Superman: Lois and Clark #1
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Superman: Lois and Clark #1

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Lee Weeks Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 14, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 28 User Reviews: 26
8.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Following the epic events of CONVERGENCE, here are the adventures of the last sons and daughter of the Krypton and Earth as they try to survive in a world not their own. But can they keep this world from suffering the same fate as their own? Can this Superman stop the villains he once fought before they are created on this world? What is Intergang, and why does Lois's discovery of it place everyone she loves in jeopardy? What will happen when their nine-year-old son learns the true identity of his parents? Make way for the original power couple, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do them part!

  • 10
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Oct 18, 2015

    Superman and Lois Lane do good in an issue that Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks did well. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Oct 16, 2015

    And, of course, the unbelievable Weeks/Hanna/Anderson art is gorgeous. I think I just have to forget that part of the genesis of this book is the undoing of the Crisis and Supergirl surviving and running away. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Comicsverse - Jacob Atom Reilly Oct 15, 2015

    That quibble aside, SUPERMAN: LOIS & CLARK is an engaging first issue that avoids fizzing out like other spin-off books. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Ian Yoxon Oct 16, 2015

    Superman Lois and Clark #1 is off at a great start. If you're not liking how the other Superman stories are going currently or just want to see more versions of the man of steel, it is highly recommend checking this comic out. It feels like walking back into the days before New 52 started, but still delivering new adventures that will make it a series fans praise for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Oct 14, 2015

    But in all seriousness, Superman: Lois and Clark #1 is a great start to a book that may prove itself to be a real crossover hit for fans of different generations. No creative team could be a better choice to usher this new era than Jurgens and Weeks, and no characters deserve the love they have to give more than Lois and Clark. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Aug 31, 2016

    Without a doubt, I thinkSuperman: Lois and Clark is required reading for anyone reading the Rebirth runs ofSuperman andAction Comics. I honestly believe it to be one of the best Superman stories of this decade and it deserves to be mentioned in the same breath asEarth One andAmerican Alien. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Oct 15, 2015

    Bringing in his Superman: Convergence co-creator Lee Weeks, who does stupendous work capturing the gravity of Lois, Clark, and Jon's situation with shrewd, Kubert-esque artwork, Jurgens has brought back the power, majesty, and yes, mystery we once associated with the Man of Tomorrow. And the sonofagun went and injected it into the grim and shoddy world DC set forth back in 2011. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 14, 2015

    It's just one issue, but it's one I really enjoyed. It also shows that DC can mix its history with a modern take that's entertaining for old and new fans alike. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Oct 15, 2015

    Overall, this is an interesting series, and I'm a fan of it instantly. The book captures the vibe of the pre-New 52 Superman wonderfully, and it's like I'm reading a book from the early 2000s. The ending seems to suggest the series is going for a direction I'm not a fan of, but I will keep on reading on to find out more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 19, 2015

    Jurgens and Weeks' "Superman: Lois and Clark" gives readers a solid introduction to a character so many readers wanted back on stands, but it doesn't preemptively transmit any possible outcomes. This is uncharted territory: for Superman, Lois, Clark and Jon, not to mention the ultimate impact on the rest of the DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - CoTee Oct 19, 2015

    If you missed the pre-flashpoint Superman, then this is your ticket to having that character again. Jurgens and Weeks craft a beautiful first issue and leave the reader wanting to know more about where the story will go. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 19, 2015

    While the book does stumble a bit towards the end, Superman: Lois and Clark is a surprisingly effective debut issue, one that takes fanboy nostalgia and repackages it in style. For Dan Jurgens, this is a return to form, as he takes on a character that he knows like the back of his hand; for Lee Weeks, this is a long overdue display of recognition, giving the original comic book superhero an artist worthy of all that history. And ultimately, history is what gives Lois and Clark its strength - while they might now be in a world that's unfamiliar to them, that's a feeling that many DC Comics readers can relate to these days. A little bit of familiarity and a little bit of conviction will go a long way towards getting people to believe in the Man of Steel again. Maybe this is the team to do it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Oct 15, 2015

    Dan Jurgens recognizes that the joy of this book is in watching the post-Flashpoint world through the eyes of the old guard, and their wry and knowing observations will only endear them to long-time readers. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Oct 20, 2015

    Sometimes something works purely because it has no right to do so. The sheer audacity, the sheer implausibility, the sheer and absolutenerve, carries all barriers and objections away like a locomotive. Usually that doesn't work. Usually such bravery and daring ends only in catastrophe.Superman: Lois and Clark, is certainly one of the rare occasions when nerves of steel overcome better judgment and prove the judgment not to have been so good after all. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Brett I Oct 16, 2015

    While the story could be argued as generic, the art is very strong and this brought back the Superman I love. For those, like me, missing that character, I would urge them to check this out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 14, 2015

    If you've been enjoying the current Superman titles but still can't let go to the previous version we had, you absolutely need to check this series out. Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks have brought back the Big Blue and it feels like it was just yesterday we were reading his adventures. While it is still Superman and we have been reading Superman comics since the New 52 change in 2011, there's a clear and different voice going on. Having him on Earth-Prime really opens the door for some potentially crazy stories. If you're a Superman fan, you owe it to yourself to read this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Oct 15, 2015

