Daredevil pounds pavement and breaks bones on a crusade against the upstart gang terrorizing Hell's Kitchen. But that crusade will put Matt face-to-face with his deadliest enemy - and threaten the very souls of those closest to him.
Rated T+
The best though is saved for last as the artist pulls off some brilliant panels that create a tense and dramatic build-up to the reveal of the big villain of the story. Read Full Review
Daredevil #3 invested me in the story, and now I will pick up the rest of this story arc with no questions asked. Read Full Review
Daredevil #3 brings exceptional fight comics and the ongoing trouble of Matt's personal life together wonderfully. Lifetime Daredevil fans will be extremely pleased with how this series blends action, superheroics, and the ongoing complexities of being Matt Murdock. Read Full Review
The current Daredevil run is a high quality series that is starting to feel like its laying groundwork without getting anywhere. Daredevil #3 is the biggest transition issue yet. The series continues forward, but future potential remains its greatest selling point. Read Full Review
Kuder and Karami deliver great art in the issue. The infiltration of the Daily Bugle and warehouse fight scenes are visually stunning. Read Full Review
Overall, this might have been the best issue of the run to date. It's definitely taken some time for Ahmed to get his footing with this character and story. Is he there? Not quite but Daredevil #3 proves that he's getting there. Read Full Review
Daredevil #3 cranks up Daredevil's fight against a new gang in town and saddles Matt with new challenges when his priority for caretaking St. Nick's is tested. In isolation, Ahmed is delivering a classic Daredevil story, but too many questions from the first issue are ignored. Read Full Review
A familiar face pops back up at the end that all but guarantees some in the near future, but it also feels like the book is taking its sweet time getting back to that demon idea first introduced in the new #1 issue. Read Full Review
Matt Murdock discovers a dangerous criminal organization in the hands of a psychopath while trying to discover what's wrong with Ben Urich.
The art with a lot of lighting that allows everything to be detailed, it is meticulous and very dynamic, the design of the demon is perfect and original.
The bulk of this was fight scenes, but it worked with the fantastic art we got here. Ahmed's writing was pretty good as well. The action went smoothly, and the actual story continues to be interesting with St. Nick's under pressure. I was going back and forth on whether to give this an 8 or an 8.5 for this, but the art was just so good that I had to go with the latter.
I liked it a good bit. Had some really cool moments and pages. I like the concept, I'd just like to get more answers. If they don't come soon my opinion might be less forgiving.
Review at (6:44) in link
The only thing I'm not completely on board here is how Ahmed is writing Matt to be angry all the time. I also think Bullseye should be kept in the basement for a while, go for new villains or use some of the old ones people don't care much about.
Kuder’s art is great, I wish he had drawn the entire issue. I really enjoy the St. Nick’s stuff, it feels fresh and is an interesting direction. However, it makes the moments when Matt is suited up feel stale by comparison, because we’ve seen it all before. I also don’t love how much Matt talks about wanting to “hurt” people when he’s angry, it feels like a regression. Maybe there’s a narrative reason for it that will be revealed later, though.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10
Lots of filler.fight scenes we've seen a thousand times before. Where is Elektra? DD's back for weeks and Foggy hasnt noticed? Matt just joined the church recently and Runs it? I missed where Ben Urich (de-aged) owns the Bugle.