I can't stand the way Storm is being written in this avengers run, even in Immortal Thor she's written like a bitch.
New arc starts here! Superstar artist Valerio Schiti (G.O.D.S.) takes the helm as series artist! In the aftermath of Blood Hunt and Fall of the House of X, where does that leave the Avengers? The team's roster won't be the only thing shaken up when a deadly threat sets its vengeful sights on Earth!
Rated T+
Avengers #17 does a great job of wrapping up the events of Blood Hunt while getting the reader excited for what is to come. What is to come looks to be one wild ride! This is a great jumping on point for anyone who has not been picking this book up. I highly recommend it! Read Full Review
Schiti offers some beautiful imagery throughout the issue. The art is vibrant and beautifully detailed both in its characters and the action. Read Full Review
An overall great issue and the next issue is going to up the stakes, especially with who Storm and the Avengers are facing off against. Overall, Avengers #17 works as both the start of a new story arc and as a character piece. Read Full Review
Avengers #17 is a worthy introduction for the team's newest member, giving Storm's recruitment a grand sense of importance for humans and mutants alike, while showcasing the other Avengers at their most vulnerable. Read Full Review
It's a little hard to suspend disbelief about the heroes' self-recriminations, given the real world drivers of big crossover stories, but it makes for some well-written, well-drawn drama Read Full Review
Count me among those fans thrown off by the change to Valerio Schiti's art style. Or perhaps its just having a different colorist. Read Full Review
After the fallout from Blood Hunt #5, Captain Marvel warns that the Avengers failed to stop Varnae before he blocked the sun from the sky, Black Panther, Iron Man and Wanda think she's being hard on herself and everyone, but Carol says something key, Blood Hunt is one of the Tribulation Events that Kang warned them would come, he called it the Eternal Night. So far the Avengers have been unable to prevent two cataclysmic events of this nature.
Carol makes it clear that beating Varnae was not a true victory as many human losses occurred, vampires can now walk on the sun, Miles Morales is a vampire and Doctor Doom is the Sorcerer Supreme, the world has changed into unfavorable conditions that apparently cannot be reversed more
Great issue with good art and a nice breather for self reflection after Blood Hunt. Storm is one of my favorite characters in comics, so adding her is a great idea. The recruitment, and the way Sam flips the debrief about Blood Hunt into an apology for failing mutants during the Fall was really well done. T'Challa's discussion with the City was interesting as well. Very very good issue and quite the cliffhanger ending. Looks like it's only getting better from here, and it was already really good.
Jed MacKay's script is well paces, with pieces of plot foreshadowing and balanced character development. He expertly weaves together multiple storylines, paying off simmering tensions and setting the stage for a new direction as individual team members struggle with the losses they incurred during the events of Blood Hunt. Each Avenger is forced to confront their own limitations and how they view their role as a superhero and you can’t help but feel there will be tough decisions made that will have significant repercussions for the Marvel Universe.
The various argument laid out by our heroes was very reminiscent to the build up towards Marvel’s iconic ‘Civil War’ storyline, where heroes where forced to choose between two more
A wonderful little character-focused downtime issue. Superhero comics don't have enough of those these days, and this is a textbook example of how to do a good one
I really dislike when McKay has to do a study of all of the ccharacters. He does the same thing with Moon Knight and all of them having to spend time at the psychiatrist, which always feels like page filler. He did the same thing here, but they all went off to their little corner to talk about their feelings. I'm also not a fan of the Impossible City. It feels like McKay wanted the Avengers to have their own JL Watchtower and created one for them. Falcon America goes to Storm (who is one of my favorite characters and the reason I bought this issue) and tells her they need mutant representation, when they already have a mutant -- Wanda. This issue was bland. I hope they make use of Storm in an interesting way, but I'm not holding my breath. more
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 6.5/10