SONIC'S RACING INTO A NEW ADVENTURE! After defeating the evil Dr. Eggman's latest plot, Sonic is racing around the world to shut down the robotic Badnik forces that are still attacking villages. But it's a big job for one person-even Sonic the Hedgehog! Fortunately, he'll have some help from his best friend: Tails!
This issue met my high expectations because Ian Flynn and company know how to perfect a Sonic the Hedgehog comic book. It is action-packed, heartwarming, and funny, which is everything that I wanted Sonic the Hedgehog to continue to be under IDW. This team have shown us that they will make these characters and stories enjoyable despite anything that may happen to the brand name. Read Full Review
With a veteran team of Sonic creators at its helm, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #1 shines. Packed with enough action to ground the series -- and enough intrigue to keep it going -- this is sure to be a good read for old and new fans alike. Read Full Review
The story even gives you a bit of a mystery and leaves you wondering whats next for the worlds speediest hedgehog? I for one will definitely will be reading the next issue to find out. Read Full Review
Fans of Sonic are going to be in for a treat the whole month as IDW is releasing an all-new issue every week of April! You're going to want to save your quarters as this is a very good series with definite potential! Read Full Review
Now obviously, this issue won't bring you a genre-defying story or a deconstruction of the ideals of a fast-running hedgehog. No, what this issue will bring you is a showcase of the sheer brilliance of all-ages comics. Simpler sure, but still fun, punchy and gorgeous to look at, this book combines the fine recipe of a loveable mascot, a colorful cast, an ageless sense of humor and an incredible art team to whip up a hit for the oldest fan or the youngest reader alike. Read Full Review
Yes, it seems we don't have the complete goofiness of the Sonic Boom TV show, but it's exactly what got us to love the characters from the beginning and it's wonderful. Read Full Review
The drought is over. While this new series isn't breaking any new ground, it's a refresher course on what makes Sonic so beloved. Read Full Review
The art in this issue is appropriately cartoony,sleek and stylish and also very easy on the eyes. What works best about the art is the colors by Matt Herms, his bright colors really pop and bring a sense of warmth to the comic. The only thing that doesnt work with this issue is that it may turn off new time readers because it feels more like the middle of a series than the beginning. But I wouldnt leave the series just yet because it seems like were gonna be in for a good ride with this book. Read Full Review
Sonic fans will enjoy this comic. It's a great introduction to a new story and would be fun for young comic readers to pick up as well. There is no better jumping on point than with the first issue of a series and with loveable characters who never seem to get old, how could you go wrong? Read Full Review
While the end product didn't have me super excited, I did enjoy it. Enough that I want to check out the next issue. I can't compare it to what has come before but as far as a fresh start, it's a good one. The comic feel like it's one that's good for kids and adults alike and I'm interested in seeing where it goes from here. Read Full Review
This book was fun, of course something colorful and bright, reminded me a lot of the playful and heartfelt Sonic show from the old Saturday morning syndication Foxbox. The writing stayed grounded and fun for all ages. Read Full Review
Fun with some great actions scenes, which is all this book needed to be to win everyone over. Read Full Review
A fun, if safe, start for Sonics new adventures. Read Full Review
It is a shame that this first issue starts off with such a whimper, but I do have hope we'll soon see what IDW's new direction will be. There are new characters to introduce and a clean slate to work with, and it should be noted that one new issue will be released every week in April, so with a fast start I hope to see some fun in this series soon. Read Full Review
Sonic the Hedgehog #1 is a fun and visually creative resurrection of the Sega mascots comic series. He may be annoying, but theres no doubt that Ian Flynns scripting and Tracy Yardleys artwork culminated in a great-looking comic with a lot of passion behind it. I can recommend it to anyone looking for a fun and cartoonish fast-moving book, or, of course, fans of the franchise itself. Read Full Review
This first issue is an enjoyable welcoming for Sonic to IDW and although it doesn't do much it still delivers on the classic Sonic that most of us grew up with. However, I would've still liked to see something fresh in this comic, something that could've hooked me better to pick up the second issue. Read Full Review
It is just good clean fun, in that has caught my attention and good enough that I want to pick-up the 2nd issue in anticipation of whats to come. Many fans who grew up reading the Archie Sonic lamented the news of its end last summer. But this new version seems poised to treat the character okay. Read Full Review
It's a fine comic that teases more than it shows, but it works -- at least for now. Read Full Review
As a tie-in, keeping a similarity in tone and substance would make sense on paper, particularly for young or casual readers - but it feels like a myopic way to bring in diehard comics readers, particularly those whose connection to the Sonic Universe didn't necessarily stem from the games. Combine that with the counterintuitive decision to relaunch this series with the previous creative team, and Sonic the Hedgehog feels like it's already stumbling out of the gate. Read Full Review
Sonic is back! After the heart-breaking, if inevitable, cancelation of Archie's run on Sonic, this is a wonderful return. Having Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardly continuing on the book is awesome. The issue itself is a very fun and exciting action scene, and while there isn't that much in the way of overarching plot, it is a very excellent set-up. It is especially awesome that readers only have to wait another week for the next issue, meaning Ian Flynn will get the character set-up out of the way fast. Really happy that Sonic is back, will keep reading!
This is the Perfect Start to an all-new sonic the hedgehog comic Book. While I do miss the complex lore and world-building of the Archie series (Which if this issue is anything to go by will come very slowly) and I'm not 100% sure if making sonic a mostly solo hero is the choice for a non-interactive story for this franchise, the characterization and action sequences more than make up for it. However, I do hope that the episodic story issue disappears after the first 4 Issues.
Fun and cute but light on establishing characters and the world for a first issue seeing as this is not a continuation of the Archie line. The art is great and the characters feel like themselves as has always been Flynn's strong suit but I could do with a little more dialogue and less flat action.
I grew up reading Sonic from #1-150ish so I thought I would give this a try. It is clearly for children so the plot is very light and there is very little outside of action. This must have been the easiest issue to write. The art is decent and it is inoffensive.