• When Mayor Fisk makes Matt Murdock an offer he can't refuse...the city's most famous lawyer joins up with the Fisk Administration?!
• But surely Daredevil would never give up on taking the Kingpin down...
Rated T +
Solid storytelling that simmers to a boil and leaves every last page with a startling cliffhanger. What the story does is change levels like a prizefighter. It leaves you guessing and waiting for the other shoe to drop. I cannot wait to see if Steve the Intern, becomes Daredevil's true Arch Nemesis! I for one, enjoy this and Soule has certainly established himself as a formidable voice in the Daredevil saga. High marks and I recommend reading the run starting from Issue #595 to get the full immersion into the world of the Mayor Fisk storyline. Read Full Review
Daredevil #597 takes a true-crime approach to the Mayor Fisk art not unlike the first season of the Netflix series. Its a slow boil, but things are tense. The story is engaging, and it has me eager to read the upcoming issues. This one is definitely recommended. Give it a read. Read Full Review
Charles Soule has slowly been building an epic storyline since he started on Daredevil and, with issue #600 on the horizon, it looks like everything is coming to a head. Soule is doing some very interesting things with Matt Murdock and I am wondering how he will sort all this out in the end. Daredevil #597 is a very well-crafted comic and Daredevil fans will definitely not want to miss out! Read Full Review
An interesting premise that is being executed well with enough intrigue to keep me interested to see what's next. Read Full Review
Charles Soule's run on Daredevil is a staple of Marvel's lineup over the last two years. It's consistently one of the best comics and keeps finding ways to evolve and get even better. The more Soule flexes his lawyer muscles, the better. Read Full Review
Dan Mora and Romulo Fajardo drew a great main cover: Murdock and Fisk in the foreground exchanging a handshake while their shadows are locked in fierce combat. The art teases what could have been an impressive, twenty-something pages. With a different artist scheduled to continue the next chapter of our tale I'm hopeful for a solid, all-around book in February. Read Full Review
Charles Soule's pitch for "Mayor Fisk" is strong, but the execution still leaves a lot to be desired. Read Full Review