Flashpoint: Beyond #6

Writer: Geoff Johns, Tim Sheridan, Jeremy Adams Artist: Xermanico Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 19, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 21
8.1Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

The fate of the Flashpoint Earth hangs in the balance as Thomas must make the ultimate choice! What will happen to this fractured reality and what does it mean for the DC Universe at large?

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Oct 22, 2022

    Doomsday Clock #6 provides a fantastic wrap up to this series. Johns, Sheridan, and Adams have brought Thomas Wayne's story to a satisfying conclusion for now, anyway. Future explorations of the Flashpoint timeline would still be welcome. And several intriguing hints were dropped in this final issue that should provide all three writers fodder for future stories. This was a somewhat offbeat premise for a story but turned out to be a real treat. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Derek McNeil Oct 23, 2022

    I have no complaints about this issue. Flashpoint Beyond #6 neatly wraps up the story and also provides a number of intriguing hints at future events. This has been a great series overall in terms of both writing and art. Johns, Sheridan, and Adams have brought Thomas Wayne's story to a satisfying conclusion, for now, at least. Future explorations of the Flashpoint timeline would still be welcome, and several intriguing hints were dropped in this final issue that should provide all three writers fuel for future stories. This was a somewhat offbeat premise for a mini-series that turned out to be a real treat. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Christopher Franey Oct 18, 2022

    Wow! There is so much happening, but what's even wilder is the fallout! I am happy to have witnessed the journey of Thomas Wayne and the risk Bruce Wayne took, but there is so much more to explore, and I can't wait to see DC Comics' future. Terrific story by such a league of talent! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Oct 18, 2022

    We have massive hints for stories to come, as well as the last few pageswhich tease a sequel to one of Johns' most controversial stories. It's a bold mission statement as Johns gets ready to restart his twenty-year DC legacy. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Oct 18, 2022

    My point is, I have tons of great questions and could discuss the impact of this story and the future possible stories to come for hours, which is ultimately why Flashpoint Beyond #6 (even though it didnt end how I may have wanted) still demands the attention and respect as an outstanding issue and foundational series moving forward. I dont think readers truly understood how important Flashpoint Beyond was going to be nor did they grasp its importance to the DC Universe moving forward when it first began. Actually, its what I love the most about the series. It was a sneaky event book. It was almost like DC Comics secretly created an event before our eyes and didnt tell anyone it was going to be an event, which is quite hilarious. And for that reason, everyone needs to buy this trade. People will look back five to ten years from now and say how Flashpoint Beyond was the story that launched the new DC Universe. Im calling it right now. So, why not trust me and grab those back issues and Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Nicole Drum Oct 19, 2022

    It's not the cleanest series finalethe series largely serves to set up the upcoming JSA title in a lot of regardsbut it sticks the landing and offers a lot to consider about the nature of moving forward from insurmountable loss. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Gabe Hernandez Oct 18, 2022

    Flashpoint Beyond #6 unveils the big mystery behind how and why the Flashpoint timeline was resurrected, and it's not for reasons you would suspect. The execution is well done, even if the motivations of certain characters, particularly Batman, are out of character. In the end, some may find the ending satisfying, but others may see the ending as a complicated setup for the forthcoming JSA book. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Oct 18, 2022

    Flashpoint Beyond opened up some intriguing possibilities in revisiting a fun alternate reality, but the Batman focus ultimately just made this event feel like just another tale of The Dark Knight. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Batman-News - Nicholas Finch Oct 19, 2022

    Back during my early reviewing days at Batman News, I reviewed the miniseriesHarley Quinn and Poison Ivy a generally middling comic with a few moments of potential that were never quite realized. My final review of this series was one of my greatest regrets as a critic: despite DC's ridiculous degree of queerbait, I didn't stick to my guns and gave the issue a far-too generous score. I won't be making the same mistake here. Well-paced, well-illustrated and well-written, this issue regardless fails to secure a recommendation from me. "Nothing ever ends, indeed not unless we consumers let it. Read Full Review

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