Shodan's Profile

Joined: Feb 20, 2018

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) Annual #3

Dec 20, 2018

What a week for Batman with this annual and Detective #994!! This was such an enjoyable story that I just didn't want to end. I've enjoyed a lot of Tom King's run, but this was a much needed change to a Batman/Bruce you can root for. Alfred's dedication to Bruce shines through. Can't recommend this enough.

Coyotes #8

Nov 26, 2018

Going into it I wasn't aware that this would be the finale to the series, but wanted to throw a perfect 10 out there because of how great this issue was. I cannot wait to see more of Caitlin Yarsky's work.

Black Bolt #11

Mar 20, 2018

Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward have created a beautiful comic and a truly-terrifying villain in the Jailer. I love the art; it's so different from any other superhero comic out there and it meshes so well with the characters. I feel like this can't be the penultimate issue in the series as there's so much more I want to see that can't possibly be covered in issue #12. More Ahura and Black Bolt, more Black Bolt's childhood, more Titania and Crusher, more Blinky (never thought I'd be saying that). Great series and another great issue.

Black Bolt #12

Apr 6, 2018

A fitting end to an amazing series. Christian Ward's self described "weird" art was absolutely perfect for Black Bolt and the journey that Saladin Ahmed has taken us on. Should make for a great trade - i've already gotten all 12 issues out and am waiting for a quiet night to read through them in succession. Definitely a home run from Marvel and they should be given credit for thinking outside the box on this one with a very unconventional creative team.

Detective Comics (2016) #994

Dec 16, 2018

As someone who dropped Detective a while back after the League of Shadows arc and Tom King's Batman after Lee Weeks' on a Mr Freeze arc I am so happy to have picked this up! The setup is just so perfect and Mahnke's art is gorgeous. If you're looking for a Batman book, this is it.

Die #1

Dec 6, 2018

It took a 2nd read to really get the characters all straightened out, but what an intro. Definitely recommend reading slowly and taking in Stephanie Hans art, the "game" world looks fantastic. The pacing is great, seamlessly covering 25 years. If this was considered an oversized issue i'd almost want to get this every two months as not sure with the art style I won't feel a little cheated by a shorter issue.

Domino (2018) Annual #1

Oct 3, 2018

A cover that actually represents what/who will be in the actual story! Love it and also happy that Greg Land won't be doing covers for Domino going forward, they just didn't match the tone of the series in my mind and probably even scared off a lot of readers who would have otherwise gravitated towards a Gail Simone written Domino series A great first meeting with Outlaw with a Mad Max style Sentinel Villain. The Cable story was gritty and well drawn. I wasn't aware Colossus and Domino were a thing, but definitely want to see more in the future of those two. Thought about dropping this and trade waiting going forward, but this Annual sold me to keep this on my Pull List. Go Gail Go.

Doomsday Clock #4

Apr 3, 2018

I feel like we're getting a second chance to say I read Watchmen in single issues with Doomsday Clock! The story and the art are top notch and although it's going to a looong time before we get through this series the wait is going to be worth it. Even the back matter of Mothman's letters to his sister were fantastic.

Gideon Falls #1

Mar 14, 2018

One of my most anticipated comics of the year so far, Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino were so great on Old Man Logan together. I love Sorrentino's style so much, while it doesn't fit for everything, his panel layouts and skill at making motion out of still images is incredible and a good fit for this (and was a perfect fit for Old Man Logan). I really got hooked by the story, it could have just been Norton digging through trash and talking with his doctor and that would have been enough, but throw in some potential Catholic Church intrigue and you've got an amazing first issue. The only reason i didn't give it a 10 was Sorrentino's art can be so scratchy at times I didn't know what i was looking at (Norton's jacket maybe?). If you read comic book reviews I can't imagine you're not getting this book.

Gideon Falls #3

May 18, 2018

This is the most anticipated series in my pull list along with Death Bed. I am starting to feel the pacing drag it down a little, but it's more because Lemire and Sorrentino have created a really fascinating beginning and I'm getting greedy to want more story each month. Norton's traps were gold, and I found myself smiling when he told Dr. Xi to watch her step. We're also starting to get more info on Gideon Falls and fleshing that creepy town out with a disturbing cast of characters. Love the back and forth between storylines.

