Hobgoblin 's Profile

Joined: Jun 02, 2017

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Overall Rating

This and Ultimate Spider-Man are two of the best books I have read in awhile. Really enjoyed this issue and looking forward to this series!

So happy to read this book after years of awful writing on Amazing. Hickman with a sensational first issue!

I generally really like Chip's work. This storyline needs to move along. We get it. Batman is fractured and broken and has been for a VERY loooong time. The Dark Knight Zur was cool, but let's wrap this up and move on to the Vandal Savage storyline, which could be great. This seems directionless hopefully we have a great payoff.

Great read and art. One of the best books out there IMO.

Love "Dark Spidey" This is the best run in years. Some excellent writing, art is great and boy Kraven what a mess. This could be a classic storyline that came out of left field. It's great to be enjoying Spidey again, it's been a loooong time.

This is a Matrix-Terminator mix. I liked this series - more action than Nice House on the Lake. So something must be done now to eliminate the end of the world. I can't wait for the 2nd arc. The art in this series is also outstanding.

Outstanding end of an excellent run. Hopefully, the new creative team and pick up and also weave and wonderful tale.

This run has been pretty bad. Time to bring in Chip. Nuff said!

Love the twist with the Fist in this issue. Love the white DD costume need a 2nd print with that. Well done Chip you will be missed and hopefully you take over Amazing Spider-man!

Love the art with the new creative team. Creepy issue; feel like I should save this series and read around Halloween. I like the new direction and this theme am looking forward to reading every month and some new characters and villains being introduced.

Good character development, and loved the twist at the end. Really interested in where this is going but it has been a really good four issues.

Excellent and epic story. Reminded me a bit of Planet Hulk. One of the best Sups stories in a long time!

Great story and art. Outstanding first issue. I like that this ties into Immortal Hulk, one of my favorite modern runs. Good to have the "Horror Hulk" back. Excelsior!

Many others have encapsulated my thoughts. Fantastic issue. What DD is all about. Bravo Chip, Bravo.

Everything about Spidey has been average. Do we know when Wells will be replaced? Spencer was not great either, but Wells has been bad as well. Slott looks like a legend compared to these two.

Decent read, and the concept of the Joker and what he has done is interesting. Can there be way too many bat characters? Yes, yes, there can! Also, how dependent is everything on the Joker? Even Chip's Batman Arc, which was interesting, tied back to the Joker. At least he did something very different.

The best first issue I have read in a long time. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I love the concept, and the first issue was a crazy ride. Tynion does tend to slow down or lose the mojo sometimes with other titles. I hope he can keep on track with this one.

Fantastic- Kudos to King for a masterpiece!

We Have Demons #3 Jul 3, 2022

Wow, this is why I started reading Daredevil during the Miller era. Just incredible!

Wesley on fire. Nuff said.

Outstanding, my favorite comic right now.

To be honest I'm sick of all of the cookie-cutter comics out there. This is some next-level writing by Al Ewing. I also really love the last panel of the book, which was fantastic. I can't wait to keep reading!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #16 Jun 11, 2019

Really loved this first arc and story. Great Horror Comic.

The art and writing on this book continue to astound. I love the direction this is going in. Great character development. Excellent change after the Soule run.

Ice Cream Man #9 Jan 30, 2019
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #3 Aug 11, 2018

Great storyline, loved the artwork and the portrayal of Bullseye.

Loved the great artists. But c'mon the story was terrible. Very sad I bought variant covers for this, I guess a sad Batman is the only effective batman :-)

Not a huge fan of Slott, but he is ending with a bang. Great story and art in this issue.

Dragging storyline by Soule and terrible are. Sick of this storyline which is never-ending. Would give this a -10 if I could.

Pleasantly surprised by this issue. Very good build up character development of the new Red Goblin and a cool ending. Great issue!

The ending was pretty good, art/scene at the end was decent and the set up was okay, but Peter/Spidey is in the hurt locker right now. Just bad character development with our favorite web head. Glad Slott is leaving, but at the same time hoping he can nail his last Spidey storyline (leap of faith, I know)

Average set up issue, with a couple of interesting developments at the end. Looking forward to the Immonen returning in the next issue. Hopefully, Slott actually nails his last storyline.

Best comic I have read in awhile. Great story, art, and concept, with Cap at his best. Nice twist ending I did not see coming. Well done Mr. Waid!

Good set up issue for what is to come. Story and art both top notch, highly recommend this book. Different kind of storyline, which I like but not silly different like the CapHyrda arc which started off as a good concept and went off the rails.

Daredevil (2015) #20 Jul 8, 2017
Daredevil (2015) #21 Jul 8, 2017
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #28 Jun 8, 2017
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #26 Jun 2, 2017
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #27 Jun 2, 2017
Old Man Logan (2016) #24 Jun 2, 2017
Secret Empire #3 Jun 2, 2017

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