The bad who's Profile

Joined: Aug 18, 2017

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Overall Rating

I'm giving it 10 to balance those 1 ratings that I believe are ridiculous and are based strictly on their own vision of what Batman should be. My "real" rating wouldn't be so far from it though. Tom King is breaking some of the status quo with his vision of Batman as a more grounded and meditative character, without taking away the action and its classic side. It finally gives some meaning to villains we thought pointless before. With all the exposure Batman gets lately, at least we have something a bit different. The art is gorgeous. I love Janin, but Mann really gives this particular issue a tone that suits the narrative perfectly. Long live King!

This arc has been and extremely polarizing one in a very polarizing run from King. Some love him, some hate him. Those who love him (myself included) will probably like this long awaited finale and be left shocked by the ending (the first one, before Cat's answer). Thoe who hate him will find in it than in the previous issues, except maybe Cat's answer, which will probably impact everything Batman related in the coming months/years. The Riddler's plan is a very entertaining, pathetic and funny twist, while Batman's final decision is a dark, gritty and heavy twist. The contrast is what makes all come together in the end and gives meaning to this whole arc. And seeing the Joker finally have the last laugh is a guilty pleasure that sets the tone for all of Batman's career to come.

This comic, in its how genre, is just perfect. King shows once again how genuine and funny he can be (funny for real that actually makes you laugh and smile!), but also shows how intimate he can get in his depiction on a relationship. Both discussions taking place are a treat to read and the juxtaposition of the two makes it 10x better by showing how Batman and Superman can be stubborn and have very mundane issues when it comes to communication. Both Lois and Catwoman are also pretty great at calling them on their BS and making them realise how stupid their thinking can get. This all leads to the most awkwardly beautiful scene where they actually meet up without knowing it, making all the build up worth it even more. A must read for sure and a dsplay of King's talent once again

This is just brilliant. While I understand people want action, fights, threats etc in a Batman comic, I tend to think it's nice to have stories like that through all the cosmic apocalyptic menaces we see in other series like Metal, Action Comics or Detective Comics. I can get my fix of action there and really enjoy those stories that make me laugh and think. After the awkward meetup at the end of last issue, this is the perfect follow-up. Bruce being such a buzzkill and Clark trying to make everyone happy describes so well those two characters but in a more intimate way. Selina and Lois bonding over the how childish and stupid their loved ones can be is also a great way to tell a story about the human beings (or kryptonian beings...) behind the heroes. All this while Bruce and Clark are disguised with each others costumes makes for a really unforgettable story. Not for everyone, I agree, but for those who enjoy a break from "total annihilation scenario" like I do, It's a real treat that needs to be read.

I can see I'm not with the majority here when I say this issue was just stunning. First of all, the work of Joelle Jones is on a whole other level than some other artist in the business and with the genius of Bellaire's coloring, it's quite a sight to be seen. Every panel is a work of art and every emotion from the script are carried perfectly through the character's eyes and body language. On the script level, it's very interesting way of putting a strain on the Bat-Cat relationship as all seems to be too perfect for them since the rooftops. I don't believe the ending "cliffhanger" will have any long lasting impact on their relationship (wishful thinking here because I love their douple dynamic), but I'm curious as to what will the Gentle Man do, Will he keep his promise? Overall a nice way of showing the attraction between Bruce and Diana, even if it's not meant to be. I loved it, bring on the trolls, I can take 'em!

There will be a point where Tom King will stop improving and getting better at telling compelling, emotional and gripping story, but this day has not come yet. He really is the best in the business at telling one-shot, self contained story and proved it again and again with Batman/Elmer Fudd, Good boy etc. This one is a tear jerker and an emotional tale of a relationship between Bruce and Selina we will probably never see as such in the main continuity. It's the best way for King put an "end" to his vision of this relationship that drives his Batman run, without compromising the status quo of the main continuity. It's just perfect. Not much else to say at this point, except the art is just stunning to the point of perfection. The throwback costumes are a treat to see and reference to Elmer Fudd is a cool little thing that makes the reader feel rewarded for following King's comics.

It's not the first time we see a "what if" Batman killed the Joker, but this time around, it is elevated to the next level. The Dark Nights one-shots have been pretty good thus far and managed to confound the most skeptical ones. This last one had time to build up plenty of expectations though and it if pretty much safe to say that is shattered those expectations. The gritty, grotesque tale of the Batman who laughs justifies all of his actions seen in the Dark Nights event. While the other dakr knights all have suffered and were given some kind of reasons or empathy toward their actions, this one is all about chaos and destruction, blending Joker's chaotic mind and Bruce Wayne's calculated one, everyone who knows the duo can imagine this scenario being credible despite the wackyness. The art is very scratchy and gives an even more terrifying look at the character. If you followed the even or not, this one is a must read for every comic book fan out there.

As an overall Watchmen fanboy, I had a smile in my face all along while reading this issue. I tried to be very careful in my expectations of this event, while still having a great confidence that if one person could pull it off, it was Goeff Johns. Not only did he deliver in making the mystery a real delight to follow since the DC rebirth special, but he also managed to capture the feel and the tone of the orignal watchmen pretty spot on. It's a HUGE risk making a follow up to basically the best comic book EVER (ok, my opinion leaks through here, but one can assume it's true for a lot of other people too), but the payoff is more than worth it when you achieve this level of quality, for DC as much as for the fan. Time will tell how the 12 issues will unfold, but the first step felt good enough to be excited about the whole thing. On the technical level, the art and just unbelievable. It retains some part of Gibbons' style while being very modern and up to date. The coloring is the definitive star here though. Anderson just kills it and the first thing the pops out when you open the book are the colors. They are so vibrant and well balanced it's hard not to get lost in them, just being in awe.

Yet again, the main complaint about this series is that the issues are too short. Every month, with everything in my pull list, the one I end up looking forward to the most is Kill Or Be Killed. Dylan really is evolving and now he seems in control of his secret life and identity...until he's not! That the beauty of it all, you can't expect anything to be like you thought it would be. Brubaker manages to take the very cliched, used to the core concept of being a vengeful vigilante and make it fresh and unexpected. Even how Dylan dispatches his victims is more on the realistic side of things than the comic book version of it. Judging by the cover art of the next issues, it looks like the story will take us somewhere unexplored in Dylan's universe. Must read series for...well, everyone!

It's complex, it's well written, it makes you think and the art, oh the art! This justifies being a comics fan by itself. You could read it three or four times and find details you missed before. King has a way of going into the deep psyche of the characters and make the reader feel close to them. This has the potential of being the best of 2017. Darkseid is.

I can't begin to describe how good this comic is. I wouldn't dare to say "watchmen level good", but pretty damn close. The art is literraly moving and bring characters to life, making them so real it feels like they're there with you, commenting the story as you read. The story is still very mysterious, but not teasing us with fake cliffhanger or other machinations like that. The bond between Scott and Barda is one of the truest I've seen in a long time. Despite all the drama, King manages to make us laugh with very typical everyday situations, reinforcing the relatable "human" side of the gods. A month is way too long to wait for the next issue!

