The dynamic duo has proven they can work as Batman and Robin countless times, but now they must work together as Bruce and Damian to stop a deadly killer...on a soccer field?! The mystery of who is Shush and what they are doing in Gotham continues to grow, but Damian is confronted with a blast from his past that wants him to leave his father and Gotham!
This continues to be another huge winner in a golden age of Bat-books. Read Full Review
Batman and Robin #6 is an absolute blast to read with some fun action and fantastic art. Joshua Williamson continues to deliver great character development for Bruce and Damian and he seems to be having a blast doing so. Nikola ?imeija and Rex Lokus were such a great addition to the series and would be such a great fit moving forward, but it will be good to have Simone Di Meo back next issue. Read Full Review
The mystery of Shush gets overtaken by the emotional family dynamic of Gothams most famous family. Superb writing by Williamson guides the pair through an unlikely confrontation. imeija and Lokus construct the powerful bond of father and son with imagery that doesnt miss. Make sure to check this one out on NCBD! Read Full Review
Nikola Cizmesija delivers some beautifully stylish and visually engaging art throughout the issue and the colors from Rex Lokus transport me into the story with every page and panel. Read Full Review
Batman And Robin #6 is a surprisingly entertaining and wholesome entry in the series when the Dynamic Duo stops crime while starting to build a familial bond. Williamson's emotional beats and relationship dynamic are on point, and imeija's looks great during the emotional and action scenes. However, the mystery surrounding Principal Stone is starting to get silly, and imeija's art loses too much character detail in the wider panels. Read Full Review
Batman and Robin #6 is another chapter that reminds us of the bond Batman and Robin have more than anything else. I could see this appealing to younger readers, and in turn, it has a lighter feel. The world isn't ending, and the stakes aren't that high, but there are some wholesome, fun adventures to be had. Read Full Review
Batman and Robin #6 has the dynamic duo follow Zach straight to Victor Zsasz to stop one problem and get closer to the truth. Thankfully, the whole Zach is Zsasz's son thing isn't legit, and the whole thing is just one way for the heroes to confirm something in their case. That said, the whole gimmick wasn't that appealing even when the truth is revealed, it felt like something simpler could've been done. However, there is a reveal of a fan-favorite character related to Damian who shows up, so hopefully they're here to actually advance the story. Read Full Review
Batman & Robin #6 was a pleasant surprise to read, and I'm enjoying the father/son dynamic a lot. I'm excited for the next issue! Read Full Review
Overall, a really strong issue and great fun to read. Read Full Review
This series is not terrible but it's not good either. At this point, I don't see that changing. Every issue does a few things right and a few things wrong and it just depends on which side of the scale outweighs the other each month to determine whether I'm left feeling frustrated or just bored. Today, we have the latter. Read Full Review