• NEARLY ONE YEAR AGO Spider-Man hurled the dangerous madman called Zodiac a full year into the future.
• IN THIS ISSUE Spidey catches up to him, and Zodiac's had a whole year to prepare for their rematch!
Rated T
The direction Amazing is going on continues to be fun for me as a fan and a reader and I am excited to see what happens after the reveal at the end of this issue. Read Full Review
A strong first issue due to it juggling so much and kicking off a big reveal. Read Full Review
Slott looks to be going balls-to-the-wall with his final stretch writing Spidey. ASM #794 is a classic feeling Spider-Man comic that effectively cranks the ridiculous up. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #794 is a beautiful and exciting book. Its hard to believe that were nearing the end of an era as Dan Slotts exit draws ever closer. While Scorpios exit is quick, it's a blast to follow and he needs to make way for the threat that is Norman Osborn. The Goblin is returning and Spider-Man isnt ready for whats to come. Read Full Review
ASM #794 reads like butter, looks great, and gives fans some sweet teases for the future. It is a solid, textbook springboard issue, and I can't wait to see what's in store for Spidey in the coming issues! Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #794 boasts a strong premise that often feels constrained by the limitations of the single issue format. Perhaps more could have been accomplished with the return of Scorpio, but it's hard to complain too much when a comic is able to achieve such a strong balance between dramatic tension and goofy comedy and deliver such eye-popping visuals. Read Full Review
The beautiful pages of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #794 don't excuse it from being an issue of filler. You'll likely be left wanting more of the side plot by the end, but it's meant to leave you craving future stories. Read Full Review
I'm loving this run and I am sad to hear that Dan Slott is leaving soon, the art is fantastic and some of the best in the Spider-man history. Read Full Review
This issue badly wants to be a "hop on board, things are getting great" point for once-bitten twice-shy Spider-fans. Though the new story arc has promise, I'm not sure that the campy, under-cooked cheese of this Scorpio yarn is the most tempting entrée for readers who feel burned out on Dan Slott's Spider-Man. The next issue might bring us into "OMG you gotta read this" territory … but we're not there yet. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #794 did a good job in kicking of the beginning of the end for Dan Slott's run on the series. With a few plotlines left to wrap up Slott began to do so by addressing the threat of Scorpio. In the process Slott was able to highlight the growth Spider-Man has gone through under his supervision. While the development in the Norman Osborn subplot did not hit like Slott intended it to one can only hope "Threat Level: Red" will end up being a strong end to such a long running creative run. Read Full Review
This short starter to Threat Level Red gives us a brief, sidesplitting story between Spider-Man and Zodiac, before introducing us to the real plot. The coming of Red Goblin is something to wait for the next issue over. As this is Dan Slott's final run on Spider-Man before leaving the character for good, here is hoping he brings in the spark that makes his other famous works like the Superior Spider-Man into Threat Level Red and makes it one of the most memorable Spider-Man stories of all time. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #794 begins the runup to Dan Slott's final arc on the title, but utterly suffers from a lack of urgency and drama in its execution. Read Full Review
The new issue is fine, but it's a really boring way to set up the future stories to come. Read Full Review
This was surpsingly good. SPOILERS:
Funny how they tease Zodiac as maybe the focus of this arc, and then bang crash he's done. lol. I think Dan Slott was kinda paying service to the fans who most all said no one gives a shit about Zodiac. haha I mean I found the original arc entertaining, but certainly didn't need a second arc in as many years.
This was a solid issue. I really enjoyed the Zodiac story getting tied up. The ending... wow, should be awesome.
A step up from the previous issues, the one with the Venom crossover (#792/#793). This feels good and fresh to have a new story arc for Spidey to follow and Thank god the Venom crossover is done.
Looking at the title 'Red' made me guess what this new story arc is about since Marvel already announced the new Spidey villain and there was a spoiler leaked earlier on who the new villain is and how he turns into that 'creature'. So sadly the ending didnt really suprise me.
But overall a readable issue. With great art and colouring.
Still, i think Marvel should step up Amazing Spiderman's comic quality since Spiderman is their famous character. Dc and Tom King are doing a great job with Batman. So does Peter J. T more
Good but the setup for what's next is always Slott's undoing. He seemed to do it much better in his early spidey work. It takes away from the Zodiac story not that we needed more from that one but it comes and goes just as quickly leaving me with very pretty art from Immonen/Grawbadger/Gracia to admire and looking forward to the next issue.
This is a solid one-shot issue, but the most interesting part is the ending, which is admittedly badassed, and the return of Stuart Immonen on art. Looks like this will take an upward swing with Part 2.
Scorpio returns from his one-year cross-dimension exile and Spidey spends a little less than a full issue foiling him. The balance of the book is devoted to menacing foreshadowing about a mother of a nemesis coming back for Spider-Man. The foreshadowing is great, the Scorpio story is rather less great. Still, Dan Slott and Stuart Immonen on cruise control deliver a notably above average product in terms of nuts-and-bolts storytelling. I wouldn't race out to buy it the instant it was available, but it's certainly not a disappointment.
I never did really enjoy the Zodiac before, and I definitely did not find the story too interesting to read. If it wasn't for the art, the score would be even lower, but, thankfully, Immonen's art was great as always. The ending did, however, leave me very excited.
The only thing really worth reading in this issue is the cliffhanger.