I just have no word to describe how great this series is. No words I can think of to define what this comic stirs inside me. It's just a perfect balance of everything. THe art is definitely the best I've seen in a comic, ever. The story is beautifully paced and includes humour, drama, action, emotions and often without actual dialogue! I love Tom King, but this series shines the most because of Gerads. If the 12 issues are like this, we are on board for a landmark in comic books history. I can't help but feel like how people must have felts while reading Watchmen when it came out. Just perfect.

I feel like I won't stop giving those perfect notes. Every aspect of this comic is perfect. The visual, the dialogue, the trippy story, the humor, the drama. It all seems so well balanced and thought of. Even a whole issue taking place in an appartment can't make you take your eyes off of it. The panel repetitions with slight details changes are wonderful to look at. Buy it, read it, re-read it. If you're not, you're missing out big time. simple perfect.

It's hard to understand how a comic can be so consistently good, flawless even, for this many consecutive issues. After reading the first, then the second, the the third, I told myself it would lose steam at some point, but it's quite the opposite that actually happens. This series gets better month after month, changing dynamics each time. This time, the romance between Scott and Big Barda is so in touch with reality, it's scary. As mythological, cosmic and complex as they can be, their actual everyday life is pretty much the same as anyone else. The weight of this last day spent together, doing almost nothing special but being together, is crushing, yet full of love and hope. It's funny, philosophical, emotional, beautifull. The art of Gerads is still the superstar of this story with repeating panels, taking us at just the right pace though the story, making us notice the small details even more. Truly a work of art and a comic I'm sure will be seen as one of the most important of its generation.

I love Tom King and he keeps on giving me reasons to. This "you didn't think I'd go there, did you?" issue is genius in its execution and dares going deeper into character we never knew had more layers beneath after all these years. I would have loved to see a more complete ending as the "cliffhanger" is starting to feel more than due at this point the the War of Jokes and Riddles.

Hell yeah! This is brilliantly silly, well written as usual by King, and Janin just delivers visual delight every single time. The set-up for the finale and perfect and now, I just can't wait for that reveal I've been waiting for since part 1. Despite being a very long story arc, it does not feel like it's overstaying its welcome and I hope for a real slap in the face of a finale in two weeks. How will the Joker gain back his smile? This will be interesting for sure!

I love those "meta" story where the comic book world is used as an allegory to more realistic situations. Aknowledging that tragedies like the one Bruce Wayne lived as a child is also something happening in real life is an important part of comic book's role. Entertainment comes first, but it's easy to forget some kids' first contact with reading and art comes through them and are shaped by them. The relationship with his uncle is the center of it all and the distance between them is that much more painful to imagine for a little boy who lost everything. The only flaw in this comic is the middle section where it's not clear where all is headed and feels a bit long, but it all comes back into focus toward the end. It's also a very sleek piece of art with nice old school drawing that is an hommage to the Batman legacy overall. A must read for any comic book fan out there.

Busiek can craft a story and he firing on all cylinder with this one. It takes a surprisingly big gap in time and takes us to the college years of Bruce, which makes the story go forward extremely well while leaving the events of issue #1 in the past and stopping the story to go uselessly in circle. Yes, losing his parents was traumatizing, but he keeps going on with life. We already saw a million tales about the struggle of a kid living this kind of loss, and it'S refreshing to see it go somewhere unexpected while still being grounded with the reality of it. I love how things get explained with rational, realistic facts and how the most "paranormal" thing are still shrouded in mystery. This is also one of the most striking piece of art this year visually speaking. The aRt, the color, the "old school" feeling of the comic book parts with the real Batman, everything is blending so well and looks extraordinary. Don't mind the 5.99 price, just go ahead a read this, it's worth every penny and more.

This comic is probably one of the most multi-layered i've read so far. Every panel feels like it's revealing something important but still, when not seen as the whole it's presented in, doesn't mean much out of context. The story is using the general confusion that timelines in comics create on spins it around to tell a tale that is very self aware. Visually, it has some of the most striking pages 2017 had to offer yet and the mix of artists feels natural and organic as each scenes are played out. I found myself reading pages 2 or 3 times only to absorb all of the informations it throws at the readers and, after finishing it, going on the internet to get the full backstory of all these fast, densely packed scenes had to offer. A great reading while impatiently waiting for Metal #4 which can't come soon enough.

The perfect blend of storytelling, emotional impact and visual. While completing a part of the story that was left untold in the main Metal story, This one shot delivers a heart wrenching story about Lois and Jon on one end, and Bruce and Clark on the other, with Metropolis caught in the middle. Every evil Batman has a unique way of thinking and feeling human depiste their action. It's hard to see them as completely evil and not manipulated by the one who laughs. Trying not to get my hopes up too much for the Batman who laughs, but it's hard not to get excited after all the quality tie-ins.

This issue tells a very compelling and emotional story despite being very brutal and violent. It is interesting from start to finish and the whole digital Alfred thing is well explained and fits with both Batman and Cyborg. The art is what really shines though here though. The details are amazing and the darkness of the story pours through every panel. Truly a work of art.

I've never so excited to get to the comic book store on a wednesday! This story is really pulling me in despite it being confusing and a bit on the ridiculous side at time, but the ridiculousness is completely assumed and this is what makes it special. Snyder knows how to put drama in a situation that calls for laughters under any other circumstances. Baby Darkseid, Batmanium, ski-doo, this is just brilliant! The art is stellar most of the time, but you can feel Capullo really is at his best drawing Batman, but not so much with the rest of the Justice league. Still not enough a make me drop the score though. Good stuff and a must read for any comic book fan.

When the only negative thing you can find about a comic is "I want more!", you know you have something special in your hands. In this issues, we get to discover the dynamics between the three characters even further and other character are fleshed out even more. It's hard not to care about what will happen to any of them, even the "villains". If you haven't read this series yet, make yourself a favor and get it now.

Action packed, funny, emotional, beautiful. I must say I'm impressed with the Generations. what I believed would be throwaway stories to set up an throwaway reboot are getting better and better each time. This one hits home run on the tone, the visual and the self-contained story that leaves you breathless with the ending. The small nods to the Logan movie are nice too. This gives me hope for Legacy coming up

This is the right way to depict Superman. Not by his physical weakness or having a stronger enemy, but by making him face humanity in all its beauty and uglyness. It's a long awaited story arc and the first issue delivers. The cliffhanger at this point is more or less efficient since pretty much everyone had his theory about the identity of Mr.Oz and many were actually right, but judging this comic for its cliffhanger is doing it disservice. The art is extremely solid, the emotional effect on Superman can be felt, the details on Oz's influence are nice and give life to everything. Hope they keep the momentum for the rest of the Oz Effect.