Gideon Falls #5

Aug 2, 2018

I absolutely love this series, even with the somewhat slow pacing you get so much great character development and amazing cliffhangers. Tough to wait on this monthly. Lemire/Sorrentino are gold together.

Gideon Falls #8

Nov 27, 2018

I genuinely feel despair for Norton locked up in an institution. Such a well written character. Some really fun plot twists and we finally see some threads between Father Fred and Norton's stories. I actually dropped this after issue 6 to trade wait Vol. 2 and couldn't help myself so i'm back, don't think I could wait for the trade.

Saga #49

Mar 2, 2018

This will be the arc where Saga loses it's magic, no way Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples can keep this as interesting and beautiful as it's been for the past 48 issues.......... Nope, this issue is amazing. The use of the Robot's monitors has been brilliant and it's perfection in this issue...and that ending! The only downside is between arcs I typically forget where we are and have to go back a few issues to refresh my memory.....nevermind, more Saga is always a good thing

Saga #50

Apr 1, 2018

If you want to make the person sitting next to you on the train really uncomfortable, read Saga in public, if not maybe wait till you get home. Thankfully i've learned that lesson many times over. This was a surprisingly low-key for a #50th issue, but I think Hazel made that point in the book, important things rarely happen on an anniversary or some specific date. The big two should heed that advice and stop shoehorning creators to have to do something big on a milestone number issue, the books preceding it usually suffer. Anyway, a lot of setup in this issue, juggling several different character arcs. We all know Prince Robot's plan to put this all behind him with a new identity for his family will blowup. I am starting to feel really bad about the Will, the guy needs a win. I'd say i'm most unclear about where Alana, Marko, and Hazel go from here. I used to read the series in trade, but got too impatient. Saga in single issues always leaves you wanting to read more of the story immediately after the issue is done.

Saga #52

Jun 3, 2018

Had to rush to the keyboard after this one. I've given plenty of issues 10s in the past, but I think Saga is the only one that is already a ten on the first couple pages. "Pedrigor...that isn't even close my name" had me laughing. It's amazing how you can share in the joy of these characters and be fearful of the next tragedy that's always just a few pages away. Saga is hands down the best thing on my pull list. Also, don't skip on the letters pages - Saga affects it's fans in many ways.

Saga #54

Aug 2, 2018

I read this at about 6:30 in the morning before starting my day, big mistake. I'm usually about a week behind and every time I pick this up and mention how heartbreaking the previous issue was the people at my LCS are always saying "oh just wait till you read this one" Even with the expectation that we're going to lose some of our favorite characters the sting is still there which i think speaks to the writing and the art. Saga - I love and hate you, see you next year!

Thanos (2016) #16

Mar 20, 2018

I was sold on Donny Cates' run within the first few pages of issue 13 after Thanos conquers the Chitauri. This creative team hasn't taken their foot off the gas since. The series is just a ton of fun and the back story to the Cosmic Rider is a blast. I'm glad to see so many of these issues going to 2nd and 3rd printing, and i'd like to think it has so much more to do with Cates and Shaw than the Infinity War movie. I may actually have to buy a Venom comic (shudders) with Cates writing it.

Venom (2018) #1

May 11, 2018

As Thanos' wrapped up I thought to myself no way I can't see what Donny Cates is going to do with Venom. While the 12 yr old 90s kid in me loves Venom - he's not all that interesting, just damn cool looking. This is almost a horror book and a super cool take on Eddie Brock and the Symbiote. Seems like a mini to me and think it will be a great contained series. Oh yeah Stegman's art is fantastic - the initial intro of classic Venom is amazing.

