Uncovering the truth about what happened to their third child, Wally and team must infiltrate the dangerous compound known as the Nest in hopes of saving their newborn, while battling the formidable Granny Goodness!
Adams couldnt play this story out as long as he likely wanted, but he did send Wally off on a high note for a run that deserves to be mentioned alongside other classic acclaimed stints on The Flash. Read Full Review
This was the perfect appetizer to next month's mega-sized finish. Read Full Review
To semi-quote one Ferris Bueller, The Flash #799 moves pretty fast. If you dont stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. Its that quick people! Almost from page one, action, gigantic titans, Eternity Palaces, time and space manipulation, and so much more! The subtle humorous exchanges are classic, and the underlining family motifs and relentless action make for an incredibly fun issue. However, there is so much meat left on the bone. The in-depth story Adams could have told and the vibrant storytelling that was cut to squeeze this in was a bit upsetting. Sure, Adams still made it enjoyable. But, well never know what could have been if he was given the proper page count and time to tell the full story. Additionally, I just want to go on record saying that the side adventures we missed from Wally should not be undertaken by anyone other than Adams. He deserves to tell that story. And I hope we get it soon! Great issue! Adams fans should pick this up as well as Wally fans Read Full Review
The Flash #799 is pure entertainment from start to finish. Adams has rightfully chosen to turn the imagination and fun factor up to 11 as he exits the title, and readers are reaping the benefits. The art could be better, but the story's over-the-top determination to be fun more than makes up for any art flaws. Read Full Review
Flash #799 brings back a lot of surprises from the rest of Adams run, while also serving as an emotionally strong penultimate issue. The art shifts are as subtle as they are jarring which can mess up the flow of an otherwise stellar issue. Read Full Review
All the artist shifts this time around can be a little jarring but the latest Flash entry does well at capturing some major universe-trotting moments. Read Full Review
The Flash #799 is a very different second half. The comic flings us straight into the action and doesnt let up until the end. Its frantic and dramatic and has ramifications that could affect the entire West Family and their future. This is why the way it ends feels so bittersweet. Its positive and intriguing, but not the knockout blow this full-throttle fight deserved. Read Full Review