga's art looks better here than it did in Young Justice: Dark Crisis. Not recommended.

Rook Exodus (2024) #5

Sep 4, 2024

Another big issue. Rook awakens after nearing drowning in a river, saved by Swine's pig and friend, Pumba. Confused and bewildered by a talking boar, Rook has to come to grips with the fear that he harbors, his constant instinct to run away, is something that's going to end up killing him. He confronts the crows in a burning forest, and learns to open his heart to the animals and trust them. As the forest was blazing, Rook finally confides in the birds and joins their flock as he takes a step off a cliff! Fantastic and tense issue, I can't wait for more!

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Holiday Special (2023) #1

Dec 26, 2023

It's an entirely serviceable holiday issue. As someone who's only recently gotten into reading Archie comics, the main story featuring Kelly Thompson and Veronica Fish was a standard 'capture the monster story' with the only relevance to the holiday is being it took place during the winter solstice. Fish's art is very much a highlight as the witches are a very beautiful and interestingly designed. In fact everything in this holiday issue has nothing to do with Christmas. I mean, I get it, the character is a witch, but there's actually ZERO references to Christmastime, which I thought was odd for a holiday comic. Still it was overall a pretty good and a light fun read. I would rate this higher if it was more focus on Christmas. Consider me a fool for being tricked by a pretty cover, not the first time, definitely won't be the last. Recommended for all ages, either way.

Savage Red Sonja (2023) #1

Nov 4, 2023

It's not often we get stories focusing on the lonely side of Red Sonja's occupation of being a bounty hunter of sorts. Dan Panosian does a well enough of a job finding Red Sonja's voice; she expresses deep thought and perhaps sorrow upon two wandering travelers to happened up on her camp. After dispatching the raider, Sonja couldn't help but notice that the two travelers aren't just looking for the same castle that she is but they are also an item; the woman also suspiciously looks a lot like Red Sonja as well. There's definitely some savagery to be had in this title as there's plenty of cutting down of desert badlands baddies and tentacled sand squids. Action panels looked great, as to be expected from a Red Sonja book. Had you asked to read this comic two years ago, I may have rated it higher, considering I was all aboard the Dynamite train. Like many of Dynamite's titles, they usually have an entourage of gorgeous covers to choose from while the interior artist is left with scraps. Don't get me wrong, the art on the interior is "OK" by Dynamite standards, but I feel like if they ever want to escape the moniker of "that indie publisher with the booby covers" they should at least deliver the goods on the interior as well. Commit to the cheesecake bit, if you're a cheesecake company!

Shazam! (2023) #7

Jan 3, 2024

SHAZAM!! The Captain returns for his 7th issue in a fun yet action packed issue! Mark Waid continues the adventures of Billy Batson, who finally manage to get his life and self awareness out of the grips of the gods who controlled him for the last 6 issues. Things are turning around for him; his family bought a massive new house that they can just baaarely afford (this is important to the plot). The space dinosaurs have sent reinforcements wondering where their auditor had disappeared off--Mr. Dinosaur traded in the paper work for housekeeping at the Rock of Eternity. Black Adam is pissed someone has entered his air space without consulting him first--the nerve of these aliens! The only major down side to the comic is this being an off issue for Dan Mora and the usual colorist, Alejandro Sánchez. Goran Sudžuka and Ive Svorcina still manage to deliver and slamming issue of flying fists and expensive home repairs! In fact, I'm perfectly happy if these two artists continue as the usual fill in art team between arcs. Recommended!

Sirens Gate (2022) #1

Oct 24, 2023

This comic is the most bare bones comic I have ever read. Maer is a nice pin up artist but nearly every page in this comic is a pin up. I fully believe this man doesn't know how paneling on a comic works and this may actually be his first attempt at a comic book. Typically, grading someone's first comic run a low score may be demoralizing to the creator but then I remembered he's publishing this through Dynamite, the kings of pin up covers and variants, so this book probably sold on variants alone. I can only say that if you like Maer's art, that would be the only reason to even pick this up. Even if this has vibes of Underworld, it's just so barebones it would make you feel like lost $4 down a storm drain. Blah, whatever, not recommended.

Sirens Gate (2022) #5

Jan 18, 2024

I really want to like this book, but I really can't. How can a comic have 5 issues and move the plot so little. Maer's paneling isn't strong, and his illustrations seem too stiff and don't convey a sense of movement. I literally forgot I was subbed to this comic. Can you believe it's getting a season 2???

Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse (2022) #1

Dec 26, 2023

This comic reads like a "How do you do, fellow kids" sort of comic. Yes, memes. This is the level of threats that happens in Gwen's home universe. The cover of the comic should sell you on the comic and it didn't do a great job selling me on this book. Tim Seeley really should stick to drawing; if the story isn't in his wheelhouse, it's usually a pretty lukewarm story. Seeley's strengths are gorey action comics with hot girls, he should pen more of those. It's about as average of a comic that you can get. There's a lot of multiverse nonsense, so if you're into that, by all means, you may like this! The idea is there's a Gwen everywhere, do you like Gwen Stacy (I do)? Then how about MORE Gwens!?