Venom (2018) #8

Nov 27, 2018

I was a little worried Venom wouldn't hold up without Ryan Stegman, but definitely not the case. The plot and dialogue are great; I really enjoyed Eddie struggling with Flash being the better symbiote host. I've always liked the Maker and it's fun to see him in this book and that cliffhanger..... really great stuff.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #797

Mar 12, 2018

I haven't bought a Spider-Man comic since Reign so it's been a long time. When I heard Slott's run was finally coming to an end I decided to pull this final arc. While I know critically more than a few people are done with Slott on Spider-Man I can't besmirch the guy who wrote Silver Surfer, that book is on another level and should be read by everyone. Anyway, i'm glad this is my 1st issue back, I loved it. First off "Go Down Swinging" is a great name for a finale arc. Super creepy Norman Osborn even more over the top and bat-sh*t crazy which is how it should be. Love the way Immonen draws Norman, Spider-Man, Robbie......well everyone, his art is incredible. I usually don't comment on colors cause I have no idea what i'm talking about, but the colors in this issue are spectacular. Story wise it was easy to follow even as a new reader and made me want to go back a few issues to read more about Ben Urich's son. The stakes are incredibly high and Slott doesn't shy away from more than a few shocking moments. I give it a 9, happy I'm onboard.

Extermination (2018) #1

Aug 21, 2018

Bombarded by so many Extermination. So I did, and it was a good decision! I've been listening to a lot of Jay and Miles Xplain the X-Men lately and reading Astonishing by Joss Whedon and New X-Men by Grant Morrison so wanted to jump in with this new event. Starts off like classic X-Men doing what the X-Men do best; save mutants from angry mobs. From there I found the story compelling and really dug the art. Happy to have an X book for a while that may lead to some new readership, myself included.

Extermination (2018) #5

Dec 31, 2018

Worth the wait - my first X-Men event collected in singles and glad I stuck with it. Feels like a passing of the torch/end of an era of the Bendis' run. Don't think i'll be adding any new X-Titles to my pull list, but will definitely keep up in other ways.

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) Annual #1

Jun 26, 2018

I was going to drop Two-In-One after the last arc , but stuck around for the annual. Really glad I did. Not familiar with Declan Shalvey, but I really liked his Doom and felt Zdarsky wrote the hell out of our favorite Latverian ruler. Good to see he'll remain cosmically entangled with Reed for all time! Why didn't Chip Zdarsky get the official FF return? (in my mind this counts!)

Outer Darkness #1

Nov 27, 2018

The back matter mentions what John Layman was trying to do with this series and I think he's nailed it. The art is a little cartoon networkish, but I have a feeling it will grow on me. I would have liked to see Rigg a little more grizzled; he's clearly older "I've been doing this since you were blanking on your mom's blank cliche" and a heavy drinker. CLiche main character aside the horror elements work so well, from the first encounter with spirits to the God Engine there is so much potential here. I can see a slow burn long form plot with one-shot missions along the way.

X-23 (2018) #2

Aug 26, 2018

The Cuckoos are the driving force for me in this series so far. They're super creepy and Juann Cabal's art is amazing.

Deathbed #1

Feb 21, 2018

An intriguing first issue with a fun premise. I couldn’t help but think of Antonio Luna as the Most Interesting Man in the World from Dos Equis Fame. The art is fantastic, Riley Rossmo has created a weird and creepy atmosphere to the story. The intro to Val was great, but later panels of her weren’t nearly as detailed as the first (in a lot of panels it looks like she has an old lady bun). Get ready for some full frontal flopping action later in the book (a utility belt, but no underwear?). I haven't read any of Joshua Williamson's work outside of Flash so I didn't know how out there this book would be. Will be picking up #2

Deathbed #2

Mar 26, 2018

What a ride! The pace of this issue is incredible as we follow the trail of bodies for everyone involved in Antonio Luna's crazy life. Rossmo's art is amazing with some spectacular panel layouts and montages. While the issue really focuses on Luna, Val really comes to life as she calls out our main character for being a self centered egomaniac. Rossmo's double page recap of Luna and Margaret Mars escapades is brilliant. I absolutely loved this issue, got completely lost in it's pages (except for the Impractical Jokers ad; middle aged white guys pulling pranks, is this a real show?!?). Anyway, Stellar second issue

Deathbed #4

May 18, 2018

Antonio Luna is starting to doubt his own memories and it makes for a really compelling issue. As he relives moments from his past could it be that he's a fraud? We also get Val taking stock of her life and becoming more than just a passive observer to Luna's tale. I continue to love this series - the creative team is top notch, the locations are always unique and trippy, the characters have this great quality to them. Can't say enough about Rossmo's art. I'm excited to read this all in one sitting when it's completed.

