Asger's Profile

Location: Denmark Joined: Oct 14, 2017 About Me: YouTube: Birth: 6/27/02 Favorite Characters: Spider-Man and Batman

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Overall Rating
Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #500

Oct 14, 2017

This may be the best single issue of Spider-Man in the last 20 years. Spider-Man is Jesus for Marvel. He does so much good but everytime he does more shit happens to him. Well imagine him having to relive every bad thing(and a few good things) that has happened in his life. Oh and the art is balls to the walls Amazing!

Amazing Spider-Man Peter Parker - The One And Only

Jun 13, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1: Coming Home

Jun 13, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2: Revelations

Jun 13, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6: Happy Birthday

Jun 13, 2021

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #793

Jan 21, 2018

God Dammit Slott, you were good back before Superior. If you would just have stopped back then you would have gone down in history as one of the best Spider-Man writers. Now you are literally known as an abomination to Spider-Man. This comic is a total representation of the crappyness that you fill your Spider-Man comics with!

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

Apr 27, 2022

"An enraged fan is an engaged fan" seems to be the stupid hook they are going with for this new run. Peter acts as if Ock is back in his body, he's an unlikeable little shithead in the book. I don't know what Marvel's obsession with ruining Spider-Man since 2008 has been but the only thing that can salvage the character is to undo One More Day and rewrite the timeline.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #3

Jun 8, 2022


Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #5

Jul 7, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #20

Feb 27, 2023

Batman Year One  
Batman '89 (2021) #1

Oct 14, 2021

Great stuff, far superior to anything Burton ever did.

Batman '89 (2021) #2

Oct 14, 2021

Great stuff, far superior to anything Burton ever did.

Batman '89 (2021) #3

Oct 14, 2021

Great stuff, far superior to anything Burton ever did.

Batman Vol. 1: The Court Of Owls

Jun 13, 2021

Batman Vol. 2: The City Of Owls

Jun 13, 2021

Batman Vol. 3: Death Of The Family

Jun 13, 2021

Batman Vol. 7: Endgame

Jun 13, 2021

Batman (2016) #100

Oct 6, 2020

Really great. Honestly this issue pulled of the entire arc. I am very happy with the conclusion, it's a bit hacky and corny sometimes but it still keeps the serious tone.

Batman (2016) #125

Jul 7, 2022

Should've started with a new number 1. Why tf was it not a new number 1. It just makes me think it's gonna be like Tynion where he's really just a placeholder for the next guy. The issue was good though, nothing amazing but good. DC are so bad at numberings. They don't have the legacy numbering like Marvel has, and when they renumber it's only if there is a relaunch or something. If you're not gonna renumber when a new run starts then why not just keep the original numbering.

Batman (2016) Annual #2

Mar 21, 2019

One of the best Batman comics in a long time possibly ever

Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 27, 2018

One of the best books of the year

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

Jan 19, 2021

-Pros The art is amazing There is a scene towards the end that feels genuinely scary, props to King's script and Mann's art ... That is what's good -Cons The structure of the narrative is way off. There is no resemblance of an actual ongoing story. It just jumps from this to that to this and to that, it's insane and not in a good way. In traditional Tom King Batman fashion the dialogue is incredibly stilted. No one talks like actual people. Another problem that doesn't only have an effect on this book but a good portion of Black Label books is that this shouldn't be a black label book. Nothing about this book is R-Rated, which I'm perfectly fine with, if it wasn't because the book has a goddamn sticker on it, that says it's R-Rated. It's like a lot of those new Animated DC movies, where they are Rated R without featuring any R-Rated material. There is as much if not more R-Rated material in Tom King's PG-13 Batman run than in this. Verdict: 3/10 Bad Hopefully when the story is done all of this will feel more coherent. I had high hopes for this series, because King is usually very good at limited series, but this ain't one of them. -Asgersweb

Batman: Curse of the White Knight Collected  
Batman: Earth One #1

Jun 13, 2021

Batman: Earth One #2

Jun 13, 2021

Batman: Earth One #3

Jun 8, 2021

This was one hell of a ride. It's Great. I don't wanna say much else other than it's a fantastic mystery. The epilogue is a mess though.

Batman: Fortress (2022) #1  
Batman: The Dark Prince Charming Collected  
Batman: The Detective (2021) #1

Apr 13, 2021

This was absolutly briliant. This is the best Batman book since Curse of the White Knight. While I was Reading it “it would be cool if they made a Batman book like x(can’t say it’s spoilers)” and then this book does it! Also the new design for Batman with the trenchcoat is dope. The only flaw I can think of is that a character shows up in the story that thematically feels out of place. The story is for the most part very grounded but they then throw in this character and it feels out of place.

