Comic Covers's Profile

Location: United States of America Joined: Oct 29, 2016 About Me: As a fan of comic books for many years, along with enjoying the critiques of comic reviewers such as Lewis Lovhaug, I have decided to start my very own comic critique blog to share my opinions. On Comic Covers, I will be reviewing a mainstream comic of my choice every week, along with prom more

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Overall Rating
Action Comics (2016) #988  
Adventures of the Super Sons #1  
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #2

Jul 25, 2018

Despite the torrential downpour of bad luck Peter Parker experienced last issue, he has taken a surprisingly positive turn for the better. Him getting back together with Mary Jane might have something to do with it, and many fans including myself couldn’t be happier with this turn of events. However, Peter still has to make up for his unintentionally massive blunder of plagiarizing his doctoral thesis, and the interactions between Peter and his new professor, Dr. Curt Conners, put quite the smile on my face. After the events of The Clone Conspiracy, I was a bit worried about Conners’ situation, but I am glad Nick Spencer is utilizing him in such a constructive way. Overall, with good dialogue, great art, and a mind-boggling ending, I’d say this is one story you shouldn’t miss out on!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #7

Oct 10, 2018

Avengers (2018) #1  
Batman (2016) #33

Oct 18, 2017

Batman (2016) #36

Dec 6, 2017

Batman: Lost #1  
Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1  
Batman: The Devastator #1  
Batman: The Drowned #1  
Batman: The Merciless #1  
Batman: White Knight #3  
Batman: Who Laughs #1  
Captain America (2017) #695

Nov 1, 2017

Captain America (2017) #696

Dec 6, 2017

Captain America (2018) #4  
Catalyst Prime: Accell #5

Nov 8, 2017

Catalyst Prime: Accell #6

Dec 21, 2017

Damage (2018) #2

Feb 21, 2018

Damage (2018) #5

May 16, 2018

Damage (2018) #9

Sep 19, 2018

Dark Reign: Sinister Spider-Man #4

Mar 27, 2017

Tie-ins are usually looked down upon by just being padding and taking focus away from the main story line. This comic could have just been a cheap tie-in to the Dark Reign event, but Reed and co. came up with this solid series that had me grinning from ear to ear. Even though I do wish the art style was consistent throughout the entire series, the story and characters kept me coming back for more. The supporting cast get the right amount of time devoted them and Gargan’s juxtaposition of the traditional Spider Man formula made for funny adventure. While it’s by no means perfect, The Sinister Spider Man is a subversive ride that I hope you all will eventually check out.

DC / Hanna-Barbera: Flash/Speed Buggy Special #1

Jun 1, 2018

For Wally West fans, this special is a must read. For Speed Buggy on the other hand, I love how Lobdell integrated this character into the DC Universe, and almost made me wish that he was actually part of the Flash Family. Overall, a great issue!

DC Universe Holiday Special: 2017 #1  
Deadpool (2015) #36

Sep 15, 2017

A great, tragic ending to an excellent run of the series, and has a definite recommendation from yours truly. Deadpool #36 is not only a great note to end on, but also leaves me excited to see Dugan’s plans for Wade in The Despicable Deadpool! For the full review, click the link bellow.

Deadpool (2018) #10

Mar 8, 2019

I haven’t been keeping up with Deadpool as of late, but I was enticed by this issue’s cover. I can happily say this comic is more than just a pretty face, but I do have some gripes. Hepburn’s art is excellent as always, but it was this mysterious vigilante, Good Night, who captured my attention. Why would he steal Deadpool’s jobs instead of confronting him directly? What’s his history with the Merc with The Mouth? While the latter question was somewhat answered a little early for my taste, I was excited to see Wade go up against a formidable foe. Hopefully the rest of the story pans out, but for now Young’s latest story is off to a good start!