The series had surprised me and it keeps on surprising me every single issue. The art to gorgeous (Except this weird, warped lettering choice) and made me a fan of Stjepan Sejic. The writing keeps you wanting for more and the story is engaging. The only downside is that we need to wait a whole month to see what's next.

I litterally had to take a breath after reading it as I realize I was holding it all along. This is non-stop action and the story goes fast and furious with revelations as characters are thrown at us from all corners of the Marvel universe. It's nice to see so many faces against a threat that's still not very clear and the Voyager appearance is mysterious, but makes the weekly formula a relief since we will not wait too long before knowing what's next. It's all pretty exciting. Visually, it's also very nice to look at and as packed as can be with everything going on. I doubt the pace can be as sustained as this for the 16 issues, but it sure is a great start. It justifies the term "blockbuster event" for sure.

The Metal event is switching gears in the past weaks fast and going full speed as this first evil Dark Knight gets his origin story. Now, Earth-1 is in real trouble and destruction is spreading fast and we meet every architects of this wicked design. The ast on this one is especially stellar. Colors are vibrants and the panels are well laid out and easy to read. It's a breeze that leaves you wanting for more metal! Can't wait to see more of this, as this is the most fun I had reading comics for a while.

This series is pulling me in more and more as the issues come out and this one feels like it really sucked me in for good. The characters are crafted and developped with a lot of care and it shows as the story progresses. Napier, Gordon, Harley(s) all change but with such credibility it just flows. The writing is top notch and the visual complements it perfectly (with reason since the same person does them both). All the references to the main Batman mythos, but twisted in a cool, unique way, are stacking up to be an extremely compelling read. The only flaw that's left and is not yet ironed out is the fact that the villains are used as an excuse for other things. There a just too many of them to make sense. I just don't believe they could just band together like that so easily. Maybe some lower level thugs, but Bane and the Penguin? seriously? Anyway, small details that do not make it a lesser series after all.

Giving a nice, old school but yet modern style to Cap is probably amongst the greatest ideas in the Legacy initiative. Embracing the strenght and the cheesyness of the character was something missing for a while at Marvel. That's what a back to basics should be about. It was a real treat to read and made me hopeful about the future of Captain America.

This series really is good, mindless fun. Don't stick of the absurdities and problems with the story, just roll with it and have fun. Isn't that what comic books are about anyway? The threat in the DC universe really feels like the biggest ever and at this point we don't know what kind of impact this will have on the continuity, but who cares! THe oblivion bar scenes was a bit long, but still necessary to move the story forward and the C.D/D.C. references were kinda farfetched, but not to stop readers from enjoying it. I'm eager to see more of Batman though.

I love where this is all heading. I thought it would involve Mr.Oz more, but seeing how Action Comics handles him, I'm glad Dectective went in another direction. They really made Tim-Batman a dangerous foe and seeing the whole family together to tackle the danger is extremely compelling. The emotional return of Tim amongst them was also a great and defining moment. We still don't know the extent of Batwoman impact on Tim, but I can't wait to find out.

It is a very fast paced, action packed and plenty of revelations and future story set-up. Future-Tim, despite being the villain here, feels human and like he's got his reasons behind acting like he does. Now-Tim stays true to himself, but the tone is not "all happy in the end" of does not force Future-Tim into understanding Now-Tim's choices. The small part I found annoying was the very limited role of Batman inside the whole arc, like he's now the glue that ties all of them together in the first place. It sure leave a wide open door for the next arc, and being called "Fall Of The Batmen", I'm pretty sure Future-Tim will have major repercussion for a long time to come.

I love what Johns is doing with all this. Some corners seem like they've been cut round a bit, but I trust this is all to make the story go forward at a better pace. The little thing that bugs me just a bit too is the fact that Ozymandias doesn't look like the most intelligent person of his universe. Some decision he makes are actually pretty dumb and are even used as a mean to keep the story going on. I hope they can correct that in the future issue as I suspect I could become a real storytelling problem. What impresses me the most is the fact that this all doesn't look like a gimmick at all. Merging one of the most revered universe with DC could be just that, but they succeeded in dodging all the traps so far. The visual is just perfect. The art is almost flawless and the colors are popping out like crazy on those flat finished pages. It really feels special reading this and I do believe they could achieve something great by continuing of this path.

Issue #4 left me with a funny feeling that things would not give me any answers of would not be satisfying, but after reading #5, I can tell those feelings were not justified. The finale on the first story arc is a perfect set up for things to come and serves as an origin for two characters who will probably be at the center in the future. The action is raw and brutal, the ending is well paced and not cliched. I seriouslt though about not continuing to follow this comic, but now, I want to see more. Here's hoping this is going to be worth it on the long run.

Loved the "kinda-origin" story for Odinson and the story overall. The villains in this series have all been only excuses for the protagonists to meet and it is no diffrent here. Some epic full page panels make this issue a must read for any Thor fan, or any comics fan out there. Just like the other Generations, it also brings its share of emotions and a sense of wonder, teasing us to discover or rediscover these characters. This one also includes an "extended" scene at the end that sets up the Legacy special. Great stuff Marvel, great stuff.

Still going strong with the Generations, this one feels more light hearted and humorous. The setting and story is more on the light side too, but the real strenght of this issue (as with all the Generations so far) are the characters and their interaction together. We get to learn how "old" heroes used to be and the "new" heroes are learning it at the same time, guiding them for what's next. With Secret Empire wrapped up and the mystery of their travel in time clearer, it all comes together easier and you can't stop but wondering what this all means and if all this will have any lasting impact on the Legacy reboot.

Yet another great issue of one of the best, most underrated comic inthe business. It just won't stop being interesting even with the same characters doing pretty much de same thing since the beginning. Dylan just gets more focused and is able to split is life in two more easily, and Kira is still as complicated and as full as a character can be. Vigilantism is depicted in a very unique, profound way that is rarely so well layered and nuanced. The little "gotta-rewind-the-story-to-explain-this-scene" slowly starts getting a bit old, but it seems to be the main story trick here and it's not as annoying as you'd think. Please, don't miss out on this. Superheroes are great, but there are many other things out there.

This series has a way of always making things fresh and new when you start thinking it will stall. It's always changing directions and trying new ways of telling the story of Dylan's life, not of the vigilante he is. It's basically a very human story. This time, things slow down as the "supernatural" aspects of it all takes a front seat just when we thought it was gone for good. Much of the mental progress Dylan made in the last arc is crumbling down and the twisted way he sees the world comes back to haunt him. That last panel's cliffhanger sure leaves an impression and I can't wait to see what is going on. Once again, a must read series.

It's a well written story that sets up a potentially very fun series. While lacking in action, it does compensate with character development and makes the perfect launch pad for the upcoming events. The art is stunning though every pages and the colors are great. The nostalgia is strong with this one and Zdarksy knows it and uses it to its full potential. At this point, pretty much everyone hopes it ultimately turns into the full fledged return of the fantastic four, but for now, just Johnny and Ben seem like a nice team. It they can keep introducing cameos without them feeling forced and have a fast moving story, this might be a series to follow and add to you pull list for 2018.