Batman: The Imposter #1

Oct 12, 2021

Batman the Imposter #1 was brilliant for a whole list of reasons. Positives _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The art is spectacular. The writing is amazing. People talk like actual people, the plot is interesting and complex while remaining airtight. The story dismantles the idiotic claims that Bruce Wayne should just throw money at Gotham, and fix it that way as if that would work. The question of "what would Batman really be like?" is handled in a very intersting way. The world building is phenomenal. I'm a sucker for the ultra realistic takes on Batman. Finally an R Rated Batman book that utilizes the fact that it's Rated R. Negatives _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I wish Batman was in the book more like him as a person and not as a presence, however he's most definitely gonna be in the next two a lot more. This issue is very much about setting the buildings blocks as this is a completely new universe. We are introduced to a lot of new faces that we experience this new version of The Dark Knight through, but the next two issues as I said will most likely be told from Batman's point of view. If the following two fail to do so then I'll be very disappointed but thus far I do not mind this approach of setting the stage, so it'll be much more character driven in the next one. my only critiques in regards to the art are Bruce Wayne's design, he looks much younger than what they are going for. He looks closer to a Robin than Bruce Wayne, and that the batsuit doesn't have blades on the gauntlets. There are things that will become a negative if they don't get resolved in the following issues. If Alfred and Gordon are just not in this Batman's life anymore, then I'll be highly disappointed, but I presume they'll both come back at some point.

Batman: The Imposter #2

Nov 9, 2021

The only critique I have is that the super stylised panel layout can be a little difficult to follow occasionally, especially when the panels are small. Other than that everything good about the last issue is once again present here and much more this time, absolutely brilliant. The last issue was amazing but this one just goes above and beyond, the few issues I had with the last issue are fixed in this. Batman the Imposter is the best Batman book of at least the last five years.

Batman: The Imposter Collected

May 28, 2022

Batman: The Knight (2022) #1

Jan 18, 2022

Batman: The Knight (2022) #2

Mar 28, 2022

Batman: The Knight (2022) #3

Mar 28, 2022

Zdarsky is so good

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 25, 2020

Another Black Label book that's just a harder PG-13. The book is good, but it's not good enough to justify the four year build up. The book isn't really about Bruce. Batman has nothing to do in this story even tho his name is on the book. He reacts to everything, an arc has sort of been set up. You may argue that the Killing Joke had no arc for Bruce, it actually did but even if it didn't that book was practically a book from Joker's perspective. In this Barbara and Jason, especially Jason seems to have taken the leading role. Since we have a trio against the Joker trio, I assume Babs will carry issue 2, and the third issue will almost certinantly be Bruce's issue. What I hope is that we will really go into Bruce's psyche in the third issue. The art is terrific. Everything looks realistic but stylized at the same time. I am not a big fan of the designs however. The new Batman design is heavily based the 89 suit, w I overall think the new suit is kinda whack compared to other suits like the similar suit from Earth One or Doomsday Clock, The belt is too bright and small to compensate for the lack of trunks (which is a good choice to remove). However that is also my ONLY problem with design, it is a big issue but overall who cares, Batman still looks amazing. Red Hood's design is just bad, they should have gone with the original. Batgirl looks perfect, hella sexy as well but not in an overly sexulized manner. the Jokers look amazing. The story is paced very well. The characters act in character. Overall it's a good read but at least as of yet it hasn't lived up to the massive wait

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Sep 29, 2020

Still very solid, but same problems as the first issue. I will say this one was significantly more engaging, but Batman isn't in the issue nearly enough. He has very little dialogue and or stuff to do. I hope the third issue will bring it all home where Bruce is in the spotlight.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Jun 13, 2021

Batman: Three Jokers Collected

Jun 13, 2021

Dark Knight Returns: The Last Crusade #1  
Joker: Killer Smile: The Smile Killer #1

Jul 9, 2020

Doesn't utilize the R-Rating whatsoever. It's a story we've seen a thousand times before. "Oh Batman is just his imagination, wooooahh". However it's a very competent story even tho the concept is a bit tired. I am however super excited to see what comes next. Jeff Lemire takes the tired concept and makes it his own. The art is great, overall it's a good read.

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #6

Jan 21, 2018

One word Spetacular! If you want you could easily get Zdarsky on Amazing

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #297

Jan 21, 2018

One word Spetacular! If you want you could easily get Zdarsky on Amazing

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #310

Dec 16, 2018

One word Spectacular Probaly the best issue of the entire run. Chip Zdarsky has semented his run as one of the greats in the last decade or so and this final issue definently didn't dissapoint

Robin & Batman (2021) #2

Mar 10, 2022

How anyone likes this is beyond me. Batman is a fucking psychopath in this terrible book. Batman uses Dick as a way to find ways to take down children, and uses the excuse of not letting Dick have a childhood by saying he never had one therefore Dick shouldn't.

Spider-Man: Life Story Collected

Jun 13, 2021

Issues 1, 3 and 4 are amazing - like 8, 9 and 10s. Issue 5 and 6 are utter garbage. Issue 2 is alright. Overall - It's fine but wasted potential.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #4

Aug 17, 2021

Love the direction they went. I was worried it was the type of what if where everything just goes wrong like the Dark Multiverse stuff.

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #5

Aug 17, 2021

Great issue Only complaints -The Kingpin tease is unnesacary and could instead just be the beginning of the sequel. -Peter's FF suit looks like ass, it should have just been the one from the game.

The Batman Who Laughs Collected  

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