Deathbed #5

Jul 11, 2018

Maybe they mixed up the cover for #6 because Luna fighting a werewolf in space isn't in this issue (foreshadowing be damned - it was on the cover!) That aside I love these characters and enjoyed the ride back to where Antonio was born. Rossmo's art is busy yet somehow extremely easy to follow. Another great issue.

Catwoman (2018) #1

Jul 25, 2018

First things first, getting the cover out of the way. Blech....really , Selina holding Batman #50, regardless of what you thought of the wedding is just downright awful. But don't judge a book by it's cover! Joelle Jones is amazing, no idea how she manages to craft an amazing story and do the art. Laura Allred's colors are great and the art is perfect (the Batman issues Joelle drew with Talia Al Ghul are some of my favorite of Tom King's run). Great start to a series - loved the villain and the cliffhanger. No doubt a lot of people will be dropping Batman....hopefully if so they're all picking up this.

Catwoman (2018) #3

Oct 2, 2018

The art is a 10, but i'm currently reading other series where the plot is crawling along at a glacial pace (X-23 and Plastic Man) and it's starting to get to me. I'm not looking for Claremont level of dialogue, but a little more story progression would go a long way for us who still like to buy single issues.

Catwoman (2018) #4

Oct 15, 2018

My favorite issue so far. I've read that the flashbacks are a rehashing of Ed Brubaker's run on Catwoman, but as someone who hasn't read it this was just amazing (and makes me want to read that run). Really ups the stakes between Selina and the antagonist Creel who is now messing with her sister. Dropped Batman after Lee Weeks Mr. Freeze arc, but glad to still have Catwoman in my life.

Catwoman (2018) #5

Nov 24, 2018

Joelle Jones is amazing and this book could probably exist without dialogue and still be worth coming back to every week. Reina Creel is a great villain and her stone cold killing of her husband was bone chilling. Catwoman is always a breezy read, but that speaks to the narrative pacing and the art more than minimal content. Hope this is a long run, but I imagine writing and drawing your own book monthly is grueling and can only go on for a short time.

Eternity Girl #2

May 10, 2018

This series is so incredibly depressing, it's fantastic. I love the premise of Caroline needing to destroy the entire universe to kill herself. And the bleeding of this into her day-to-day life as she confronts her boss is amazing. Agree with the other reviewer on the comedy routine, was that actually supposed to be funny? Not reading any other Young Animal books so can't comment on where it fits in terms of other series, but i highly recommend it.

Eternity Girl #4

Jun 20, 2018

I was a little disappointed at first after the cliffhanger ending of #3, but I went back and read the issue again and it really is fantastic. The entire premise of the book - Caroline needing to end all of existence to end her own is fascinating and #4 explores that even further. Looking forward to the last two issues of the series.

Eternity Girl #6

Aug 25, 2018

A fitting finale that I think will leave everyone satisfied. The showcasing of choice through all the panels featuring Dani were really spectacular. And a happy ending to a series about having to destroy the entire universe to end your own existence.....loved that! Looking forward to reading through all 6 issues again in one go. Sonny Liew showed incredible versatility throughout this series, I will be on the lookout for anything he draws next.

Justice League: Odyssey #1

Oct 1, 2018

Besides Azrael, loving the team and with Stjepan's art this is a great first issue. No Justice felt like a dud to me, but hopefully Odyssey coming out of it will be it's saving grace.

Justice League: Odyssey #2

Nov 5, 2018

Cosmic DC hasn't really been my thing - but with Stjepan on art I will continue getting this book until he's no longer drawing it. Jessica Cruz and Starfire look amazing and that panel of Darkseid and Cyborg squaring off is so cool.. Enough about the art though - I do like this team, really interesting pairings. I have no previous knowledge of Azrael so whether or not this is within character I can't say. I am excited for Darkseid to eventually betray everyone, but for now down for the ride. Tying into the release of all the worlds in No Justice was a nice touch - this book is turning out to be a lot better than that event.

Rat Queens (2017) #8

Mar 2, 2018

The second go round of the Rat Queens is really hitting it's stride with this latest arc. I'm loving the story and the decision to have Betty be the only one who knows something is amiss is a great choice. The opening pages of Hannah and Sawyer going to the prison are absolutely beautiful followed by the bright and fun art I expect from the Rat Queens. Where this story goes from here is very unpredictable and can't wait for the story to continue.