This one left me SLIGHTLY less impressed than the five previous issues. I thought the discussion about the condo dragged on too long and the jokes fell a bit flat, but overall, it still is a very solid comic and probably the most interesting on the stands right now. The visual are the key at making it what it is, as with the others before, but this time even more considering the dialogue has litterally nothing to do with what's going on for the most part on the story. We are treated with some nice and varied use on the 9 panels grid and the same Gerads style and coloring that made the success of this series. The Bid Barda revelation at the end makes all the weirdness go away, but we're hit again by another revelation right after that gives everything another layer of dread and dakrness. Read this one folk, I can't ever tell this enough.

As a new reader of the series, after the stellar, multi talented issue #700, this one is more focused, which suits the story extremely well. The all-over-the-place approach of the last one would not have been a good way of telling a story if it had overtayed its welcome. The coming of the Mangog needed to be fleshed out as a main threat in this universe and it succeeds by punching the holy hell out of the War Thor, without him being able to do anything more than slow him just a bit. With all the characters put into place with #700, the next issue could be a lot of things. Here's hoping they keep the quality up.

After an issue where everyting was about fighting and being punched in the face by a god killing entity, it's nice to have a backstory and a biggest presence from the actual Mighty Thor this time. The arm wrestling scene was brilliant and the way Jane deals with her illness will probably lead to a gut wrenching finale. Visually, it really stands out as one of the best looking comic in the past months from Marvel. The Mangog looked a bit goofy in the last issue in my opinion, but this time, he looks truly terrifying. The next issue sure will be loaded with action and the more grounded story from this month will only make it more enjoyable.

Being named "The Death Of Mighty Thor", one could expect things to ge epic and massive in this arc. It sure did, but not in the most standard of way. It's a very emotional kind of epicness for both Jane, Odinson, Odin and now, Falcon. The toll Mjolnir takes on Jane Foster is more than ever felt in how she is depicted. Yes, as a cancer patient nearing death, but also as a kind of addict who can't see what's good for her anymore as people close to her see her kill herself without consideration. All this on an almost Ragnarok level threat to Asgardia is a truly great combination of event. It's well written, well drawn and pushed all the right emotional buttons to create a really genuine feeling toward the characters.

What stops this issue from near perfection is the fact that it feels like a classic "bad guys telling his story while the good guy waits" type a thing. It feels like Superman should be more impacted emotionally than what is shown and Mr.Oz changes his agressive way of speach to better explain all that lead him there. Basically, I felt I was listening to a teacher explaining more than a father convincing his son. That being said, great art, great story and falls into the Rebirth/Doomsday Clock narrative as much as Detective Comics does right now. Can't be more hyped about where this all leads and how Superman will react to this.

The real star here is the art. After Bogdanovic's pencil work (which I'm not a fan of), is it like a breath of fresh air to see such details and precision in Action Comics. This being said, with Doomsday Clock running at the same time, it does feel like an extension of it and it all for the better. Seeing Superman so driven to find an answer and so angry at all of his last adventure with his father is interesting with Batman going in to make sure he is okay. It does feels like a nice role reversal for the duo and changes the dynamics. It does sets up the next story arc extremely well too with the last pages. Last time we saw the dreaded threadmill, we witnessed "the Button" and I can't wait to know what's going to happen next.

This is FINALLY where every little details, evevry dialogues that felts out of place pay off. The story comes to a close with the revelation of Xavier's plan since the very beginning and all falls into place. The final revelation is a real surprise and makes you wonder where things will go next not only for the Astonishing series, but for every other X-Men books. The artist change is starting to feel less distracting as we get used to it and this time it's a strikingly different style, but it works well and the colors are gorgeous. This final act 1 issue redeems the flaws of the previous one a reignites the interest for future installments.

It's a pretty consistent event thus far and this issue makes no exception. Being a weekly series, it would be easy to have weaker and slower issues, but they are all action packed and plenty of cliff hangers. It's time they start having REAL consequences though as every time they make the readers fear that a character may die of that an event might change the whole status quo, they end up stepping back and leave things unclear. This could get old after 16 issues, but it keeps us at the edge of our seat for now. Larraz is really bringing this to another level visually with detailed art and action that feels alive and intense.

I really enjoyed the interaction between Cat and Bat, it's been delicious since the very beginning of King's run. This arc focused on that relationship they have that is deep within them, but doesn't look like it at first sight. The snail's pace of the story actually fits the writing very well and the art is just beautiful. Jones delivers and the coloring completes incredibly well. I'm eager to see the showdown between Talia and Selina, and how the Justice League fits in all this.

Tom King continues being one of the most polarizing writer in comics, but being on the good side of this, I can't help but impatiently waiting for each Batman issue. This is basically a issue-long fight between Talia and Selina, with Batman being no the sideline yet again. This is starting to look like a Catwoman fetish, but is does not make it less good by any mean. The art by Jones is perfect for the setting and the action and she draws women extremely well, giving a good deal of punch to an overall simple scenario. The Damian and Dick's story is well integrated and feels like a much needed "coming of age" for Damian who had mostly been a dick (no pun intended) in the past issues of Batman related comics.

What I like about King's Batman run is that you never really know what you're going to get. It's a blessing and a curse to some extent as it gives some fresh and unexpected stories like this one, but also makes it hard to grasp the ongoing story arc that often feels left behind. I'm more on the "blessing" side of this though, but I can understand those who feel cursed! I'm also a sucker for one-shot Tom King stories so this issue pretty much falls within my preferred parameters. After two light hearted issues, this one is much more bleak and violent. The CSI approach reminisces the old school Batman stories where is actually does detective work to help the police and being a one-shot, sure there are logic leaps to get to the conclusion, but it's all just to make the story go forward and not stay still for too long. We all know he's the best detective in the world, so why should it be explained how he does things...he just does them 'cause he's the God*** Batman! Worth a read, or five!

I really enjoyed this one. It has a sense of epicness and grandeur more than the previous one shots. The Batman Who Laughs is more and more depicted as the main antagonist in the whole Metal event as Barbatos is more like a looming presence, overwatching the whole thing. The sheer power of this Batman is massive and the art in this issues really shines in showing this power, while being very accurate in depicting dialogues in the war room as well. Metal doesn't let up and proves that big Events, if handled correctly, can be exciting and fresh.

I like that Cap goes back to a simpler, old school formula. That makes him relatable again and the art just works SO much with the story Waid tells us. Smaller town, smaller threat, smaller enemy, but bigger payoff and bigger fun. This is pretty much what this is : Fun. It feels like what comic books were before universes started to merge and big ass events dictated how the story went for every heroes. You can't help but have a smile on your face while reading it and that's a darn good thing.

