Romita may be bringing his A game but he should be getting a D+ in the class.
Battle lines are drawn, with Spidey and his crew being the only ones who can save all of New York City from the worst super criminals to ever super criminal! But is Tombstone on THEIR SIDE?! And you won't believe your eyes reading the last page of this issue!
Rated T
Spider-Man, She-Hulk, and the Beetle tackle symptoms while Madame Masque, Tombstone, and perhaps another player concentrate on curing New York Citys disease in Amazing Spider-Man #40. Read Full Review
The lastest chapter of Gang War brings forth a game-changing character to an already explosive saga. Wells paces the multiple storylines with solid writing. Romita and the art team craft some excellent visuals in the backdrops to show readers things have only just begun. Youll want to keep your eye out for this issue on New Comic Book Day! Read Full Review
With plenty of colorful bad guys and untold chaos still to unfold, "Gang War" remains a very fun event in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #40 keeps moving fast. The scramble for power within New York is dragging criminals out of the woodwork, and seeing the tussle between the groups is amazing fun. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #40 is an interesting issue, although it doesn't pack the wallop one would expect from a major crossover event issue. It's problematic that the most interesting characters aren't Spider-Man but ancillary characters who are B-Listers at best in the history of Marvel Comics. If you accept those terms of the story, it's fun enough. Read Full Review
Amazing Spider-Man #40 is energetic, action-packed chaos from start to finish. Wells successfully created a scenario that feels big in scale to keep the heroes racing from one fight to the next, but the size lacks depth because we have no connection to most of the gangs or their importance in the grand scheme. Read Full Review
The Amazing Spider-Man#40 is a surprising glimmer of light in the dark, one that manages to maintain the momentum ofGang Warand even give it the stakes, no matter how schlocky they may be, that the event was missing at it's start. Read Full Review
Zeb Wells delivers another fun and chaotic ride that delivers plenty of action and twists. While it suffers from some characters being underdeveloped (e.g. Beetle’s continued path toward the dark side), there is a large enough cast of strong supporting characters to keep readers engaged in the story and on the seat of the pants. Madame Masque and Tombstone get some great story, with Spider-Man taking a backseat for the issue. Some may argue that’s a detraction from the comic but I don’t mind since he’s ben showing up across the various Gang War stories in different capacities. The final cliffhanger seals the deal and makes this another strong entry into the Webslinger’s surprisingly enjoyable crossover event.
Romita has a good inker and is bringing his A-game again.
Nice to see how the chess pieces are moving in the territory battles.
There isn't anything amazing here, but it's very enjoyable and I'm looking forward for next one.
A little bit of a step down in quality for Gang War, in my opinion, but I did enjoy this. Romita Jr.'s art is solid and the story from Wells is still fairly interesting. I do like Beetle trying to step up to Tombstone's position. I did feel as though there as a lot packed in here at times, but I still liked this. Hopefully things pick up a bit more with the next issue.
Not enough to grab you but just enough to keep going. Romita Jr. is great for this mafia war.
Wasn't nearly as engaged in this one. Nothing really to grab you. Stuff is just happening at a break neck pace all kind of scattered around. Madame Masque is eliminating Maggia leaders, Jen and Pete are teaming up with Tombstone who's meeting Fisk, etc. It's not bad but in a story about a gang war it all feels kind of disconnected where the last issue felt a lot more cohesive and fluid. Still can't get over the art and I'm still trying to figure out if the cover is supposed to be robots or terribly drawn guns. Either way, the cover and half of the issue was atrocious on the art side.
It's got some fun to it. It lacks some real substance, but it does entertain in its own way.
Art: 3/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6/10
Narratively I am enjoying this. Jrjr is a major miss for me. I’ve never really been a fan.
Narratively this was much better than the prior issue but JRJR continues to prove he’s not an amazing artist. Pun intended. His work on faces is a joke and should not be paid to be drawing a top tier marvel book. Janice’s new costume is horrible.
I know a lot of people like JRJR but I can’t stand it. He’s so inconsistent and even when he’s doing ok for him I still don’t like it.
Super nitpick panel, the scene where she hulk is throwing Spider-Man, the physics are way off. Her arm is fully extended so his body should be further out. It’s easy to nitpick when you don’t like something, yes. But the art as a whole is subpar.
Can't get more uninteresting than this