Rat Queens (2017) #10

Jul 27, 2018

A satisfying end to this arc, although it's been hard to follow on a month-to-month basis. Rat Queens goes X-Men on us and splits the timeline for the big reveal, something I didn't see coming and really enjoyed. Most of the art in this issue is fantastic - Gieni's style really fits the medieval/fantasy setting of Rat Queens. The flashbacks though really took me out of the story, and on an issue of this magnitude found the art change jarring. Some have pointed out online the lack of humor (aside from Betty's biggest regret not eating the extra slice of meat pie!), but this storyline was set up as more serious almost from the beginning. Rat Queens cyberpunk is next, I'd rather see more one-shots (Gary!).

Rat Queens (2017) #11

Sep 25, 2018

A Colossal Magic Nothing was an amazing story arc tying the end of the 1st volume (3rd trade) and the new series. I'm glad we're going to get a more classic storyline line as most of the Queens and a new/old character (a former Queen Sadie...not sure I remember her or if she's a brand new character) travel on a quest to reclaim some lands from the usual baddies (Orcs, Trolls, Gobbos etc) and look for Orc Dave's son. This leaves Dee to follow the thread of tracking down the Evil Hannah. My thinking is we'll get a lot of back and forth action between the two plot threads in the coming month's issues. Owen Gieni's art is great - especially the last few pages as Vi faces off against a mind controlled Braga, however I didn't especially like how Dee was drawn in the issue. Not a lot of buzz with this series, but it's still solid and old fans should really come back.

The Terrifics #1

Mar 3, 2018

I picked up this #1 solely on the basis of the creative team. My thought process being I know nothing about these characters, haven't followed Metal since the preludes and the first issue, but if Lemire and Reis are doing the book I'm in. I'm glad I picked it up! No hand holding here, right into the action without overly exposition heavy introductions of the characters. I liked that, i feel we'll meet them all more in depth later on. Plastic Man is the MVP in terms of fun. At 2.99 i'll definitely be along for the first arc and see where we go from there.

The Terrifics #4

Jun 4, 2018

The Terrifics hit their stride and I'm glad I stayed on the book. The team starts to feel like a team with some genuine character moments and the book finally has a real sense of humor. And Doc Shaner's art is so perfect for this team, love his Metamorpho. Not sure how long he'll be staying on, but hoping through an entire arc.

The Terrifics #6

Aug 2, 2018

Wasn't happy to see Doc Shaner have such a short run here, but the art in issue 6 kept pace with Shaner's previous issues. Lemire has done an excellent job creating a true team dynamic in a short span of time and you really root for these characters as a team. I get the sense at this point in the series even without the "we have to stay together or we'll explode" Mguffin these characters would stick together.

The Terrifics #11

Jan 16, 2019

The Terrifics is one of those books I almost forget is on my pulllist but is a far more enjoyable than my other team books (FF and Justice League Odyssey). Loved the Capullo esque art and every individual team members arc was an enjoyable read. Excited to see the team back together on their own terms in the next few issues.

Blackwood #3

Aug 2, 2018

Blackwood is weird and gross and terrific. With only one issue left and so many loose ends hopefully we go back to this school at a future date. I really like the Phish's art and colors, the book feel unique in my stack and has been a joy to read. It also has great non-cringy teen dialogue, not something easy to do i'm sure.

Domino (2018) #5

Aug 17, 2018

I get my Gail Simone fix from this and Plastic Man, both great series. The opening arc benefits from having some great villains. I loved Prototype's intro last issue of suffering for all of Domino's luck powers and the reveal that he's also critically hurt when Topaz' father is hurt left us with a good cliffhanger. Neena's crush on Shang Chi continues to be a lot fun. I didn't find the art change jarring at all, Michael Shelfer did a good job emulating David Baldeon's style although i hope David will be back soon.

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1955: Burning Season #1

Feb 23, 2018

I really enjoyed the setting of this story as we all know Florida has some deep dark history. The story has great pacing and was a fun read. The art didn't blow me away like the Krampus One-Shot last Christmas, but overall a good one and done.