This is truly a beautiful piece of work. The production value is over-the-top and the art and colours are vibrant and much brighter than anticipated with a title like "Metal". The story could be three separate books and still have plenty to offer, which makes for a tad confusing whole, but just enough to keep people interested for more. With all the hype around the event, Snydey and Capullo delivered. Can't wait to see where they go with that big reveal at the end.

I wasn't impressed by the Utopia/Dystopia story, but this one truly is compelling. Tim Drake is a beloved character who disapeared and they are making him come back with a BANG! The future Drake is a perfect mirror image to Tim for him to reflect on and the way they told his story was a delight to read. Making an origin story so concise and clear is an art for sure. With some much Batman stuff on the shelves lately, putting the spotlight on different characters is a welcome break (with Metal #3 having almost zero Batman too). With D.C, Metal, White Knight and King's unbelievable Batman run, it feels good being a Batman fan these days.

The one thing that really stands out here is the art. It's just gorgeous and the Clayface design is really hitting a homerun here. The bold lines really make everything pop out and a treat to look at. On the story side of things, Detective is probably one of the most consistent series with cool story elements, plenty if characters development and enough action to keep readers interested. This is pretty much the same here except we witness what could be the point of no return for one of Batman's allies. The only problem with the whole series is that there are so many characters that some of them become mere tools to the story's benefit. Still a good read and worth the 2.99 price tag.

First of all, the timing of it was very well thought off considering how the last Detective ended. It's a very sad and tragic story that puts even more humanity in Clayface's backstory. He was always a great villain and the moral ambiguity they injected in him these past years is brought to a point where it's not clear what he is anymore. Hero, villain, martyr, victim? It could be a problem, but it ends up being a good thing as Basil himself must be asking these questions too about who he is. The writing is top notch and the art is great. More so in the depictions of Basil after the accident, which is fittingly gruesome and repulsive.

While the Gotham Resistance crossover felt more "street level" while still being a good, well made story arc, the Bats Out Of Hell already feels like the main course in this whole Metal event. Having the Justice League fighting the evil Batmen is pretty much what we were waiting for and with the main issues of Dark Nights : Metal being few and far between, this certainly help the craving. Like almost every Metal issue so far, the art is unbelievable, despite being extremely packed in this particular case. a LOT is going on in every page, but the panels a laid out well enough to prevent confusion. I can't wait for the next chapter in this arc and the wait impatiently for my Metal fix every week!

It's funny that the weakest part of this issue was the Jean Grey story. Sure, it's only the first of 5, but why put her in the background so much? The part with the X-Men were good and the interaction between they was nice and funny enough. It is really mysterious so far but tghe fact that it's an weeekly issue will scratch the itch soon enough. It's a damn good looking book also with vibrant colors and detailed art. Again, the weakest art was Jean herself. She looks weird and not like the Jean I would like to see, like on the cover. This being said, once the Phoenix grabs a hold of her, it will probably change a lot too. 4.99 is a steap price for a weekly thing and with Avengers No Surrender coming up and at the same pricepoint, they better deliver each issue though.

I thought it was easier to follow than the last two issues. The visual was nice, but very intrusive and hard to follow until now. It looks more streamlined and logically placed for easy reading and understanding. The narrative also takes a different turn, taking more time to actually explain what's going on and what happened since the last issue. It feels more grounded and the sense of urgency upon hearing that Frank's family is in danger really shows. A nice little book overall, neither overrated nor underrated.

Again, a step up from last issue and the artist's change really is the major reason for it. The detailed style fits the story more than the more scratchy one from Jurgens. The adventure in time with Booster Gold keeps going on and is more at home in the era it's set at compared to being on Krypton's warped past. Supe's attitute is a bit unsettling though. His anger feels at the wrong place and not completely justified. I get that this is mostly a Booster story, but I barely recognize the man of steel since Oz's revelation...which kinda makes sens when you think of it. I'd like the Lois Lane arc to go a little faster too because it really feels like it's there for no reason. We'll probably see soon enough.

I really thought about not continuing with Sejic not drawing the future issues. I got the first one as my local comic book shop forgot to take it off my pull list and I was not so let down by the last issue, but not impressed enough to come back on my decision. This time though, I had the feeling it would be nice and decided to pick it up, and I must say, I AM getting back on the Aquaman train! Federici has a MUCH different style than Sejic. More detailed, but less dynamic. But given time, I started appreciating it more and more. What sold it for me was the fact the to story FINALLY pick up the pace and things start to feel more urgent. It's really a nice, mostly underrated series that takes time to pull readers in, but does it the right way so you really care about what's going to happen.

Very entertaining and builds on the mystery of the first issue. Nice astral plane wacky action keeps you wonder what is going on at the start. The fact they change artist every issue throws off a bit, but it is a nice showcase to see other talents.

I had trouble rating and commenting the previoux issues of this one. The first was a bombastic, beautiful piece of work with action and mystery while the second was a weirder, more confusing and less impressive visually issue. This third one falls in the middle. The art is great with a more cartoon style that fits Logan like a glove, the story is more focused and the sens of urgency and mystery is back. What is final masterplan of either the shadow king or Xavier is is still hazy and it ends with a cliffhanger that leaves you wondering where things will go from now. A good read overall

Very good issue with nice, precise artwork. The story progresses and it all feels not so stagnant anymore. Every character is involved in a way or another which makes the storytelling much more dynamic. It's a very entertaining and enjoyable run overall.

The fact that it's a weekly release serves this story really well. They can litterally put cliffhangers and every endings and it will never be too frustrating because you'll have the answers in just 7 days. Meanwhile, it's a beautifully drawn comic and it's full of mysteries and questions. It's fast paced and full of great action sequences too. It's not perfect though. The banters between the different teams already start to feel forced upon the readers and sometime completely useless to the plot. Yes, we know, heroes are human too, but we expect them act heroically too, not just like school kids. To damn earth is missing, wake the hell up! That being said, it's still a great comic and a great event.

I'll be honest, I expected a BIT more. Still, I'm giving it 8 so I still enjoyed it. It took me a while to really get into the story as I felt the opening act was a bit all over the place. Murphy made it hardly believable that Joker got so much compassion from the public so fast. Apart from that, the art is gorgeous, dark and fits the tone of this version of Gotham so well. I love text heavy comics, but it probably isn't for everyone though, but It does have plenty of action in the first act to balance this. I'm really lookinf forward to the next chapter and have high hope that it's going to be a great story in the end.

This issue is pretty heavy in story content. We see Napier's plan to push Batman to its moral coffin and Batman himself puts the nails into it. At issue #3, I still find it hard to believe the people and allies turning on the Dark Knight so quickly, but seeing his actions leading to *spoiler*'s death, we can see how much more brutal and dark Murphy's version a Batman is. Seeing how he takes the whole mythos and timeline and spins it around on its head is also both great and confusing (in a good way...weird, i know) and the references to differents other versions of Batman, both in comic books and movies, is really a hommage in itself to the character. The series is coming more and more together and starts to look like what I expected from the start.

