Man-Eaters #1

Writer: Chelsea Cain Artist: Kate Niemczyk Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: September 26, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 20
8.5Critic Rating
4.8User Rating

Eisner-nominated and New York Times bestselling thriller writer CHELSEA CAIN returns to comics with a new ONGOING SERIES!
A mutation in Toxoplasmosis causes menstruating women to turn into ferocious killer wildcats-easily provoked and extremely dangerous. As panic spreads and paranoia takes root, the fate of the world rides on the shoulders of one twelve-year-old girl. Part Cat People, part The Handmaid's Tale, MAN-EATERS will have everyone talking.  

From the creative team behind the Eisner-nominated series Mockingbird: writer CHELSEA CAIN, artist KATE NIEMCZYK, colorist RACHELLE ROSENBERG, letterer JOE CARAMAGNA, and more

  • 10
    The Brazen Bull - Jaimee Nadzan Sep 25, 2018

    This comic is a kind of battlecry for every woman who has ever been asked, "is it that time of the month?" Chelsea Cain may have just had the frankest conversation about women's issues that I have ever heard, and this is only issue #1! Rarely have current political, social, and personal issues surrounding women been so boldly and bluntly presented. I think Chelsea Cain just unleashed a comic of whoop ass on the patriarchy, and it's truly amazing. Read Full Review

  • 10
    GWW - Elizabeth Garcia Sep 25, 2018

    This book is clearly a labor of love for Cain who in past years left twitterdue to harassment following the release of her Mockingbird comic featuring a cover where Bobbi wore a shirt saying “Ask Me About My Feminist Agenda.” I personally loved Mockingbird and I love that this comic has roots in that situation. The industry needs strong voices like Cain's and I commend her for writing this and look forward to what the future holds. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Aug 27, 2018

    There will no doubt be naysayers regarding this book, the creators and their feminist agenda. For me, this is a fantastic book that has the potential to work as well as the Handmaidens Tale, with its believable characters and almost real world affectations. Overall a resounding return of one of the best creative team in the comics industry. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Multiversity Comics - John Schaidler Sep 27, 2018

    Chelsea Cain is back. She and her co-creators have set the stage brilliantly for what promises to be a wild, politically charged and highly entertaining story. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Manny Gomez Sep 25, 2018

    'Man-Eaters' is an 'important' book but it's also just a very good comic. The important themes grow organically out of the story, not the other way around. This is a book you should be reading. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Black Nerd Problems - Khadjiah Johnson Sep 26, 2018

    I hope to see the metaphors unravel in various aspects of the comic in future issues. They got the suspense down, the voice down, and even down to the character personality. I hope to see how the metaphors not only play out in her own development, but in the future setbacks as well. The creative team set forth an amazing start. What will make the comic better is the ease in transitions. Since the storyline focused on outlining the setting, situations, and set up, it often jumped in various places. Granted for the first issue it was exciting, and the set up was amazing. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 30, 2018

    Sharp writing, really beautiful art and an immediately lovable main character make for a really good read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Corps - Sophie Buijsen Sep 26, 2018

    Every page of this comic had me smiling; the glitter design of the cover, the pamphlets warning of 'big cat attacks', the fact the first panel of the comic shows a tampon-superhero defeating the patriarchy; it's all tongue in cheek and fun. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Sequential Planet - Marcus Orchard Sep 24, 2018

    Maneaters nails what it sets out to do, with an unapologetic feminist message. It's smart, funny, and has solid writing throughout. With gorgeous art by Kate Niemczyk and Rachelle Rosenburg completing the package, Maneaters #1 is an easy recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comics Bookcase - Zack Quaintance Sep 3, 2018

    A smart and searingly clever satire, Man-Eaters #1 is a great setup for a comic that has important things to say. Visually, this book is a total treat, packing rewarding details and entertaining gags for careful readers into most of its panels. This comic gets a full endorsement. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Amy Ziegfeld Sep 26, 2018

    Man-Eaters #1 is a fine start. It's an interesting world with a compelling main character. With a first issue as exposition-heavy as this one, though, it remains to be seen how well the elements of the plot will gel once the story gets into full swing. On the whole, though, I'm inclined to grant the benefit of the doubt while waiting, with some excitement, for future issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Jenna Anderson Sep 26, 2018

    With genuinely enjoyable visuals and an intriguing storyline, there's quite a lot of promise within the world of Man-Eaters. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Doom Rocket - Sara Mitchell Sep 14, 2018

    So this isn't for the ones who couldn't meet Cain at the table. This one is for us. The ones who don't use women's bodies to delegitimize them. Periods = Power, and having a body that gets a period does not make you a subgenre. In this world, tampons are the resistance. This is for us. Whether you get a period or not. So, make a Girl Power playlist. Read Man-Eaters. And don't apologize when a pad falls out of your purse. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Trevor Richardson Sep 25, 2018

    The issue is visually dynamic with mixed media and clean line art, but the visuals also go in tandem with a script that presents the premise with an excellent balance of humor and seriousness. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Sep 25, 2018