    Reconnecting with old friend is always a joy, and this issue is just that- a pure joy. Jurgens and Weeks make these familiar characters relatable and instantly likable. The situation into which theyve been thrust is unique and will certainly provide Lois and Clark many jobs for Superman and Supermans girlfriend (now wife), Lois Lane. Perhaps each generation gets a slightly different iteration of these iconic characters, but this version just feels right. Superman: Lois and Clark #1 is a great start to this series. Maybe, this is Superman #715 after all. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Oct 18, 2015

    It feels great to have the Superman I love back, even though he may not be in the place that I want him. At the same time, having him on the New 52 Earth presents a lot of new story possibilities and there's an exciting cameo of a villain who I can't wait to see how he's changed on this earth. This will be a challenge for those not as familiar with DC's past to put all the pieces together, especially with a title that's as simple as Lois and Clark, but having the pre-Flashpoint Superman back is reason alone to celebrate. And despite all the confusion with continuity, this was an enjoyable and strong debut issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 19, 2015

    It's a surprising amount of fun to see this Superman back in action, and his new status quo is kinda fascinating… Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    The Latest Pull - Marcus Orchard Oct 15, 2015

    Superman: Lois and Clark #1 is a quiet, beautiful issue once you get past a small but exciting battle in the beginning. There is a lot of heart, and those who like to see superheroes in a believable romance will love what Jurgens has written. Weeks' art is simple but beautiful, and together this team may have a hit in the future. For now this is a nice and quiet change of pace, despite a few hiccups here and there. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 15, 2015

    While Lois and Clark doesn't offer a full return of Superman's pre-New 52 world, it does recapture the feeling of reading an early 2000's Superman comic. The dynamic between Lois and Clark is endearing, and the addition of a child to the mix only makes it better. Plus, Weeks' art gives the series a sentimental feel while also highlighting the danger and uncertainty facing this couple. Despite some niggling flaws in this first issue, the series is off to a good start. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Oct 14, 2015

    I enjoyed reading this issue and look forward to the continuing story, but I just wish this first issue was a bit more explosive.  Even with the slower paced opener, I am looking forward to seeing this book and it's crazy mysteries explored further. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Oct 17, 2015

    "Superman: Lois and Clark" is a comic book for the fans of the characters in the Pre New 52 DC Universe. That isn't to say that only those fans will enjoy this comic book because the characters are in the current incarnation of the DC Universe and may play an important role there going forward. The book provides solid writing and solid artwork but focuses on establishing these characters rather than a plot. Now that they have done that, the comic book needs to show what it can do with this type of cloaked super hero. I recommend giving this a read, especially if you enjoy the classic characterizations of Superman and Lois Lane. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Oct 19, 2015

    However, putting aside the very well written character narration and dialogue Superman " Lois and Clark is just such a weird comic. It's almost like a literalization of the meta-reasoning behind the New 52 changes, that the old universe is literally making sure this new one won't be the same as it was. I'm not sure that idea alone is enough to maintain a whole ongoing series rather than just an enjoyable one-shot but at the moment Superman " Lois and Clark is just weird enough and just well written enough to get a pass. We'll see if the creative team and core concepts are weird and engaging enough to sustain the book beyond this first installment. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Oct 14, 2015

    Superman: Lois and Clark #1 is a comic that's good, but hasn't quite taken off the ground yet. The issue was mostly all setup and not much else but there's plenty of potential — especially for fans of the romance between Superman and Lois for this to be a fine addition to the Superman line. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Oct 15, 2015

    Overall, this is an issue that, to me, failed to live up to its potential in a lot of way. With the promise of bringing back a more classic version of Superman at the fore, I feel like I should be in love with this issue, but the decision to set the story in the New 52 universe and spend so long trying to explain the aftermath of “Convergence” really watered down the story a lot. That lead to some really spotty writing from Jurgens as you can feel the times when he wants to let loose and really tell a Superman story, but the setting constrains him to having this Superman hide out on a farm and operate in secret . Thankfully, Lee Weeks' art is fantastic throughout and is perhaps the only part of the issue where the marriage of this classic Superman and the New 52 style actually works. With this rather rocky first issue out of the way, though, I certainly have hopes that this issue will begin to live up to its potential in coming issues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Oct 19, 2015

    What most intrigues me about SUPERMAN - LOIS AND CLARK is the possibility that the pre-New 52 Superman could come into contact with his New 52 counterpart. It's only so long personalities the likes of Lois Lane and Clark Kent can truly stay hidden from the world. Especially when they have a curious growing boy to take care of. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Hub City Review - Matthew J. Theriault Oct 14, 2015

    Lois and Clark #1 is a mixed-bag; first in the sense that its a mix of numerous references ranging from Byrne to Convergence to Justice League to Smallville and more, but also in the sense that its a mix of narrative and visual elements that do and do not work. Read Full Review

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