Superior Spider-Man #12
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Superior Spider-Man #12

Writer: Christos Gage Artist: Mike Hawthorne Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 30, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 24
8.8Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

• Otto Octavius has faced certain death and emerged the victor -
it just meant someone else had to lose.
•  But the Superior Spider-Man has learned to care for others more than himself--and Spider-Norman Osborne of Earth-44145 won't be satisfied until blood is spilled. Whose will it be?
•  The events of this issue will change Superior Spider-Man...permanently.
Rated T+

  • 10 - Megan Peters Oct 30, 2019

    The Superior Spider-Man #12 follows up a nail-biting cliffhanger with enough tension to wow any fan. Read Full Review

  • 10
    You Don't Read Comics - Brandon Masters Oct 31, 2019

    Otto Octavious has returned, and all shall fear his wrath should any cross him. Fans of Octavious, though, should really consider picking up this entire series. It has been one of the most genuinely great comics to come out in 2019, and well worth your comic dollar. To see Otto rise, fall, and be reborn in a way that feels organic and not at all hamstrung by editorial wanting a villain restored is pure comics magic, and the entire comics crew should be awarded for this. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - Jim Werner Oct 30, 2019

    While this issue broke my heart, I have to give huge props to Christos Gage and Mike Hawthorne for making me care in the first placeand boy did I care! If you havent read this series yet, I highly recommend you do. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Beyond The Panel - Jideobi Odunze Oct 30, 2019

    The die was cast one last time. I wished for a different ending, but this was the end that we were going to inevitably get one of these days. It was probably best that this also ended with the writer who made this such a compelling character. Superior Spider-Man #12 wraps up what will be one of the boldest stories told for any Spider person in the Spiderverse. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    GWW - Percy Waelchl Nov 1, 2019

    The Superior Spider-man was a complex and conflicted character throughout this series. And while this concept could have continued on, Gage and the creative team create a satisfying transition for Octavius and the characters in his orbit. Superior Spider-man fans will have a sad goodbye, but any reader with an awareness of Dr. Octopus will enjoy the exploration of this character. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Multiversity Comics - Michael Govan Nov 4, 2019

    Listen to me, no more Spider-Men making deals with Mephisto. We get it, "One More Day" was a thing. This is the last time, let it go. Read Full Review

  • 10
    AdamAnt May 11, 2022

    Still think SSM is the BEST version of Spidey. The Dock Ock persona elevated the character to new heights that being Peter alone could not have. Thanks Dan Slott.

  • 9.5
    Spacey Medicine Nov 4, 2019

    I’m really sad about this chapter of his life closing. I can see that it’s changed Otto’s character, but I’m worried that it will be too easy for future writers to ignore that subtlety and go back to a simpler, worse character. I don’t know. I have a lot of complicated feelings about this one. I think that maybe that’s a good thing.

  • 9.5
    Kalaoui Oct 31, 2019

    The die is cast! Gage has brought this heartbreak of story to an end and what an experiment this Superior Spider-Otto was. Six years of fun stories had to end. Yes Otto's redemption is what everyone wanted but that is not how stories end I'm afraid. I actually feel like this is a better ending for him no matter how much I don't like it. I will always cherish this Slott baby. Mike Hawthorne, Wade von Grawbadger, and Jordie Bellaire have got to be proud of their effort here. The best art that actually made the story shine from the awesome action to the way it made you feel Otto and Anna's angst.

  • 9.0
    CrazyforRAMU Jun 1, 2020

    Doctor Octopus returns, settling the Superior Spider-Man's scores in a hard but honorable fashion. He sheds more than a few tears for the end of his heroic moment -- but ever in private, which is completely appropriate for the character. My reaction to this ending is perversely opposite to the general consensus. I consider the storytelling flawed and improvable, but I absolutely love the story being told. Otto burning his bridges and being a total drama queen about it is impeccably true to his nature.

  • 9.0
    Psycamorean Nov 1, 2019

    Poor Doc Ock.

  • 8.5
    DDJamesB Oct 31, 2019

    Wish they didnt end it like that but, it was a hell of a ride. Personally I should have known it wouldnt stick but the superior spiderman was so awesome. I wish they made it longer and we could have enjoyed more time with the character. I havent been this upset over a comic in a long time.

  • 8.5
    EDiakota Oct 31, 2019

    " Perhaps your limited brain couldn't. But you now face a mind that is superior. That is your fatal error Norman. Never underestimade Otto Octavuis. "

  • 7.5
    allenquanobi Oct 30, 2019

    Look I get that there are too many spider people running around. But having octavius go through such a character arc only to revert back, and with Mephisto of all people to do it. Felt very OMD like and reeks of editorial. It's a shame too since this series was a great read. But objectively this is a fine story, and well drawn also. It's just a shame this character is ruined in my opinion

  • 7.0
    Afre Oct 31, 2019

    I really don't know what to think of this.

    On the other hand, I liked it a lot. A great final issue that is bit sad and a nice send-off.

    On the other hand, I hated it. It destroys the development Otto had in 6 years. I loved Superior Spider-Man and what it did to Otto. It also evolved Otto's and Peter's relationship in a way I couldn't imagine. And I hate that Otto forgets Peter's identity.

    It is a hard comic to review. The big question is what happens next.

  • 6.5
    Georgi Oct 30, 2019

    One of my favourite current series. But I really dislike the ending, I think it wasn't the right way to go. Superior Spider-man in my opinion was "the Superior" Otto. Do not get me wrong Otto was great as a villain. But I just feel like Superior Spider-man could've been further explored.

  • 3.0
    Kreniigh Nov 8, 2019

    Like the frog who carried the scorpion across the river, I should have known -- I did know -- that Mephisto or time-travel clone replacement or something would eventually undo any sort of change, no matter how interesting. So this doesn't surprise me. But it makes me seriously ask myself why I am wasting my time reading superhero comics. Apologies to the creators that I can't give this an objective grade, but that's hard to do for something that kills a tiny part of my love for this genre.

  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 9.5
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  • 8.5
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  • 8.0
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  • 7.5
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  • 7.5

  • 7.0
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  • 7.0
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  • 6.5
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  • 6.0
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  • 4.5
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