    Man-Eaters is an imperfect read to be sure, but that's not to say it lacks for ambition. Chelsea Cain, Kate Niemczyk and company are tackling big ideas with over-the-top imagery, and the fact that they're able to do so with a sense of whimsy (rather than the stark bleakness of today's news and social media feeds) is all the more surprising. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Matthew Sibley Sep 28, 2018

    Coupled with an art style that can serve sight gags as well as horror-orientated pages, this should be a home run, only it falters when it comes to how much actual narrative is on the page. Read Full Review

  • 10
    GoodDrones Oct 31, 2018

    Menstruation has evolved to an extreme. Women are now a danger to society. The women in your life might turn into giant cats. This comic is so funny and dramatic. Great parody of how coming of age changes how people and the government treat you. I really like how they kinda flip the idea of toxic masculinity. This comic also put menstruation on the main stage and out of the bathroom. We should be more open and understanding of our and others bodies. Can't wait for more.

  • 9.0
    Herptydoo Oct 18, 2018

    Jesus christ what a bunch of snowflakes on the user reviews here. This is a fun comic and the art is dope.

  • 7.5
    Gizmo Oct 2, 2018

    Very weird and intriguing. The main problem is that the issue feels like half a comic, it's not a complete thought.

  • 7.0
    daddyT Sep 30, 2018

    now THIS is a different sort of story....

    tho I have to say, as a dad, the graph the girl drew on the first pages of "things my dad loves" is absolutely true :)

    from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 7.
    +1 because: some small pull.

  • 6.0
    Synthozoid Oct 12, 2018

    I am on board with the feminist message of this book, but the script could be a little more artful in its execution. Look at Bitch Planet by Kelly Sue DeConnick, similar message, but that is a damn good book. BP is compelling, has thoughtful pacing, and leaves the reader wondering what will happen in the next issue. Man-Eaters is just too on the nose and seems to be the same joke over and over. I'm not interested in what happens next for these characters. Sadly, I'm out.

  • 3.5
    Nightmare of Solomon Sep 26, 2018

    Hola amigos! *checks title* oh wait, this isn't America by Gabby Rivera, lemme try this again!

    Hello my friends!

    This is not an on-the-nose book, Cain comes in and pushes an anvil up your nostrils and into your cerebellum, and you feel the brain damage as you read it!

    The problem is that there's no nuance, Cain tries to go with allegory and seem like a deep-thinker, but it's just narm.

    And lastly, and I know she was asked about this on panel at a convention recently, for all the talk about diversity and such -- this comic has a very exclusionary plot, because it's about women, about ciswomen, about cis white women -- sure, you get a black girl being handcuffed once, and a couple of other PoC in more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 3.0
    ArianaRayne Dec 29, 2018

    Mediocre story, too political, and trying way too hard to push an agenda, the art however is nice.
    When I first picked up this book I didn't realize just how much it tried to be overly feminist and the overused feminist sayings and politics are in practically every page, even the twelve year old character was mentioning the "patriarchy". It's not even something you can ignore because as I said it's on every page, one page in particular sticks out because of how silly it was, it's a full page illustration of some preteen girls and they are all wearing shirts with slogans on them with super cheesy lines on them dedicated to feminism. There's nothing wrong with some subtle feminism but this is a little too in your face about it, to the p more

  • 2.5
    Nihilist Oct 3, 2018

    I'm not a newbie when it comes to completely ridiculous story concepts, it's relatively common in horror to think outside the box, and scare readers with things that normally don't seem scary at all. Look at Junji Ito's works, with literal spiral shapes or head-shaped balloons being absolutely terrifying, or Edgar Allan Poe being able to craft a story around a woman's teeth. Yeah, that shows you how creative and talented writers and/or illustrators can be.
    Now compare that to an idea of girls turning into blood thirsty cats during their periods, and Tampon Woman fighting Mr. Misoginy. Sounds like garbage? Guess what - it is.

    I really have no clue how anyone could have came up with this story. And it's not even because of its more

  • 2.5
    AkR Sep 28, 2018

    I really enjoyed the art in the book but wow this story is just ridiculous. It comes across as over-the-top satire but the deeper you dive you realize it's not so i just don't get who this book is for.

  • 2.0
    Briton Nov 23, 2018

    No sane person will find anything to like in this.

  • 1.0
    BZA Oct 28, 2021

    total non-sense!!! -10/10 a complete insult to comics and humanity, was this written by a child???

    I am one of the stupid ones that let my comic runs finish before I read them, and oh my oh my did Chelsea Cain ever teach me a lesson!

    what the hell is this!? I don't even know who to sue? did I just buy propaganda!? Wow I am such an idiot, I am embarrassed I wasted so much of my money :(

    but boyyyy never again!

  • 1.0
    Kakashi506 Sep 26, 2018

    Not even worth the paper its printed on, Cain is such a terrible writer.

  • 10
    Kevinrick Oct 31, 2018

  • 9.0
    Stefan Emi Jan 5, 2023

  • 8.0
    mrbrans Sep 27, 2018

  • 7.5
    Jorge Mendes Sep 26, 2018

  • 3.0
    KillianH Sep 26, 2018

  • 1.5
    JustCrazy Sep 26, 2018

  • 1.0
    KnM Jun 21, 2022

  • 1.0
    SavageSteve007 Mar 2, 2019

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