Despicable Deadpool #288

Oct 25, 2017

Despicable Deadpool #289

Nov 8, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #965

Sep 27, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #967

Oct 25, 2017

Detective Comics (2016) #968

Nov 8, 2017

Doctor Strange (2015) #382  
Edge of Spider-Geddon #2

Aug 29, 2018

Edge of Spider-Geddon #3

Sep 19, 2018

Latour nails the Father-Son, Superhero team dynamic in the debut issue of Spider-Ben & Spider-Pete. It's fun watching the plucky and carefree Peter play off his more grizzled, working class Uncle Ben as the stop crime in NYC. Love these two and can't wait to see more of them in the future!

Exiles (2018) #1

May 2, 2018

Exiles (2018) #2

Apr 25, 2018

Exiles (2018) #3

May 9, 2018

Exiles (2018) #7

Aug 29, 2018

Exiles (2018) #9

Oct 10, 2018

Fighting American (2017) #1

Oct 11, 2017

While it wasn't on my radar for this week, I have to say that I am happy I picked it up. This issue got me interested in these characters, and I am excited to see how Fighting American and Speed Boy's 1950's All American, Nuclear Family ideals, and values rub up against the more liberal morals of the modern day. Will they adapt and change with the times or stick to what they know? While Dodson's cover drew me into this book, I was also quite satisfied with the art in this book as well. I heard other reviewers say it emulates the artwork done during the original Joe Simon and Jack Kirby run so kudos to Duke Mighten and company. Overall, this was a fun read that I will definitely be coming back to.

Fighting American (2017) #2

Nov 8, 2017

Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #1  
Go-Bots (2018) #1  
Green Lanterns #10

Nov 6, 2016

For the full review, check it out here at

Guardians of the Galaxy (2017) #146  
Immortal Hulk #7  
Incredible Hulk (2017) #709  
Injustice Vs. Masters of the Universe #2  
Justice League (2016) #33  
Justice League (2018) #5  
Justice League: No Justice #2  
Mech Cadet Yu #4

Nov 15, 2017

Mech Cadet Yu #5

Jan 10, 2018

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #26

Apr 21, 2018

The emotional fallout from the last issue hits the reader hard, letting us feel just how the Rangers are coping with their loss. This issue also thrives in developing and humanizing Drakkon, seeing bits of the good man he once was in some interesting interactions. Overall, another excellent issue that makes me all the more excited for the next part of the story.

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #2  
Moon Knight (2017) #188  
New Superman #18  
Ninja-K (2017) #1  
Optimus Prime #2

Jan 13, 2017

While there was not as much action going on in this issue, I enjoyed learning more about the history behind the Civil War and how that may affect the story going forward. One aspect of this series I would like to see moving forward is exploring the backgrounds, personalities and relationships of the colonists. While the present and the past stories are interesting, I hope there is room for development for the new members of the cast. With the exception of Talon’s monologue, I throughly enjoyed reading this issue, and I am looking forward to whatever lies ahead for Optimus and his crew. To read full review, click here

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #6  
Punisher (2016) #218  
Quicksilver: No Surrender #1  
Savage #1

Dec 4, 2016

I do not understand why Savage claims to be a superhero story, but this misconception does not take away from its enjoyability. The solid writing paired with the interesting contrasting art makes for a great read. I am interested to see how Kevin, Ronnie, and KJ survive on this island, and what eventually becomes of them. If you're looking for a good survival story, Savage definitely has my recommendation as a series you should look out for.

Sentry (2018) #2

Jul 25, 2018

With the theft of the device that keeps the destructive forces of the Sentry and Void contained, Bob Reynolds is left scrambling for help to maintain the imperfect life he has clawed his way to. Unfortunately, this issue shows that none of his superhero friends were around to help him out when he needed them the most. The reappearance of one of Sentry’s oldest foes was quite the sight to behold, as said foe confronts Sentress in Sentry’s imaginary world. Seeing the life Bob wanted to cling onto for dear life be ripped away from him in an instant is as entertaining as it is heartbreaking to watch, seeing a man who once had so much power and potential be reduced to cinders by those men and women he calls his friends. With an ending that truly raises the stakes, be sure to pick this book up and see where Jeff Lemire is taking the Sentry next issue!