I can say I'm on board with the series after the first issue. It's gorgeous to look at and has great action. It sure was short, but with all the splash pages, they did made the most of it. It's a real treat to look at and this new DC initiative with the 2.99 monthly issues is great to explore new things. Talents are there to back it up too. Sure, you could stop to comparison with the Hulk and with the not so original story, but honestly, is there so much original characters and storyline in the comic book world nowaday? Just enjoy and don't overthink it, it really fun and that's what comics should be about sometimes.

The fun and crazy ride continues in issue #4. This one feels a bit like the weakest one though, even if not by much. The amount of material, cameos, story elements and characters the reader has to ingest is just insane at this point! It is an hard-to-follow event, but that's not the point. It's just mindless fun and overall crazyness, but it does feel heavy and meaningful at certain points. That's where I get a bit more trouble enjoying it completely. It tries to expose serious, world altering concept, but also makes fun of it. It's a confusing read and that push the readers back. The good thing is that it excels at pulling them back in quickly and breaking out key moments and cliffhangers that leaves us wanting for more everytime. The amount of obstacles put in the heroes' way is starting to feel unsurmountable and it's hard to believe they can wrap things up is just two issues. Still, a great event, a fun story with a load of unexpected turns and a damn fine piece of comic visually speaking.

As much as the whole event was great and fresh when it was at its peak, it now feels like the long run isn't doing any service to the story. It looks like Snyder wanted to feature every single character of the DC universe in it and now realizes that it happened, but while putting the sotry progression on the back burner with only one issue left. I find it hard to imagine how all of this will be resolved in one single issue and I fear it will ultimately fall flat just like other events in the comic book world. This being said, it's stil a good book. The art is gorgeous and Capullo is firing on all cylinders and feels at home in the grotesque and absurd. It's also much more frantic and fast paced than #4 which was very text heavy. With the news about Snyder doing the JL soon, it's a nice preview of what he could do to put some life back into a series that is dying the the minutes. The finale better be as epic as advertise because there is a LOT of work to be done for the Justice League!

This being my first Detective Comics, it's hard to judge based on the past material, but this issue is interesting enough to make me want to come back for more. The art is top notch and the story is well written for newcomers not to be lost. Yes, a lot of stuff happened, but nothing overwhelming for now. Back in two weeks to see if they can keep on this momentum.

Correcting Tim Drake's story feels like a natural thing to do. It fits the characters so much more than his New 52 backstory and this issue is lifted much higher than it should because of that. It's mostly a set up for a big encounter between Oz and the other major DC characters at the same time as Superman. This is paving the way for Doomsday Clock beautifully and it both ACtion and Detective Comics are complementing each other right now. A bit light on action though and requires a lot of "back knowledge". Defitinely a must read for the impact it has on the whole DC Universe.

There are a couple of things that made little sense overall, but it was a very compelling story nontheless. The reuniting of Tim and Stephanie felt genuine and true, which is a long time coming and felt delayed because of the last story with future Tim. The whole fear of the "batman army" is a bit forced and the victim syndicate does not feel so theartening yet, but I'll leave an issue of two to make my mind about that for real. The tension between Tim and Kate can be felt though their discussion even with all the effort from Tim for it not to happen. This is a good story worth following for fans.

This was a good issue, full of threats and turmoil. Tim is finally called out on his bullshit and Batman takes the lead for the first time in a while in Detective. The victims syndicate shows the world its masterplan and poor Basil hits rock bottom. It's a LOT of event in a single issue, but it works very well without being clogged up with text and action. The Batman sure look like they're about to fall. The art is nice but the colors look a bit bland. Good enough read and entertaining,

I haven't read a Flash book lately and thought an annual would be a good starting point, but it seems I was wrong this time. While the story can be understood easily without any prior knowledge of the character, a lot of details are not clear and hard to follow (How many flashes can there be???). Despite this, the connection between the 3 main protagonists is well established. The story is well made and eady to follow and the art is very detailed and not confusing even in the most action packed sequences. What bugs me though, is that the conflict that seems to spark the much advertised "flash War" is defused so quickly and easily that the "prelude" part of it all is almost far-fetched. In the end, it's still a good Wally West story with enough to keep the reader interested.

This is a slower paced issue, despite the first couple pages being all action. It gets stale fast though with dialogue heavy scenes and set-ups for more drama. We get to finally see what we bacisally assumed would happened since the beginning as far as the relations between the 3 protagists goes. The build up was kind of missed on that aspect since it was very abvious from the start. The art is a bit uneven too (big heads much?). Still a pretty solid series but it's time for it to take off for real.

Good read, nice art, interesting piece of the whole Metal puzzle. Just like Gotham Resistance, the story if enjoyable despite not being essential to the Metal storyline. I just hoped the next tie-in can end on a less bleaker note than the 3 first parts of the arc, because hope is in very short supply until now!

The League gets down and dirty with their respective counter-Bruce, and things get ugly. Overall, it's a big setup for the next issues. The writing is okay, but not on par with the stellar one shots in the events. The art is good, but not jaw dropping. It's a breeze to read through and makes the fact that it's released every week a nice thing. I'm looking forward to see how Green Lantern's fight will be different and where this all leads.

Pick it up for the art, read it for the reveals, but not the dialogues. It is basically a Marvel DC Rebirth. Some have said it's a publicity for their next year's comics, and it's hard to argue with them. Still, even knowing that, I can't wait for what's next! Getting me excited is easy, but I feel it's the right time to like comics right now. An Epic narrative is coming and it will all fall into place in time, but the way has been opened and Marvel just need to walk it down...which could still be something they fail if they stray too far after promising so much.

A nice comic overall with a very "The Darkness-y" hero, with added PTSD focused bit. The art is crisp and precise which make the reading very pleasant visually. Some panels are a bit confusing toward the middle of the story and hte multiple persons is Rory's head is a hard thing to grasp at first. Still, good enough to make me interested is the mini series and the cliffhanger ending makes me want to know more.

I will never say enough how much of a Sejic fan I am. The story could be just any stupid, non cohesive and bad garbage that I'll still be in awe before the art and not care about any single line of text. This being said, it's not the case here. Yes, Poison Ivy is a bit useless and more of a gimmick for Quinn's presence in all this, but the story still progresses enough. It's time we witness the plan of The Batman Who Laughs though. Once again, the art, the coloring, the facial expressions, just this makes this comics to be part of your collection. I love Aquaman, but I wish Sejic works on other things too. Hell, I'd even start reading Suicide Squad regularly if he worked on it!

Better than the last by a huge margin. The first issue of this arc was struggling to find a pace and keep the story interesting, but the second corrects a good deal of those mitakes while still being lacking where it counts. Once again, I can't help but feel like the story wants to be bigger than it actually is. The freaking past has changed and Krypton survived, butwhy does it not move anyt hing inside of me? Probably because they found a way to erase everything again with some more of less explained gimmick like they always do. I'm starting to lose hope in AC and I hope they will correct it course soon.

