Stand Up Comic Reader's Profile

Joined: Nov 09, 2022

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A Vicious Circle (2022) #1

Jan 14, 2023

This could be the best book of 2023 so far. An absolute fantastic debut. Bermejo absolutely kills the art in this issue, wow. Although, one minor gripe. They called the protagonist...Ferris? Really? Full review at:

All Night & Every Day (2023) #1

Mar 15, 2023

I was all set for a steamy smoochy romance comic; a rarity in the market these days. Instead I got a half baked horror one shot at a party that never ends with awful people, gluttons, wack jobs and weirdos with animal bones on their heads...which is basically just any old party in LA on a Tuesday night. Yeesh. Full review at:

Aquaman: Andromeda #3

Nov 26, 2022

Wow. Perfection in a comic. Full review at:

Avengers: War Across Time (2023) #1

Feb 5, 2023

This gave me all the feels of an old school Avengers tale that you would pick up in a musty comic book shop where the comic would have smudges, crinkly corners and pages with that faded off cream color. It's not reinventing the wheel but what a set of wheels it is: Just a megalomaniacal intergalactic wacko in a Kirbyesque outfit sending robotic duplicates of our favorite heroes in tights to conquer the planet. Maybe Marvel needs to go backwards in time more to find that magic formula that made them so great. Full review and my favorite old school NYC comic book shop at:

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #8

Mar 17, 2023

As I was reading this issue I was feeling nostalgic, fuzzy and a bit verklempt, the great White Knight Universe was coming to an end. Wow, what an amazing run. That was until I got to the final page and…wtf? It’s continuing? With naughty Pig drawing Mirka Andolfo? And Murph doing Supes and Double Dub?? Full take and FOIA text from DC Editorial meeting at:

Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham (2023) #1

Oct 31, 2023

Umm, does this take place in '1930s First Appearance Batman Land' or current day with soul sucking smart phones? I can't tell because Grampa is drawing Detective Comics #27 Bats but there's hashtags and viral videos. C'mon Grampa! I dig Grampa's art. I don't know about Grampa's villain though. Crytoon? A dude that's crying all the time, like, tears just flowing everywhere as he's fighting? Oh Grampa. Maybe this should have been called the Weepy Wah Wah Whiner of Gotham. Maybe a visit to Grampa's house could give us some answers. Full take at:

Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker #1

Jun 16, 2023

The White Knight Universe was supposed to end - and then it didn't. DC probably realized that these Bat Books are the best Bat Books on the shelves so they extended the whole she-bang. Now Murphy the Great is working on White Knighting 'Wonder Dubs' and the JLA while his wife (who also writes steamy erotica, grrr) and this Clay McSchnooglydoogly dude writes this Joker Kids thing with art by Mirka Andolfo; she of the extremely naughty sexy pig and wolf art fame. It's okay. Feels like Batman the Animated Series not the gritty White Knight with a cliffhanger that feels like a Batman TV 1966 type ending. I wish this Clay McSchnooglydoogly dude would be jettisoned to some Star Wars drivel and Katana Collins was let loose on her own. Not sure if I can stomach 6 issues of this but I'll go along for the ride for now. Full take and Sean Murphy reading his wife's BDSM book at:

Black Cloak (2022) #1

Feb 13, 2023

This was billed by some as 'The Next Saga' and I saw some people saying 'Move over Saga!' Yeah, Saga ain't moving nowhere and apart from the anthropomorphic characters this bears little to no resemblance to Saga. It does bear a resemblance to a gritty Law & Order in an Magical Elven Kingdom that happens to have feisty nippy Mermaids. It's a taut set-up for a Murder Mystery and the meat in bones from Kelly Thompson lies in that device. I do like solving the death of a Royal Elf frequenting a room above a bar with an Elf Ho, that's new! Full Review at:

Canary (2023) #3

Mar 26, 2024

After two really wonderful issues the finale of this mini-series careened into Wackadoodleville as Snyder once again went over the top with the gore and the incredulous reveal of the secret of the Haunted Mine. It's not this series was bad but rather disappointing as it wrapped up a bit too swiftly while Snyder once again crossed the line from grounded into loony tunes. I connected a through line that bridged many of Scott Snyder’s books which may explain why he is prone to his comics ending up this way. Review and Snyder Psycho Analysis at:

Catwoman: Lonely City (2021) #4

Nov 9, 2022

One of the best series of the year brought it all home with one of the best finales of the year. Full Review at:

Chicken Devils #1

Nov 23, 2022

Full Review at:

Chicken Devils #2

Feb 23, 2023

The award for 'Comic Book that has to be turned into a Streaming Show' goes to the entire Chicken Devil run. Is the premise of Cops go vigilante and dress up as chickens with the Hot Chicken guy believable or a viable plot development? Maybe. Maybe not. But after such a scintillating first arc I'm giving this creative team the benefit of the doubt to burn our comic taste buds once more. Full freezing in LA review at:

Crave (2023) #1

Jan 19, 2024

A comic about a dating app that basically hooks you up with whomever you’re interested in, so it’s pure science fiction. Maybe they should have put this on a spaceship instead of a college, might’ve worked better. You’re probably hooked in by the chick with the nipple tape on the cover but just like any dating app once you match and open the book to what’s inside Ms. Tape, you realize you’re dealing with an absolute disaster. Full Take & Dating App Angst at:

Daredevil (2022) #4

Nov 19, 2022

For full review:

Daredevil (2022) #5

Dec 20, 2022

I was looking for a hot Double D and 'Lektra honeymoon issue and all I got was a blah blah prison break issue that starts with Leonard Samson, Green Sasquatch Grinch therapist. This series needs to get its act together or show me some spicy marriage tiffs. Full Review at:

Daredevil (2022) #8

Mar 21, 2023

Marco's Art? 10. The story? The Climax of this series so far? A huge dud. After 25 years of buying this book without fail I'm breaking up with Daredevil. I can't anymore. This is one story stew of mush. Chip needs to get back to Jizz Anime Queens and Brimping. Full take at:

Daredevil (2023) #1

Oct 16, 2023

Uggh. Blah. Dude. What is this? What have you done to Double D??? If Daredevil were the housing market this issue would be the December 2008 issue; a major crash and burn. Saladin Ahmed, usually an amazing writer, seems to have been bitten by the Marvisney 'We will ruin your story' virus. And the art? It looks like it was run through a Daredevil art simulator. Everything Marvisney touches turns to poop a la mode. Daredevil avoided the Marvisney touch of death as long as it could with Chippy Z and now this along with the TV series starring D'Onofrio and co. has been sent to the belly of the beast for digestive purposes. Full take, my new DD break-up and art samples from Hell at:

Dark Spaces: Wildfire #4

Nov 13, 2022

Full review at:

Dead Romans (2023) #1

Apr 27, 2023

It's been tough latching onto new and riveting series these days. Sometimes all it takes is drop dead gorgeous art to pull you in and that's what happened with Nick Marinkovich's stunning lines in this issue; it's worth the price of admission alone. As for the story? As mentioned by Wizard of Gore in his review it's not reinventing the wheel but it spins nicely along the visuals. I decided to update the story into a Modern LA tale called 'Dead Homeless' which might clarify the plot a little better. Full take and the soon to be rejected screenplay 'Dead Homelees' can be found at:

Detective Comics (2016) #1065

Nov 20, 2022

Full review. It'll make you laugh, cry and wonder why...

Fire and Ice (2023) #1

Sep 28, 2023

I think it's time for us all to admit that Dynamite Comics is more interested in providing T&A to horny comic geeks than actually delivering an amazing story. My goodness, everywhere you look, side boobs here, crouching tush in a bikini there, not that there's anything wrong with that, praise be for butts and boobies, but put them on a riveting plot please? The art is absolutely fantastic but seems like Ooh Ahh Yeah Baby Dyn-O-Mite! made Willingham & Manco focus more on the nekkid babes than creating a great fantasy comic, or maybe I can't find the story because I'm too busy looking at the nekkid babes. Full graphic NSFW explicit take along with an audio narration of what two bikini babes in a jungle are really talking about can be found here:

Hitomi (2022) #1

Nov 9, 2022

It's Lonely at the Centre of the Earth OGN

Feb 26, 2023

I've been lamenting the fact that the quality of the recent monthly offerings by the Comic Book Universe have been slowly declining so it somewhat forced me to look into the trade market. I landed on this gem which seemed to be the apple of every critics eye and, well, what an apple it is. I'll happily echo what everyone else has said on this page and in their effusive reviews elsewhere. What I will add is that if you are an artist of any kind then this book will really resonate with you and is a must read. You're not alone my friend, you're just lonely. Full review at:

King Conan (2021) #6

Dec 4, 2022

Marvel finally puts out a GREAT Conan series after reacquiring the license only to cancel the title and all Conan material as they have now sold the license and wait for it to expire. A plea for Brian Wood's return! Full review at:

Kroma (2022) #1

Dec 13, 2022

You had me at 'Girl in Fetal Position inside a skeleton'. Really cool concept and a wow did not see that coming cliffhanger at the end. Full review at:

Kroma (2022) #2

Jan 24, 2023

Kroma is a beautifully drawn comic about a tale of living in a colorless world versus venturing out into the wild of a world of full of color. That is until you look a little deeper and realize the writer/artist is advancing an evil occult elite agenda and is being rewarded Pop Stars dressed as comic book characters in his fancy home in the Hills. Review and Expose at

Mind MGMT: Bootleg #4

Nov 17, 2022

Full review at:

Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #1

Nov 12, 2022

It’s a miracle that Alan Moore hasn’t trudged over half naked to Marvel’s offices and broken down the door with a sledgehammer demanding that all work on Miracleman cease immediately... Full review at:

Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #2

Dec 18, 2022

I did not know about this smooch! This smooch changes everything! Did you know about it? I get that this came out ages ago but I’m just reading it now. Holy Older Dude HeroGod smooching a Kid HeroGod MiracleMan! I thought I was reading a comic about the weight of ruling over a Utopia and then boom. Smooch! Wallop! Wow. Full review at:

Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #3

Jan 27, 2023

Twenty nine years to wait for...this? A purple haired nympho? A Hagrid looking crybaby? A meandering hike up the Himalayas with Johnny looking Namor haunting Dicky D's dreams? Fawn over the amazing art and letters, fine, but Neil has a lot of catching up to get to greatness. Full review at:

Monstress #42

Feb 17, 2023

After a 6 month hiatus Monstress is back and admittedly I'm a bit lost. So much is going on in this series with so many different plot lines and character arcs I'm not sure who's trying to back stab who or who I'm rooting for the Ancient God Zinn to impale with in bazillions tentacles. However, this issue puts us in the astral realm of dreamworld with just a handful of the main characters chatting on Zinn who has now become a floating orb. Oh, and Maika is now a talking decapitated head who is chatting with her inner child. It's so bonkers it's almost impossible not to love the audacious imagination at play here. Full take at:

Monstress #43

Mar 29, 2023

I'm all for wackadoodle bonkers in a comic but the story and overarching narrative of this book seems to have gotten lost. Liu admits to writing as 'flying by the seat of her pants'. If you look up the origin of that phrase it means 'flying without the ability to communicate or fully plan things out'; yeah that sounds about right. No doubting Takeda's glorious art which is gallery worthy but this comic is officially off the rails like dozens of other trains in the USA. Full take at:

Night of the Ghoul #1

Nov 9, 2022

Bad Idea's 'The Lot' was a better version. Great art but too many initial plot holes. For my full review head over to:

Ninja Funk #1

Dec 8, 2022

So nobody's reviewed or read this yet? I think I know why. Full review at:

Once Upon a Time at the End of the World #1

Dec 5, 2022

I couldn't tell if this was the end of the world or Downtown LA last week. Full review at:

Phantom Road (2023) #1

Mar 9, 2023

At this point in his career anything that Jeff Lemire puts out is an instant pull. He's in that groove where every premise of his, whether you're into it or not, shines in its simplicity and execution. There's nothing jaw dropping or industry changing in the first issue of this story, but the device is there to hook you and whether you want to or not you'll be pulling every issue in this series until you find out. Full take at:

Rare Flavours (2023) #1

Oct 18, 2023

I assume that because it's already on its 3rd printing that this book is selling like hotcakes in the Depression, and it should. This is a beautifully drawn and magically written tale from the duo behind the equally astounding 'Many Deaths of Laila Starr' which was a truly breathtaking series from a couple of years ago. I feel like it's our duty as Comic Book Connoisseurs to fervently support great books such as this so the marketplace takes notice and continues to support creators who deliver stories such as this. A book like this transcends genre. Rare indeed. Full take at:

Red Light (2023) #1

Dec 14, 2023

When the world of Superhero Comics pretty much sucks you know the marketplace is ripe for a story of an 'AI Robot Hooker and the D-Bag that made her!' While the Big Poo (The Big 2) poop out trash every week I think comics need to lean into more erotic/love/relationship/sci-fi stuff and this one by Sarah Cho fits the bill. It's not great, I mean you're looking at a 'poor girl who yearns to seek out more from her life and her world' trope, but Petraites art is sexy and easy on the eyes and Cho's confessional in the back matter brings real emotional context to the entire plot. So I'm in, I just hope it doesn't get to 'There's an AI Robot Hooker on the loose in the City'! Full take and my Red Light experience at:

Red Zone (2023) #1

Mar 10, 2023

Buying this comic is like seeing that sexy Russian woman in a bar who’s wearing a skin tight white dress. As she sips on a Chardonnay she smiles seductively at you and you think ‘Yes! This is going to be great.’ Cut to weeks later where Ivana has ruined your life and burned your comic book collection to ashes. The cover looked great but the interior was a full blown mess. This comic is that Woman. Full take at:

Ronin Book Two (2022) #1

Dec 15, 2022

What fresh hell is this?? Is there a story in here? Hot babe gets violated all over by machine arms and then puts a kid in a barrel on her back and fights a demon from a cheesy 90s video game? I paid 8 bucks for this? Full review at:

Somna (2023) #3

Apr 19, 2024

I crown this series as the sexiest comic book in the history of comic books. Can you name one that’s steamier? Cloonan and Lotay lit these pages on fire with a compelling script and otherworldly art. This was profane divinity at its best. Lotay’s juxtaposition of two distinct visual styles was absolutely masterful. As far as DSTLRY is concerned this is the crown jewel of their flagship publishing company and they now deserve eyeballs on anything they come out with for the foreseeable future. I’m just bummed it’s over in 3 issues. Can we please put an end to 3 and done for Prestige formats that seems to be the norm in the industry??? My full take and a leaked transcript of Cloonan and Lotay’s early pitch meeting can be found at:

Spy Superb #1

Feb 2, 2023

Spy Superb? More like Spy Pretty Good or Spy Almost Worth 8 Bux or I Spy with my Little Eye Matt Kindt's fingers in the Hollywood Development pie.

Spy Superb #3

Apr 25, 2023

Once again Kindt drops a Dark Horse mini-series meant to upsell us on something else. Mind MGMT 'Bootleg' , a yawnfest, offered us a board game at the end. This time it's a magnum opus advertised on the back cover entitled 'Super Spy' a 448 page hardcover that admittedly looks great but then begs the question, what the heck was the point of this series then? The idea of a useful unsuspecting idiot being thrown into the fire of a global espionage operation is sound but the execution was flimsy at best. It probably would have worked better if it was, oh I dunno, an actual long form series where the idea was allowed to bake a bit more. Kindt's Mind MGMT series was pure genius. I think he either needs to revisit that world fully or invest in a new world fully rather than throwing facsimiles to the wind. As comic book readers, I think we need to pump the brakes on all of these pricey 3 issue series that have been dropping lately. Not everyone can do them well. This wasn't one of those 'well done' affairs. It was raw, pink the middle, and dripping with plot holes. Full take at:

Starsigns (2023) #1

Jun 10, 2023

Disappointing effort on what could have been an innovative premise based on regular people being infused with the energy of their astrological sign after the constellation disappears. It turned into what felt like a cheezy 90s cartoon with mind numbing dialogue and a corny cliffhanger. Is there a Captain Planet backstory? I suppose if you wanted to keep reading you could find out what each of the star sign powers do to normal people. I took it upon myself to do that for you so you could save $20 or so. Full take and Astro Hero Powers at:

The Ambassadors (2023) #1

Apr 8, 2023

Millar World! The Greatest that Comic Books have to offer! Large Fonts! REALLY LARGE FONTS! You're not reading a comic you're reading a TV Show! We're streaming the art right into those pages as you turn them. MILLARRRRRRR! He's at a meeting right now in Century City making your life better. You want ambition??? He's got it baby! This comic was okay but I wasn't ecstatically hyperventilating from this glorified storyboard for Netflix. You know who Mark Millar reminds me of? Dane Cook. A large font guy who tapped into the Woo Hoo crowd and rode them to stardom. My breakdown of the similarities and if this comic warrants the 150pt font treatment is here:

The Devils Cut (2023) #1

Oct 13, 2023

Anthology/Lightning Quick Short Story books suck, they're never satisfying. What makes this suck even more is that the creators here are so amazing along with the art that you're like 'Wait, WTF, it's over already?' It's kinda like a Comic Book strip club where each creator shakes their comic book naughties for a bit and then leaves. DSTLRY is wanting to be the new Imprint where creators get paid like a mofo; with a $10 price tag for this, $100 variants on their site and a $9 price tag on their first actual series we can see their strategy in action. I will support this imprint wholeheartedly solely based on what looks to be some great books coming down the pike but I could've done without this initial offering. I go through all 11 stories so you can save up your fiat currency for future DSTLRY wallet busters. Full take and Anthology busting here:

The Plot Holes (2023) #1

Oct 27, 2023

Interesting that this review site has yet to have any actual approved 'Critic Reviews' of this book. I suppose they deemed it irrelevant. Look, I love me some Sean Murphy, I can look at his art layouts and distinct linework all day long. His White Knight Universe is the best Alt Bat Universe ever and his original stories like Tokyo Ghost and Punk Rock Jesus are instant classics. That said, this is kinda corny. I get the premise, and he draws the s**t outta of it, but if this was an elevator pitch to some Hollywood exec Murphy would get a "Hey that sounds great, send me the script" which means, please stop talking to me. I'm on board to see if he can transform this into something special but, yeesh 'Yay! We're here to save bad books!' Oy vey. Full take at:

What's The Furthest Place From Here? #8

Dec 23, 2022

Two "flashback/backmatter/here's what's going on and why" issues in a row? With different artists? What's next a flash forward issue drawn by Sergio Aragones written by AI? Full review at:

What's The Furthest Place From Here? #10

Jan 30, 2023

I think it's time to call Boss & Rosenberg of 'What's the Furthest Place from Here' fame "The Backstory Boys". That's now 4, count 'em FOUR backstory issues in a row since issue 6. My theory is that they didn't think the series would do well and only wrote 6 issues. When Image called asking for more they were in a desert tripping acid and couldn't deliver new pages so Image hired new artists and has kept this charade going since last October. I also have a theory about some hot Anime babe being at the center of all of this :)

What's The Furthest Place From Here? #11

Mar 25, 2023

I mean, who hasn't fantasized about a half naked chick wearing a large Gopher Head busting into your tent to ravish you in the middle of the night? Besides the 'Freaky Forest Clan' this issue had zero connection to when they actually left the initial narrative back in issue #6. This series is going nowhere fast, either wrap it up or write the dang story RoseyBoss! Full take at:

Wonder Woman (2023) #1

Oct 20, 2023

It's been a while since I went on a date with a Wonder Woman main title. Double Dubz and I have had a contentious relationship ever since Azzarello and Chiang (Chiangarello's Magical Dubz Run) left the title about 10 years ago. I've checked in on her every month or so since then and I've always put the book back on the rack where it belongs. Now King is back, fresh off his kick ass 'Love Everlasting' book and I'm, hmm, I'm interested. There's a lot that goes off the rails here and a bunch that gets done right. Seems about right for a Woman you haven't gone out with in 10 years. The question is, is it worth a second date or does Dubz need to stay in the 'Ex File'? Full take and Date Recap at:

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