THE BATTLE OF OA BEGINS! Hal Jordan and John Stewart mount a defense against the United Planets and the newly transformed Lord Premier Thaaros, all while Star Sapphire faces an unlikely creature from her past!
The fight against the United Planets steps it up for a strong chapter. Adams crafts the big implications around the growing action. Xermnico and Fajardo Jr. construct a series of two page splashes that drop quite the exclamation point on a fast rising event! Theres much to enjoy with this one! Read Full Review
Jeremy Adams and Xermanico are relentless in their pursuit of delivering exceptional comics, and this issue promises to delight any Lantern enthusiast. This single issue features numerous Lantern Legacies, making it a rare occurrence that might unite Lantern fans as their heroes confront formidable evil while ascending into the Emotional Spectrum. Sinestro and Kyle Rayner fans will be thrilled by the harmonious blend of an engaging story and exceptional artwork, providing an entertaining experience regardless of their preferences. Read Full Review
This issue was almost dizzying, but I can't wait for more. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #17 is a merger of two series: Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps. Yet Adams keeps the story tethered and understandable, cutting through the universe with a scythe. Read Full Review
The introduction of a new, mysterious threat adds a layer of intrigue to the story. The cliffhanger ending leaves readers eager to see how Hal and John will overcome this challenge and emerge victorious. Overall, Green Lantern #17 is a must-read for fans of the Green Lantern Corps. The high-stakes action, compelling characters, and stunning artwork make it a thrilling addition to the series. Read Full Review
Gorgeous, exciting, effective DC's newest branding umbrella ALL IN is an apt descriptor for Green Lantern. The characters are all in, the creators are all in, and so am I. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #17is a blistering war comic that bombards you with action, adventure, twists, turns, and surprises. Jeremy Adams's script grabs you by the scruff of the neck and sprints to the reaches of space, and Xermnico's art looks gorgeous. That said, Adams almost does too much too fast, leaving little time to appreciate the cooler developments.8.5/10 Read Full Review
Big swing on this one. Alan killing the unseeing and them saying how beautiful the Starheart is... I feel like there is a lot going on there and a lot more information to take from that then I can appreciate but that was a great start.
The united planets governing body being torn apart by their own weapons is great. You still see the structure and the power they have but it is quickly cracking. And as we know in real life, when the corrupt structure falls, sometimes what is left in its wake is even worse. With that in mind, that is what keeps me turning these pages. Adam is just winning non-stop here. I love everything about this run.
Also what in the world was Sinestro rage punching Mogo. That was... that was just so more
this is pretty underrated. It's cosmic space stuff but the dialogue and writing are executed well
I like how this series feels very scifi, more than most GL runs. I like how all of the normal colors for the characters are being swapped. We all knew that Kilowag wasn't dead, but him coming back as a yellow lantern is unexpected. Meanwhere, the head of the yellow lanterns is a red lantern who goes after Mogo. Thaaros is a Darkstar. Interesting stuff. I missed seeing Carol/ Star Sapphire in this issue.
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The art is stellar. The story is kind of a muddle, though if the Gls don't know what is going on, why should we?
Did adams know Hal is supposed to be the protagonist of the book? 3 points for Sinestro. Rest is abomination.