This is a satisfying ending of a very uneven story arc, but I hoped for more. Once again, Sejic delivers in depicting detailed, realistic faces with astoundingly well made emotions. This truly is the best looking DC series only because of him. The Mera arc is very underwhelming though as she pretty is just a damsel in distress at this point, which is a total shame as she should be so much more with previous issues showing her the one who should save the day. In the meantime, Dolphin became a very compelling character and a great help for Arthur. Rath also fall short of being a truly menacing villain. Let's see where the next arc takes us with a new artist and with the revolution storming Atlantis.

One of my greatest letdown in comic this years is seeing Sejic being replaced as the artist for Aquaman. I must say A LOT of flaws in the story went completely over my head just be being one of the most beautifull piece of art in my collection. That being said, Federici isn't so bad either. His style is definitely different than Sejic's and I had trouble connecting with the character as much as with the last arc, but it is still one of the most stunning piece of comic visually speaking. On the story side of things, it is the textbook definition of a slow burn. Being underwater, it does not feel like it's out of place though, but I'm starting to think we'll never see the end of it. It's too bad because it could so much more, but as at the same time, it's just perfect the way it is, just not in line with what I'm looking for as a reader. I encourage people to look into it and make their own conclusion though as the qualities are far superior than the flaws.

I thought it was a good first issue and I like the narrator's approach as an monologue to himself. The day shift thing is great too as it makes a different type of relation with Batman. He just can't come in and save the day like he does way too much in Detective Comics. The most annoying thing though is the fact that Duke does not control his metahuman powers and I feel like Batman would not send someone to save Gotham on his own without him being in complete control. The visual was good and colorful and the intrigue is just good enough for me to be curious about what's next. While it's not as good as I thought it would be, it's still a cool issue and the 3-parts format makes it easy to just go ahead and try it whether you're a skeptic or not.

Like the first issue, maybe I expected more yet again. It's not that it's a bad story and the art is truly magnificent, but it all feels a bit disjointed and lacking direction. I don't mind dialogue, but it is sometime too much "in your face" and takes the reader by the hand uselessly instead of letting them figure things out a bit. Easter eggs and references are nice, but with too much explanations, they tend to lose their impact. The ending also left me confused about the endgame of Napier and felt like it was used only to showcase the most villain as possible. I loved the Harley twist though, gave a nice homage to the classic version of the character. I'M still interested in the series and I like the overall thing, it is simply not as good as I expected for now.

A bit cut short (Surprise! Batman's here!), but still places some pawn for a greater story to come. Clayface's backstory it truly good and dramatic and Spoiler's cynicism builds up to make us wonder how she will react to Tim's being alive. Not a must read, but a good read

Let's get this out the way, this cover is ugly as hell! Now, for the actual book, it's ok...The visual is detailed, but the faces do not show the right emotions in my opinion. A driven, intense Tim looks like he's having casual fun at a backyard party and a betrayed, almost heartbroken Stephanie looks like she had a minor disagreement with her best friend. The story does not progress much and little is revealed about the villains. The whole Clayface arc is overdue for a conclusion at this point as they rethread the same ground over and over. With an issue every two weeks, one can expect is weaker one here and there, no sweat folks!

I'm not entirely sure if it's a good point if the first thing I told myself when finishing it was : "that's it?". The whole issue reads like an intro to something we already saw in the3 last pages of Metal #4. It does bring at bit of context and background, but nothing feels essential to the story. It does not explain anything and the bulk of the text is told as a narrator standpoint, which makes the characters look more like accessories than actors in the course of events. I must say I had bigger hopes for it after the excellent Batman Lost and knowing Lemire was writing it. The art was kickass though and while it did not feel essential, it was still a good read, just not a 3.99 good read.

"An unlikely hero saves the day". As much as this caption seems overused and corny in pretty much every media, it's still nice to have underdogs being in the spotlight and it defines very well the last issue of this arc. At times predictable and cliched and other times well balanced amd almost cheer enducing. It is also visually stunning and for once, the Justice League ends up having the upper hand. The Raven/Cyborg relation felt a bit out of place and made you wonder what were the dark knights doing while the JL threw banters at those two hugging in the middle of a fight, but hey, it's comics world, everything is possible! An overall good arc while not essential.

The confusing side of the story is still there in this second issue, but I'm starting to think it's the basis of this character I did not know before. It's ot always clear who's speaking and what is the role of all the characters we're seeing, but the art is go great that it compensate for a part of this. Being a limited 6-issue series, I'll probably keep them in my pull list to see where is goes, but I'm not sure I'd stay if it was on ongoing. Still a good read, but not essential.

Definitely the best issue yet with lots of action and revelations. A new mysterious character makes his debut also and it's not yet clear what his intentions are. Rory looks more and more in control of his abilities and a nice cameo peppers the whole thing, making it clearer in the universe this all takes place. A cool little series that will probably be over in time before it loses its momentum. The 2.99 price point is nice and you can keep on buying them if you started it already, but you could easily wait for the trade and be satifsfied. No necessary story element to make it imprative to follow week to week.

A interesting first issue overall, with a good balance of action and context. The story is not the most original as a LOT a movies and comics have treaded the ground of the retired assassin turned family woman/man whose past comes back to haunt her/him. Its connection to the events in Metal are literally non existing so it's a warning for those expecting it as shown on the cover. Honor's metahuman power is cool, but I doubt it can be sustainable in the long run and looks like an idea that is great in a production meeting, but not for an ongoing series on the long run. Luckily, her overall assassin's skills amd badassness more than compensate for the gimmicky power. I'm curious about what's next for the upcoming issues and this first one does a good job at keeping my interest high enough to care for now.

Lots of story elements, revelations, action and character developement, but it all feels like its missing heart. The story hardly justifies all the trouble Oz went though since the new 52 to place all of his pawns into place. All this for...having Superman and his family leave earth with him to be happy? I don't know, I'm not buying it. A great masterplan for so little. Here's hoping everything is cleared up soon as Oz talk the talk, but doesn't walk it so much. The art is ok, but not great. I was expecting a bit more from this Arc, but there are still enough issues left to redeem it all.

It's a fun issue overall with action and (once again) gorgeous art by Sejic, but for an arc finale, it feels like nothing is resolved. Almost every important thing or "mysteries" built up during the arc is left with no resolution, only more questions. What's next looks like it's going to change a lot of dynamics in the story, but I can't help but feel like they teased us and they filled things up to start something greater. A good read, but not up to par with the previous issues.

While many seem to see the change of artist for every issue as a weakness, I tend to see it as a way to keep the experience fresh. Sure, it felt weird at first, but for an avid reader who likes to see as many talents as possible, it's a nice showcase. The problem is the fact that when a stellar artist is followed by a less skilled one, it does show. This month's issue falls a bit into that category. While the story keeps going forward and many details of Xavier's plan are laid out, some visual hiccups can bug the reader. Gambit looks like they made an actor's change for example. Small details, but still. I wonder how Soule will be able to close every story loop left opened by all the events.