Stargirl: The Lost Children Collected  
Supergirl Special (2023) #1

Nov 1, 2023

What a wasted opportunity to follow up on the great Doomsdays one-shot special of Kara in hell. I'm not sure why we got a comic of not just Karen but also Kara struggling with their identity and their place in the world. Lots of drama and Kara feeling lost. The art was ok but the girls look very modest, especially by DC's current standards on general attractiveness of female heroes in their roster. Everything from the cover art to the taglines on the cover are all not in this this book. I want the story related to the nice cover art. Just a generally uninteresting comic. Lost potential for a great one shot. Not recommended.

Superman (2023) #9

Dec 20, 2023

This still continues to be a premier title as published by DC. Clark recovers from his last fight with The Chained only get thrown into a time traveling side quest by Graft! Redundo's art and flair from the Nightwing comic is a nice touch to have added to Superman's books. I guess this is upcoming arc is the closest we're going to get to an "All-Star Western" ever again from DC.

Sweetie: Candy Vigilante #6

Aug 16, 2023

Aaaaa this was pretty cool! So this comic is a promotion for a band by the name of Osaka Popstar, you even get a free mp3 to download to listen to the song. Kind of cool to see Dynamite promote a book like this. Anyway, the comic is about Sweetie, a well meaning but unhinged woman of relation to the Candy Man myth. She wants to make the world a sweeter place and she’s starts in her hometown of NYC. Her methods of persuasion are candy canes, pixie dust, licorice ropes as she melts faces and slices and dices the “not nice” from a bar in this chapter. The art pops, it’s wacky and bloody. Sweetie is beautiful, she’s a manic pixie dream girl trope of Jinx from League of Legends fused with Suicide Squad Harley Quinn and it works very well.

Transformers (2023) #4

Jan 10, 2024

There's really not much review to be done here. Are you a transformers fan? Then you are already reading this comic. Are you new to transformers? Cool! Then you should definitely be reading this comic. It's got everything you could want; action, emotional highs and lows, returns of fan favorites and the characters are positively on point. Daniel Warren Johnson's art style may be a little more of an original take on the art but his action panels are so slick, it's hard to complain about it. Transformers ending up in the hands of Skybound has been one of the best things that's happened to the franchise in some time! Recommended!

Trinity Special (2024) #1

Jan 31, 2024

Tom King writing young characters reads like a completely different author versus him writing almost any other property. The trio of heroes (Damien, Jon, Lizzie) are a fun group to see them interacting, lots of bickering and love between what are 'siblings' between the original trinity of DC's mythos. This is a collection of the backup stories at the end of the Wonder Woman issues which is great if you aren't following the main story. I like Lizzie and I understand why some people would dislike Trinity; she has a lot of elements that make readers usually hate new female characters. Very girl boss, a know-it-all and extremely headstrong and sarcastic toward. When you read this one-shot, you can understand why she's like that; Lizzie is a girl raised and babysat by two boys learning more masculine behavior. Oh and apparently Diana is an absentee mother. Still, I enjoyed this and now I'm feeling more conflicted about not reading the current Wonder Woman book. Hmm... something to think about. Belen Ortega's art is a comfortable fusion of DC's house style and anime-ish tastes. Recommended!

Trinity Special (2024): World's Finest #1

Sep 5, 2024

I think your enjoyment of this special issue fully depends upon if you like slice-of-life comics and the antics involved with them. It's cute, no doubt. We see Jon, Damian and Lizzie going from when Lizzie was 4 years old all the way up to her being a young woman going on adventures; from learning to fly a kite, to going to feudal Japan to learn how to be a samurai warlord. Can't forget the boys getting turned into dogs after a fight with Circe and cursed. It's a fun book, definitely a good all-ages comic with some stellar art from Belen Ortega. Somehow, Tom King can write some fun banter between young heroes and this a rare treat from him. There's a small teaser for the next solo series. Great read!

Vampirella / Dracula: Rage (2023) #1

Aug 16, 2023

The latest chapter in Christopher Priest's saga on Vampirella returns with heat, blood, childbirth and anger! As a follow up the Priest's last entry in his "Vampiverse" (Vampirella: Year One) Vampirella is brought to the nearest hospital that can provide the services to deliver her baby and save her life. After experience a labor so intense she believes her baby died during it, Legere tries to calm an enraged Vampi. As Vampi goes on a rampage in the hospital, we learn about the newest incarnation of the Dracula, a smooth musician and a how he became the Lord of Darkness with Victory by his side. Like with any entry in the current Vampirella universe as penned by Priest, your overall enjoyment of this comic will vary on how much you already read of Vampirella over the last 3 years as her story unfolds. The action is chaotic and bloody, and masterfully penciled by Rosado. Don't sleep on this series!

Vampirella / Dracula: Rage (2023) #2

Oct 23, 2023

Reviews for the Week of...