Black Panther (2016) Annual #1

Mar 5, 2018

I was really surprised at the direction of these 3 stories. Fans who saw the movie will know a little about the Dora Milaje and the Hatut Zeraze, but these stories were not so much for a new reader or someone who just saw the movie as much as people who are more well versed in Black Panther's history. That being said all three stories made me want to go back and read more from each author and check out Ta-Nehisi Coate's more recent run (I had dropped off after his first arc). If the purpose of this Annual was to say "Black Panther has some great stories that have already been told by some amazing authors, go check them out" then it succeeded.

Isola #1

Apr 5, 2018

Gorgeous art with a very clean panel layout. The backgrounds and setting are beautiful and there is a great sense of action and movement in the panels. For a #1 issue though the plot was pretty thin. When setting up some world building I think it would make sense to have done some opening dialogue or prose or even mid issue explanation to give the world more depth. I'm thinking of Monstress or Seven to Eternity. Any comic that has a map of the world you would think would give the readers more to sink their teeth into. Instead we get a preview of the next issue with no dialogue - if you aren't already taken in by the art i'm not sure why you'd want to see a few more panels!! Hopefully later issues include some backmatter or foreward world building. If the story continues at a slow pace I may wait for the trade, but there is definitely enough here to read #2.

X-Men: Grand Design: Second Genesis #1

Aug 2, 2018

I've been listening to Rachel and Miles explain the X-Men recently (from the beginning!) and i must say this is such a great companion piece to that. On it's own i agree it loses a lot of the emotional resonance of what makes stories like The Dark Phoenix Saga so great, but along with the podcast and the amazing presentation of Grand Design I highly recommend it to continuity nerds out there.

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #4

Mar 27, 2018

Hey Buddy, ya know who I am? Yeah you're the #$!#@$ that wrecked my car nine years ago!! That had me laughing(and nothing makes you feel more like the 40 yr old virgin than laughing out loud at superhero comics!) Really fun issue. After the 1st two issues I was disappointed to see Jim Cheung leave the book, but Valerio Schiti's art is so great for this comic. Loved the multiverse cameos of She-Hulk and Wolverine, great character designs for everyone in this book including GalacDoom (Doomactus?) My only gripe with this book is Rachna, she craps all over Spider-Man and doesn't seem to care about Johnny or Ben. At this point i'm just not all that interested in her and what looks like some Mr. Freeze esque setup of her trying to save her love by all means necessary. As everyone says if you're looking for a Fantastic Four book this is it!

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #7

Jul 11, 2018

What happened to the art on this book about halfway through!! Would have rather seen a delay than this being rushed out. That being said still enjoying 2-in-1, but not sure where we go from here. With FF announced and on it's way this one may give us some great writing from Zdarsky and enjoyable one offs, but don't think it's going to add greatly to the return of FF. Hoping i'm wrong. Also, Doom is so great in this book

Plastic Man (2018) #3

Aug 17, 2018

That cover.....damn! Doesn't reflect the tone Gail has going for this series, but still very cool. Eel has been such a super likeable character these first three issues. However, i'm really not liking this kid! The way she's drawn doesn't exactly scream this is a kid who's seen a lot and can remain calm in the face of a man-bat kidnapping. Hope we see some of the Terrifics crossover into this mini for completely illogical and multiverse 4th wall breaking.

Plastic Man (2018) #5

Oct 15, 2018

A dense issue that begs the question is this really going to be wrapped up in #6? Unless it's an oversized issue i'm concerned Eel's not going to get the conclusion he deserves. Gail Simone has been knocking it out of the park so far.

Plastic Man (2018) #6

Nov 24, 2018

This final (kind of) issue of Plastic Man was a bit of a let down. The Cabal working behind the scenes never really grabbed me and I can't say even after reading it I know what their overall plot to ruin Eel even was. I really liked the build-up of Granite Janet and glad she'll be in the next mini, but it begs the question why was this a mini in the first place when a 2nd mini seems inevitable. Feels like a rush to a conclusion; if I look at it through the lens of an ongoing that will have a long hiatus I feel a little better about it.

Batman (2016) #41

Feb 23, 2018

The art and coloring are beautiful, great to see Mikel Janin draw Ivy. I had thought maybe she had made an appearance in the War of Jokes and Riddles, but I guess not. As for story not a whole lot happens in this issue, but as the start of a new arc it grabbed my attention. I was distracted by the all therugs Bruce has in his bedroom, just stacked on top of each other. Cat needs to do some redecorating!

