the problem with Zeb Wells Spider-Man run is that Spider-Man is the side. character of his own series or run. Every time there's a major story in Zeb Wells run, its not Spider-Man who's running the show. It's someone else who gets the spotlight
With all of New York's super underworld fighting for dominance, you didn't think Wilson Fisk, the former Kingpin of Crime, would sit it out, did you?
Rated T
Amazing Spider-Man #41 is the best issue of Gang War so far. It puts distance between the generations whilst determining their similarities. The fights were brutal and brilliant within an unrelenting issue where the art has well and truly stepped up. Read Full Review
Crime lords battle for–and against–their ambitious offspring in Amazing Spider-Man #41. Read Full Review
Wilson Fisk makes impacts the battle for New York City instantly with an action-packed issue. Wells lights the match for the combustible parties involved while Romita and company grant readers with excellent fight sequences and a mic drop moment to leave on! Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #41 commences a new gang battle on two fronts when Tombstone fights Wilson Fisk while Beetle (Tombstone's daughter) fights the Rose (Fisk's son). There's plenty of brawling action to get your blood pumping, and the fight appears to be heading towards some consequences, but Wells's bad habit of injecting humor at the wrong time puts a damper on the dramatic tension. Read Full Review
"Gang War" has slowed to a crawl in its middle section and it saps the energy from tie-ins and Amazing Spider-Man alike. It's past time for the story to meet the energized artwork of the artist carrying this event forward. Read Full Review
I liked a majority of what we got here, though I do feel like this jumped around a lot. While the latest issue of Miles Morales: Spider-Man felt like things were being rushed through, this just felt like jumping around to different characters involved in Gang War. Like I said, I liked a good chunk of it, but I also felt like there wasn't a lot of room to breathe.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10
I'm trying to read a book about Spider-Man and Peter Parker but all I'm getting is a decent Mafia book with Spidey as a side story happening next to everything. Just doesn't feel like he matters in any of this. Romita Jr. is a great fit.
Okay legitimately nothing happens here, and what we get wasn't very fun to read. The best part of the issue was Mary fucking with Spidey and She-Hulk.
We pick up right where the previous issue left off, with New York's underworld in the midst of a turf war and Spider-Man, She-Hulk, and Tombstone rendezvousing with the newly returned Kingpin & Typhoid Mary (without any explanation to how Mary got here between the finale of Realm of X and this). In a separate storyline, we the Rose and Beetle battling it out for control of uptown Manhattan. The former is a fun superhero romp, while I continue to struggle caring about Janice’s motives and fight in the latter. Zeb Wells wrote some great dialogue between Tombstone and Kingpin, basically making Spidey a background character in his own book and that’s not the first time this happened recently. Some will likely argue that its sacrilegious to do so, but I have to say its a breath of fresh air getting to see other characters take center stage for an issue or two. John Romita Jr.'s art is classic and timeless on this title. He brings the action to life with dynamic layouts and expressive characters. His Spider-Man look is iconic, and his villains are suitably menacing. Gang War continues to impress. more
Yeah it's another issue that is just fine. It's not bad and I enjoy the action but a lot of things feel like they are on hold.
The biggest problem I have here is how passive Spidey feels again here. His motivations were very well setup in First Strike and in #39 it felt like he would be running the show. But the past two issues have felt like he is in backseat making quips. I like that in big Marvel events, not so much in Spidey-centric events.
Otherwise it's solid, JRJR is at his best nowadays when it's all about brutal action and that is what this issue mostly was.
the problem with Zeb Wells Spider-Man run is that Spider-Man is the side. character of his own series or run. Every time there's a major story in Zeb Wells run, its not Spider-Man who's running the show. It's someone else who gets the spotlight
Dang did this issue feel lacking. There were some parts that made it feel interesting, but nothing really happens. It's just sad that this is our Spider-Man book.
This was a bit of a letdown more so than last issue. It's not even fatigue as I think the release schedule actually helps keep me engaged and excited for the next story. The action is so static and boring. You had Kingpin and Tombstone bearhugging for half of it and then there is a whole sequence on page 16 where Kingpin is supposed to be headbutting Tombstone in the face/jaw and it just looks like Tombstone is giving him a really aggressive smooch. While funny, it didn't portray the brutality or intensity of the action. Same with Digger and the Beetle's posse. He just walked up to them and grabbed their gear without them doing ANYTHING. I didn't expect them to put up much of a fight but they literally didn't put up any fight whatsoever. They all just stood there and said, "Huh?!".
Madame Masque is back to being relegated to a handful of panels as well as our titular character. I'm all for having other characters take a bigger role in the narrative to flesh out their character/arc much like Norman had previously but Spider-Man is barely in his own book. He's even aware of it because he mentions how he's just relegated to fighting goons.
I want so badly to be invested but it keeps getting worse. If the story won't get more engaging get a better artist on the book and inject at least the action and choreography with some life. JRJR is not your guy for that. more
Story is OK. Not good by any means. And the artwork is hideous. Not the Jr Jr I remember