As the world is overrun by beasts, the Titans face the man who put it all in motion...Brother Eternity. But the cult leader might not be what he appears to be. What shocking secret does Brother Eternity hold, and will Starfire survive it?
This has been a great series so far, and this tie-in seems like it'll help keep the focus where it belongson the Titans, in what's the first truly Titans-centric event in DC history. Read Full Review
Titans #6 will leave you thirsty for more, but fear not! With Beast World tie-ins coming out of the woodwork these days, you won't have to wait long to see what comes next! Read Full Review
Still, it's impressive how Taylor is able to tie the two together, making this issue much more important than your standard event tie-in fare. Read Full Review
Things aren't looking any better for the Titans at the end of this issue, but Taylor gives hope a crack to come through to give the Titans a reprieve from this Beast World. Read Full Review
Starfire fans, take heed: this issue will expand on her origins and connections to the Beast World event. Brother Righteous was shown to be from Tamaran, but when you discover how connected he was to Starfire's woes, you'll understand her anger from that cover tease. Great sync with the DC event! Read Full Review
Overall, the book is entertaining to read, but consistently ridiculous. Readers have to constantly suspend their disbelief to believe the Titans have everything under control. I give the characters like Nightwing and Starfire points for vocalizing how they have mishandled things so far. However, Tom Taylor makes the Titans team feel enormously irresponsible. Regardless of how likable Clancy, Detective Chimp, or the kids are; none of these people are qualified or necessary to tackle a pandemic of this magnitude. Even Brother Eternity making up a working strategy in the middle of his loss is embarrassing. Still, I do feel as if the Titans team are slowly stepping into the shoes of the Justice League, as it is the main goal of the series. Read Full Review
Titans #6 gives readers plenty of action, surprising developments, and better art as a key tie-in to the Beast World crossover. That said, the biggest surprise of all, Brother Eternity's true identity, throws a confusing monkey wrench into the heart of the crossover with no clear way out of the confusion. Read Full Review
I put a generous nine. Because, I've always loved titans
Funny, Titans lacks what Titans Beast word has: flow! Titans is carefully written, coherent and superbly illustrated. But it lacks that little something that would make it a great story. A little punch. An energy that would run through the story and make us say "Wow". The fact that almost everything is predictable spoils the investment you want to make in the book. I want drama, I want ryhtm and I want to be taken for a ride and fall into narrative traps. I want to be tricked or, at the very least, to feel emotions. Even if I say I don't like it, at least that would be a bias. In a word, I want ambition. One more effort, we're not far off. Otherwise, on the whole, the number's no more
I liked this issue as a whole, though I also think it was the weakest of the series thus far. It was far from bad, but I wish it was just a little more engaging. Although, as seen by my rating, I still liked this. I especially enjoyed the increased focus on Starfire here and I liked the twist at the end.
I liked all of the Tamerean stuff in the beginning. The art in this issue is really good. Garth being the villain is weird to me. I do hope that he gets free of it. I'm not reading Beast World, but I was able to get through it without worrying too much about the tie-in. I thought the reveal at the end was decent as well.
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Same as Beast World, the action is good, but when the characters open their mouths.....