Batman (2016) #42

Mar 20, 2018

This arc has some seriously awesome full page art. First Ivy in issue 41 and now a post-punched in the face by Superman Bruce. Both worth the cover price. I'm taking the story with a grain of salt, Ivy being so haunted by her deeds in the war of jokes and riddles is fairly weak. Cat taking out the Flashes isn't great, but I think we have to realize this is the Justice League controlled by Ivy, no way in control of their powers like their real selves. Either way, King's run has me looking forward to Batman every other week and this is no exception.

Batman (2016) #43

Mar 28, 2018

After re-reading this issue I still honestly couldn't tell you the resolution. Batman was able make Harley snap out of it long enough to convince Ivy to let everyone go? Regardless, having Ivy not have killed those people during the War of Jokes and Riddles bothered me. While Ivy's not a straight-up villain at all her character sure can handle a couple mob kills on her record. The backgrounds were gorgeous, but nothing stood out to me art-wise like it did in Janin's work on issues' #41 and #42. Even not at his best though King's Batman is still worth reading. I hope we build to a truly tragic wedding between Bat and Cat; I've enjoyed their relationship (especially the Clark/Lois dates), but am quietly routing for disaster to strike.

Batman (2016) #44

Apr 6, 2018

So fitting that Saga #50 came out with the notion that an anniversary issue is just a number. With Batman the slog is on to reach that magical #50 and it's dragging down this book. I'd love to see more one shots like we did with issue #38 "The Origin Of Bruce Wayne" The art is fantastic, but the story really isn't there. The build-up to the wedding was already done brilliantly in the SuperFriends arc. Hopefully #45-49 have either completely unrelated storylines or setup a nerve wracking scenario for the actual wedding day. Hoping things pick up, but for now when Batman shows up on my pull list it usually lays around my house for a few days before reading.

Batman (2016) #47

May 18, 2018

I like to write a review fresh after reading an issue, but honestly i'm not sure what I just read. To me this was the epitome of a filler arc and it didn't end well. Maybe i'll go back and read 45-47 and see if it's more cohesive - the art is great so it wouldn't be that bad. But as many have pointed out it seems like we're spinning our wheels until #50. On another note King's Joker story in DC Nation #0 was insane! Don't think i've ever been as creeped out by Joker as the one panel where he looks over with his yellowish eyes. Give us more of that leading up to the wedding!

Batman (2016) #50

Jul 18, 2018

"Huh?" is usually not a good reaction to such an anticipated event. I literally flipped back to make sure I understood what had just happened. I don't think the lead up was all that bad, the Joker story in DC Nation #0 where he's waiting for his invitation to the wedding at some random person's house was genuinely creepy and had me excited for how Joker would disrupt the wedding. The problem is the whole idea that a big event has to happen at exactly a milestone issue - and here it fell flat. I mentioned it before but go read Saga #50, no earth shattering moments (not till #53!!). I still enjoy Tom King and Lee Weeks and Mr. Freeze will be awesome, but man this was a letdown.

Batman (2016) #51

Aug 2, 2018

I'm sure Tom King realizes how lucky he is to work with such incredible artists during his Batman run. Annual #2 with Lee Weeks was a highlight of the series since Rebirth started and the art I'm so happy we're done with the wedding and can go back to some smaller arcs, this has the setup for some serious Bruce Wayne brooding and soul searching.

Justice League: No Justice #4

Jun 3, 2018

I only recently became familiar with Francis Manapul from the first arc of the Trinity Rebirth series, but the art here doesn't hold a candle to that. Not that it's bad by any means, but with Riley Rossmo on issue 3 and this issue it didn't all fit for me. The teams were great, the story light and fast moving. However the arc just screamed this is a comic and I'm going to treat the story and resolution as such. Also, being deprived of Starro for the near future is a tragedy!

PumpkinHead #1

Feb 28, 2018

Enjoyed this a lot more on my 2nd read, but a little too by the book horror for me to get into. The cover is super disturbing and I enjoyed the art, but not interested in moving forward with the story.

Reviews for the Week of...