Superman (2016) #11

Nov 18, 2016

Hey everyone, this was an awesome issue! If you want to see the full review of this issue, come check it out on Comic Covers! Leave a comment or a like, and I hope you enjoy it. Link:

Superman (2016) #36

Dec 6, 2017

Teen Titans (2016) #1

Oct 30, 2016

Teen Titans (2016) #20

Jul 24, 2018

While relieving in some aspects, the debut issue of the newest incarnation of the Teen Titans brings greater concerns to the forefront in terms of Damian Wayne's new modus operandi. On the other hand, I must admit that enjoyed the newest additions to the team, including Red Arrow, Roundhouse, Djinn, and Crush, and I am glad that Robin and Kid Flash's dynamic still holds over from Ben Percy's time on the book. The Titans newest mission is a proactive one, and it is clear by the end of the issue that he is keeping the darker meaning behind this team away from his teammates. In Teen Titans #20, writer Adam Glass sets the groundwork for an all new team and a growing tension that will begin to grow not only with Batman and The Justice League, but between Robin and The Titans as well. Check it out if your interested into a grimmer take on DC's greatest young heroes!

Teen Titans (2016): Special #1

Jun 27, 2018

While I wasn't expecting Adam Glass to take this kind of direction with the Teen Titans, I can say that I was definitely surprised! I enjoyed how each character was portrayed in this book, even if it may have seemed out of character at some moments. Each story got me more invested, and now I cannot wait to see what the team will be like once they come together! Consider me onboard.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #132  
Transformers: Beast Wars #9  
Transformers: Shattered Glass #1

Aug 28, 2021

I've been looking forward to this mini-series since it's announcement, and I'm happy to say the opening issue did not disappoint!

Transformers: Shattered Glass #4

Dec 2, 2021

Transformers: Shattered Glass #5

Dec 22, 2021

Transformers: Wreckers - Tread & Circuit #1

Oct 14, 2021

Transformers: Wreckers - Tread & Circuit #3

Dec 8, 2021

Venom (2016) #1

Nov 24, 2016

While I don’t believe the first issue was outstanding, I do see its potential. I see the potential for Venom and Price’s relationship to be interesting; seeing whether the symbiote will hold true to the heroic nature picked up from Flash, or give into Price’s will and become evil again. I would also like to see what type of role previous hosts like Flash and Mac Gargan will play in the series, and how much of Venom’s history they will incorporate into this new run. I do have some initial problems with Lee Price, but I am hopeful we will learn more about him in the following issues. While Venom #1 is rough around the edges, I can definitely say that it has caught my attention, and I will be coming back to see how this story plays out. For the full review, check it out at

Venom (2016) #2

Jan 7, 2017

While not a large leap, this issue does take a step in the right direction. While Price’s goals could be seen as boring by some people, I find it a refreshing take from the norm. It will be interesting to see how long Lee will be able to keep Venom a secret from everyone, seeing how events transpire at the end of the issue. While this comic is starting off at a slow boil, I have a feeling that it will eventually pick up soon enough. While it is not perfect, Venom #2 builds off of the ground work set up in the first issue and hope of progress further down the line.

Venom (2018) #4

Jul 25, 2018

Donny Cates lands another bullseye with issue number four, revealing the secret history of the symbiotes and their dark god, Knull. From beginning to end, Knull’s story has some absolutely jaw dropping moments, connecting to other pieces of lore throughout the Marvel Universe that you would have never thought possible. Other revelations include the origin to the symbiotes weaknesses, and other things that I dare not spoil in this review. Bottom line, Eddie Brock finds himself way out of his depth as he goes up against a foe stronger than he has ever faced, with poor Miles Morales dragged along for the ride. This issue was absolutely crazy in the best possible way, and should more than convince anyone who was on the fence about Cates’ Venom run to hop on now.

Venom (2018) #7

Oct 10, 2018

Weapon H #3  
What If? (2018): Punisher #1  
Wonder Woman (2016) #34  

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