While being enjoyable, it also is very skippable. Some stories are like put together just to have more of them, but some a really great. It's also a great showcase for some talents and a way to discover characters you might not be too familiar with.The highlights are the Deathstoke story which is fun, the Batman/Wonder Woman story that is hopeful and emotional/hopeful and the Sgt. Rock story that is bleak but full of soul ans suspense. The 9.99 price tag is much too steep though, even with the number of pages and artists involved.

I'm a bit on the fence about this one. I'm not a fan of the art. Something feels...cheezy in the "cards" layout. The drawing themselves are nice, but a step down from the last Gotham Resistance. Change is good, but when it trumps consistency, I have a bit more problem with it. The writing was okay and the scenes with The Batman Who Laughs really stand out. Ferreyra truly gives him an extra creepy look, which is saying much considerng the overall creepiness of the character. It was a nice ride and it was short enough to keep my attention without overstaying abd kept its steam until the very end. Entertaining read for sure.

I feel like I'm missing something. Yes, the story feels heavy in meaning and consequences for Superman, yes, the art is adequate (I'm not a big fan, but people seem to they're nice), but it all feels forced. There are too many things going on at the same time...Jor-El, the cult, the terrorist attacks, the "menace", the family problems... It's easy to focus on a single event and feel like it's compelling, but when you take everything into account, it's a bit...much. And that's saying something when refering to Superman. Still, there is still time to redeem it if the second half if handled better.

Interesting story, interesting character with Booster Gold, the art is decent, but something feels lacking. The story does not lift you, does not bring any momentum and, despite the "hugeness" of the story (time travel, krypton, which have had huge impact on the DC universe before), it all feels small and bland. I'm not entirely sure how to describe it, but a story that could be so big on many level manages to let you "meh" at the end. Just after the Oz Effet which pretty much left the same impression, one can assume Action Comics has a lot of work to do to go back to what it once was.

I thought it was the weakest of the Batmen's origin yet. Thinking it had the potential to be the strongest is really the most disapointing aspect of it. The art is really good, the backstory is great, but for some reason, it feels like is doesn't come together very well. I finished it having the impression that I read only the introduction to the story. It adds to the mythos of the Metal storyline, but it fails at standing out and be as unique as the Red Death of The Murder Machine.

Another "meh" issue in this "meh" story arc. At least the two first ones had good art to hide the fact this story barely justifies its existence except having Fontana do it. It feels like its going nowhere and the writer does even know where it's going either.

While definitely better than the previous issues in the arc, Heart Of The Amazon still feels awkward and forced on all aspects. The writing is sometime cheesy with uninspired one-liners, sometimes thought provoking, the art is at times wonderful but other times lacking details and inconsistent. It's like their heart wasn't into it so much, or if Fontana wanted to tell something, but endend up lost and telling something else instead. All the twists fall flat and every problem are too easily resolved. That's too bad because there is a lot of potential underneath all this. Let's hope the finale brings this all together and saves the day for Diana.

Well, it's finally over! What a drag this arc was. I can say though that the last two issues redeem what was left to redeem of the story. This last one has better writing, but the art feels stiff and lifeless. I'm not a fan of those blacks that are not completely filled up either. Gives an unfinished look to it all. Anyway, the ending makes sense despite the start of the story that felt all over the place, but everything feels inconsequential. Some might say it changes Diana as far as how she sees her mission, but it's hard to really believe this is going to stick for a long time.

***spoilers in this review***All of this, everytime we saw Mr. Oz since the New 52, all of the hype around the mystery, because of a Staff? Well, more or less, but still, I hoped it wouldn't be so simplistic as "he made me do it". I know this all leads to Doomsday Clock and it will (maybe) make more sense when we get there. The pacing was better than parts 1-4 and it still is a decent comic, but it's all about expectations and this one does not even begins so reach it. It's rushed and leaves to many questions behind. The "sad old man Jor-El" scene at the end does not feel natural and left me cold and unimpressed. The art does little to redeem all of this. If it's doing one thing, it's just keeping it afloat by being decent, but not great.

Now this is a weird one. While the other Generations aimed at a more straight-to-the-point, standard approach, this one is all over the place. The art style changes from page to page, the story takes time to lift off and never really goes where it should. The whole premise is confusing and does not make much sense. We understand the struggle Marvel wants to make Riri go through and the lesson she will learn, but it is too slow paced and lacks any action we expect from an Iron Man story. As a piece of art, it shines with beautifull colors and a painted style, but is does not serve the story right. Good experimentation, but it fails at too much key point to stand out.

After 3 issues, I can safely say that this series has been one of the biggest letdown of the year. When I heard Greg Pak was back to Planet Hulk, I was sure it would be epic and just plain badass, but it's clearly not what happened. WHile the art is nice and the action sequences are decent, the story lacks consistency and looks like a chaotic patchwork of what it could be. The sense of urgency is not conveyed through the dialog nor the story's pacing and Amadeus proves to be a bland character after all. The redeeming part of it is the ending and the hope for a real epic fight after all. Too bad they had to bring in another super hero to achieve something close to what I had hoped from the start.

I'm not impressed by this whole series I must say. Maybe it just feels underwhelming because of the action packed Avengers No Surrender event running at the same time, or maybe the hype around it all was blown out of proportions by Marvel to cash in on an idea that was probably not worth as much in real that in the room when the first pitched the idea. I don't know. But ultimately, the 5 issues could have been 2 and the story wouldn't have suffered much for it. The fact that one of the most powerful, power hungry force in the whole universe can be talked down in a couple of sentence is laughable at best and having the whole squad of X-Men only standing there doesn't make any sense. I get it. It's Jean fight, it's an emotional return, it's a long cycle breaking and a renewal of the concept of the Phoenix/Jean Grey relationship, but something just seems smaller, weaker than it should be. The artist change is also not sticking so well and the writing is a bit poor and cheesy. I seriously hope X-Men Red will be better than this.

Not much to say about this. I finished it for the sake of it, but it never really caught my attention. Not worth it overall. Some nice wacky art here and there, but really fails to capture the essence of Deadpool and to keep the story interesting. This is what you get when Marvel wants to overexpose an already overexposed character even more.

I'm really starting to lose my patience with this. I was so hyped that they revisited Sakaar and that Greg Pak was helming it, but it's just bad issues after bad issues. This acr is now too far gone to be redeemded and I keep this little hope inside of me that they won't mess up World War Hulk II this bad, but my faith is not at its highest. Waiting 6 weeks for an extra long and boring fight between Cho and Odinson is just absurd. How long is this damn gauntlet anyway? And this metaphor about how holding the wheel? It's just taking readers for dumbasses. We KNOW about the struggle the Hulk has inside, it has always been like that and was at the core and EVERY Hulk story so far. Don't overexplain it and get on with the story already. Banner must come back because Amadeus is just booooring.

Reviews for the Week of...




